Spreading Joy


joy photoSpreading Joy – Vol. 409, April 13, 2017

It is so easy to spread some joy to the world, and in so doing you are bringing joy to yourself. How do you do this? Simple: smile at people as you go through your day. I don’t know if you ever realized this, but when you smile, the people that you encounter will smile back (in most cases). It’s an automatic response. I can’t tell you how many times people have let me go in front of them on line, just for the price of a smile.

If you are noticing that someone is having a hard day, like the cashier on the grocery line, validate it for them by saying something like, “It looks like you are having a rough day. I hope it gets better.” I have found that when I have done this, the cashier always thanks me for that validation and puts a smile on her face.

If you are out with someone who is having a hard time financially, offer to pick up their tab – it will make their day. Those few bucks are an excellent investment in you bringing joy to both of you.

If someone is quiet and shy, go up and introduce yourself to them. Make a comment that will bring a smile to their face – like a compliment of some sort, as long as it comes from your heart. You may make yourself a new friend in the process.

There are so many small things that we can do to make someone’s life joyful. It’s all about being able to empathize, being kind and sharing what we have, even if it is merely a smile. The best part is that you bring joy to yourself in the process.

190: Bringing Joy To Yourself & Others

If you want to feel joy, it helps if you spread some joy first. Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck talks about the magical power of a simple smile.

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Ending Negative Conversations

negative photo

Ending Negative Conversations – Vol. 408, April 6, 2017

Think of a time when you were having a conversation with someone who was in your face about something that had nothing to do with the person that you are currently. Perhaps it is an interaction with a sibling who is constantly bringing up embarrassing things you did when you were a child, and now it’s 40 years later, and still they are bringing these things up. Or how about that person who can’t let go of something you said, and keeps on putting it in your face, when all you want is for them to “shut up” about the whole thing, it being long done?

There are some people who just don’t know when to stop talking when these things occur. If someone is in your face about something that you feel has zero to do with who you are currently, or someone that you haven’t had communication with for a long time – the best way to handle it is to just STOP ENGAGING with them.

Think about it this way. If you have a argument with someone and you turn on your heel and walk away, who is there for them to engage with? The answer is no one. So, just stop the conversation. Sometimes it is necessary for you to say something like “It is over, let it go.” Or “There is nothing more to be said, I have moved on.” That creates a very strong boundary to let the other person know there is nothing else to be said. And, then move on with your day.

It is unfortunate that there are people in the world who feel they have the right to tell another what to do. However, the only time this is appropriate is when you have asked for the advice, suggestion, or input. If you have not, then there is no reason for another to force their ideas onto you. The one exception to this rule is if the person involved truly cares about you and feels that perhaps you are doing something that could harm you or someone else. However, you know in that case that the person has only your best interest at heart. That being said, you still have the option of taking that other person’s input or not.

189: Letting Go of Resentment

To many people in the world carry around resentment and regret. Learn how to unburden yourself, let it go and move on with your life in a productive way.



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The Simple Things In Life

scrabble photo

The Simple Things In Life – Vol. 407, March 30, 2017

Over the years I have been able to do so many fun and interesting things, all over the globe. However, it seems at least for the present time, it is the simple things that will need to bring me fulfillment. What do I mean by this? Over the past few days, I have been able to play Scrabble with someone, who is educated, yet I creamed her – both times. To be fair I received many of the letters with high points early in the game, so was at an advantage. What made this so much fun was knowing that I could create great placements for words increasing my points, and second playing with someone who just enjoyed the game as much as I did. It didn’t matter that I beat her, what mattered was that we had a great time using our minds to come up with interesting words, this according to her. In her case she had the “x” and came up with the word “moxie.” That isn’t one I see on the Scrabble board ever.

I have also gotten back to doing 1,000 piece puzzles. There is a certain person that I hang out with sometimes who loves doing puzzles. When you get a group of pieces to fit together and then find out where they fit in the larger puzzle – few things are as fulfilling as that.

It is through these two activities that I have gotten to know these two woman much better. It is through these two activities that we have shared some fun. Because, the reality is that one doesn’t need a whole lot to create a good time. It just takes doing something that you enjoy doing, with someone that you enjoy doing it with, even if that is yourself. Hell, a good book bringing you to distant times, and distant places is one of the best activities in the world. And the cost is zero if you go to the library to get the book. Go enjoy those simple things in life that bring you happiness and fulfillment.

188: Gratitude For Getting What You Ask For.

Being grateful is one of the most powerful methods to create and keep a positive mindset. Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck shares her thoughts on gratitude.



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What Are You Focusing Your Time & Energy On?

What Are You Focusing Your Time & Energy On? – Vol. 406, March 23, 2017

Today with all the negativity being broadcasts over our information media, telling us of all the horrible things that people are enduring these days from the racism to the horrific losses from the many tornados this past week throughout the country, what are you focusing your life’s energy on?

It is so easy to be overwhelmed by all this negative reportage. One gets to the point where they can’t even hear it any more, because of the repeated comments, pictures, etc. However, there are others who are highly empathic, and for them this negative news does great harm.

What is the tonic for this? Simple: turn off the news. Find something that you care about doing and go do it. Make it something that will help you and the world be a better place for your time any energy. Let go of the irrational fear mongering that our news media and our politicians love to throw at us. It is their way to get hold of our minds and make us nervous about being who we are and living our lives based on what is meaningful to us.

I implore you to go inside your own self to figure out what matters to you. If you want to take on a cause that is close to your heart – go for it, but know that you are doing it because you really care about the cause, never do these things out of fear

Photo by ankakay

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