

Setting Souls Free to Live Their Purpose, On Purpose

Reclaiming Your Practice & Your Life!

Why Your Mentally Ill Patients Remain Mentally Ill Even with All Your Loving Care



But Only if you are truly committed to helping your patients fully heal…otherwise these offers are NOT for YOU!


Sadly, you never learned how to do this because the APA did not want you to learn how to do this work – demonizing hypnotism instead of crediting it for the healings of many thousands of people thousands of years before the profession of psychology or mental health ever existed as we now understand it – PERIOD!

So, why did this occur you may ask?

Historically speaking, it is all Sigmond Freud’s doing. However, the crap that is shown as hypnotism in the movies is a mythology that too many people take as truth,unwilling to learn the truth.

Simple. He felt he was lousy at providing hypnosis and wanted to have a healing technique that he could develop attached to his name. He was aware of the need to market his services, apparently. So, the profession went from offering excellent services that provided results very quickly to long-term overly expensive services that work marginally well for most patients.

What did you not learn about your profession during all that schooling? 

Let me enlighten you:

It may shock you to realize that many of the techniques that you use today came from the “experiments” that the old-time hypnotists many of them medical doctors at the time, performed to learn how the brain processes information transforming ill health to great health.

This will take a few minutes of your time, but I believe you will find it at once fascinating and hopefully alluring to learn more about the hypnotic arts and receive training. This will enable you to effectively help your patients in their healing process, as you would desire if you were in their shoes, correct?

So let’s take a history lesson to enlighten you so you can finally give credit to those who discovered what works and why over the past few centuries, even if they did not have the technology to know how it works.

Hypnosis began millennia ago with the sleep temples of ancient Greece and Egypt where they did all the treatments, giving the patients a space to just be with no responsibilities. They used hypnotic techniques, though they did not call them that. But they used suggestions of being well.

Now we will jump to the 1700s and Frans Anton Mesmer from where the term ‘mesmerism’ comes. He discovered how to heal his patients in a group dynamic, working with suggestion, expectancy, and social modeling. He was incorrect about how the mechanism worked, but he was correct in getting results when no one else could.

James Braid during the 1800s started his experiments working with friends and employees learning to induce trance with eye fixation. He is the person who adopted the term ‘hypnosis’ from the Greek word ‘Hypnos’ meaning sleep.

Dr. James Esdaile was the master of painless surgery during the 1800s as a British surgeon. He performed surgery, including amputations on soldiers hurt during fighting at war in India. This was just before anesthesia became available. Up to this point, surgeons completed surgery, making no attempt to control pain. This would not be something anyone today would even fathom, with anesthesia being available. You can purchase the book he wrote on Amazon even for Kindle called, “Mesmerism in India: And its Practical Application in Surgery and Medicine.”

Also during the 1800s, Ambroise Liebeault was a country doctor who believed that suggestion was the key to hypnosis. He explored how the mind (in Greek, psyche) could act upon the body (soma). He is often regarded as the first mind-body practitioner to understand ‘psychosomatic’ disorders for what they were.

Dr. Hyppolyte Bernheim was a medical doctor during the 1800s who eventually became a professor of internal medicine. Bernheim could not relieve one of his patients from pain, which led to him being influenced by the success Liebeault achieved. Liebeault did it in one session. Bernheim wrote the book, which you can purchase from Amazon even as a Kindle book called “Suggestive Therapeutics.” You will find it most interesting. He influenced young physicians, including Sigmund Freud.

Dr. Pierre Janet studied medicine under Charcot. Janet applied hypnotism to treat patients with mental disorders. Janet coined the word “subconscious” in 1925. Janet, believed in two levels of the mind, over and under – under, being the subconscious mind. He explained that the subconscious mind causes people to engage in illogical and unhealthy thoughts and behaviors. Freud used these terms in his own work, but never credited Janet with them. Janet was one of the most respected psychologists, given his decades of work consistently showing how useful and legitimate hypnosis is to gain an understanding of motives and behaviors not accessible to the normal state of consciousness. He lived till the age of 88! Janet’s theories influenced Freud carrying hypnosis from the earlier hypnotists to the modern times. However, Freud’s rejection of hypnosis was a major setback to the next generations of psychologists and psychiatrists.

Sigmund Freud was not sure what type of medicine he wanted to practice after completing his medical education in 1881. He met Josef Beurer, who became a mentor and collaborator with Freud, explaining hypnotism’s many advantages. Freud had trouble hypnotizing his patients, so he went to study at the Nancy School in France with Bernheim and Liebeualt finding they had a simpler process for hypnotizing patients. However, as stated above, he felt he was lousy at hypnotizing his patients, so he gave it up. Apparently, he was a great marketer because he was determined to find a non-hypnotic way to treat his patients so he could be the originator. Freud, being Freud, felt hypnosis seemed to have sexual overtones that made him feel uncomfortable. It was because Freud rejected hypnosis that a generation of psychologists stopped using it, feeling they would seem like outcasts if they continued to include hypnotism in their healing protocols. Freud’s rejection of hypnotism caused irreversible damage to the field of psychology, even though he later expressed remorse towards the end of his life.

Dr. Milton Erickson, a psychiatrist, was the father of modern hypnotism and was a master practitioner, teacher, and innovator. He popularized the use of metaphor with stories. One story told frequently in his hypnosis training was of Dr. Erickson sending an alcoholic patient to meditate next to a huge seguaro catus and ask it why it did not need to drink. Another metaphor he used was telling another patient of his who needed to release some weight, a story about how tomatoes know exactly how much sunlight, water, and nitrogen they need to flourish and need no more. His patient did not know why he told him this story, but he did stop overeating and released the excess weight. He also developed a more permissive (maternal) manner of practicing hypnosis, whereas those before him were directive (paternal) which did not work with patients who felt overwhelmed with that approach. Erickson focused more on what hypnosis could do to help heal his patients than on entering debates regarding it.

Clark Hull’s understanding of consciousness and therefore understanding of the psychology of humans has drawn the great minds of science to study hypnosis.

Many historical luminaries surrounded the hypnotists of their day, including:

With Mesmer: Benjamin Franklin, Leopold and Wolfgang Mozart, Amadeus, Marie Antoinette, and George Washington

Others Interested in Hypnotism:

Writers: Charles Dickens, Edgar Allan Poe

A queen


Within Psychology:

Sigmund Freud

Pierre Janet

Alfred Binet

Ivan Pavlov

William James

Wilhelm Wundt

Now that you know the truth about why you never learned how to actually help your patients heal and move on with their lives without endless sessions and worse the toxic medications psychiatrists are all too frequently leary of helping them discontinue even with horrid side effects, I have a very serious question to ask you:

Are you ready to stop believing the myths regarding hypnotism?

Are you ready to stop believing the myths regarding hypnotism and instead learn how to use hypnotism effectively, along with its related healing modalities of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Time Line Therapy®, to help your patients overcome the diagnoses given based on the criteria of the DSM, which were never empirically tested to be true? That’s a fact, look it up! 

We now know through brain scans that hypnotism bypasses the executive function of the prefrontal cortex, allowing hypnotists and neuro-linguistic practitioners (which is hypnotism because it works the same way) to access the amygdala of the brain where emotions are felt and held, and the hippocampus where memories are stored no matter how unreal they are based on the brain’s inability to process all the information that comes in to the body through our 5 senses. Virginia Satir, a family psychlogist, explained that because of our brain’s inability to process all the information from our 5 senses, we delete much of it, and with those deletions, distortions of our memory occur. Therefore, you may have a totally different recollection of an event that you were at with a sibling or a friend. You each deleted different parts of the memory to have it in your recall.

 Or are you okay with making your patients live with these conditions for the rest of their lives when they never had to in the first place?

If you’re burned out and sick of dealing with negligible results for your patients, and if health insurance dictates how many sessions your patients can have and at what payment level, it compels you to spend way too many hours working. 

The Solution: 

Maybe it is time to learn the skills necessary to truly help your patients become symptom free, because that is what you would want if you were in their shoes, right? 

I offer 2 and 3-Day VIP Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming training:

 Individualized to the type of patients you serve

Delivered online during video calls one-on-one with me.

You will learn every technique you need to learn to best help your patients heal – yes, that means they will no longer need you, nor should they have ever needed you, to be honest. They should have merely wanted to employ you to help them get their lives back and then return to their much improved life.

Here are my invitations to you to increase your patient’s healing success & your income at the same time:

1) The cost of the training for the 2-day training with 6 months of mentorship is:

Paid in full, the investment is $15,000

11-Month Payment Plan $3,000 down payment and $1,500 a month for

2) For the 2-day training and 12 months of mentorship

Paid in full, the investment is $20,000

Payment Plan: a down payment of $5,000 and 11 monthly payments of $1,500.

3) ONLY FOR: State-Licensed Mental Health Providers Specializing in Treating Anorexics & bulimics you will need:

 3-Day VIP training, which has a mandatory 12-month mentorship included because it is much more involved, as you well know.

Paid in full investment is $25,000

11-Month Payment Plan: $5,000 down payment and 11 monthly payments of $1,500.

Method of Payment:

All training is paid for through Zelle online banking because the credit card company’s fees would force me to add 33% more to the cost, which I am unwilling to do. 

*****Only if you are seriously sick of letting your patients down & sick of working every waking hour, should you schedule a video call with me here:

With the included mentorship, you can message me when you have any questions about how to move forward with your patient. We will schedule a time to quickly get on a video call together so that I can explain to you the correct order you need to follow for each of the techniques and refresh your mind on how to effectively perform them.

Any clinically applied techniques have to be practiced with someone who with decades of experience to help you learn them correctly or you will end up like some of my trainees who spent the money to go to fancy in-person training far from where they live, paying for flights, hotels, and food on top of the cost of the training and receiving no further guidance. They had lousy results with their clients, so they employed me to retrain them.

I, however, took advantage of the mentorship from my trainers who no longer offer it. This is how I learned how to do this work so well with clients even with the most challenging of mental illnesses and somatasized pain the doctors could never help them relieve. But there is a problem because no other trainer is offering a mentorship at this time. The ONLY place you can receive a mentorship is with me by:

The training being delivered online during video calls one-on-one with me so you learn exactly what you need to learn .


  • You will learn every technique you need to learn to best help your patients heal – yes, that means they will no longer need you, nor should they have ever needed you, to be honest.
  • It includes a 6-month or 12-month (your choice) mentorship which no other trainer anywhere in the world offers – so you can learn how to replicate the results my clients receive from the work we do together. This is why these offerings are ‘training’ and not a “workshop,” “seminar,” etc. 
  • With the included mentorship, you can message me when you have any questions about how to move forward with your patient. We will schedule a time very quickly to get on a video call with together, so I explain exactly the correct order you need to do each of the techniques and refresh your mind on how to effectively perform them. 

Any clinically applied techniques have to be practiced with someone who is well practiced to help you learn them correctly or you will end up like some of my trainees who spent the money to go to fancy in-person training far from where they live, paying for flights, hotels, and food on top of the cost of the training and never receiving any further guidance. They had lousy results with their clients, so they employed me to retrain them. 

Another Reason Why You Can Trust Me:

I had a decade of practical clinical experience working with severely affected mentally ill adults and several years working for nurses doing home care for elders who could no longer fully take care of themselves with 1.5 years of nursing school and Certified Nursing Assistant training as well before ever learning a thing about hypnotism . 

Why I Know the Hypnotic Arts Work: My Success Healing My 3 Chronic Conditions with Hypnosis & NLP

 Bring every question you have, including if you are interested in learning more about my own healing transformations of:

1) Disappearing a 2.2 cm non-cancerous brain tumor close to my pituitary gland making surgery impossible not that I want any playing in my brain anyway…that the great doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital told me that they could only stop it from growing, they could not shrink it and somehow after 2 years of 2 minutes daily visualizing it out of my body the 2-year post proton treatment MRI showed it disappeared!

 2) Bronchial asthma, which I was on a 6-month recall with my G.P. who had no idea how to help me. An 8-hour intervention with a brand new hypnotist got rid of it for me during our NLP Master Practitioner Program. 

3) Lastly, I saved the best for last for mental health providers even though it was the first thing I had to leave my life for good thanks to Tad James telling me the 3 negative emotions I had to clear with his Time Line Therapy® for Negative Emotion Release after just 5 minutes it took to clear the 3 negative emotions AFTER 14 years of therapy and psychiatric treatment where my kidney started to slow down being on lithium for over a decade No one can livce without kidney function so this was very important to get taken care of ASAP. (No worries, my kidneys are fine now because my psychiatrist LISTENED TO ME & knew what to test me for and how thankfully!) My psychiatrist gladly agreed to my termination her services of 13 years after 10 months of following me once she okayed my discontinuing the low dose I was taking by that time just to make sure I was fine. It was she told me that I taught her a very important lesson:

Bipolar 2 (not Bipolar 1 since I did not have that condition and that includes psychotic features I was lucky to never develop) need not be a lifetime illness. I had gone through some very challenging times during those 10 months, including losing some people very close to me, proving that I was fine! Since my marriage ended as congenially as we could after 20+ years – the truth is that we grew apart and, of course, had to deal with the brain tumor. You can read more about these stories of my healing if you are interested here: https://dawningvisions.com/hypnotist-overcomes-manic-depression-bronchial-asthma-and-brain-tumor/

We will schedule your free consultation call to see if we are a good fit for one another because I will tell you right now, that you are going to have to pass a quiz on Hypnosis Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Time Line Therapy® demonstrating that you understand the foundational concepts. 

NOTE: You are also going to use one issue for each of the techniques as applicable to learn to help heal issues in your life as they apply to each technique you are learning. This will:

  1. give you a visceral feeling for how this work works
  2. help clear you of your own crap, which is going to make you a healthier, better practitioner
  3. so you absolutely believe in this work, or it is not worth learning in my opinion. NOTE: By the way, this is what my trainees love the most about my training! 

Before you get on the video call with me have every question you have written down so I can answer all of them for you:

Your investment for the consulation call: $100 through Zelle payable before the call.

The link says it will only be a half hour, but we will stay on the call till you have had every question you can think up answered. That usually takes 45 minutes to an hour depending on how many questions you have, so block an hour for the call or don’t schedule it. 

Remember to charge your device fully so that here are no interruptions during the call because of a battery failure. Alternatively, it is better to have it plugged in!

What will you be learning by doing: 

You will demonstrate each of the techniques to me as well so you can learn how to do them correctly with my correcting you in real-time as you learn.

You will learn how to correctly fill out Tad James’s Detailed Personal History along with some additions I include to better help you write your patient’s treatment plan for healing.

I will tell you why each question on there is going to help you know exactly what your patient needs and what they want as their “compelling future” as well as how they will know when they have achieved it. For your convenience for learning, a Template containing these explanations will be provided.

From the Detailed Personal History, you will create a treatment plan based on the one I use for my clients so that heal everything that needs healing in multiple ways, and you will learn how to do some other very easy-to-do techniques to better help your patients heal you will learn nowhere most especially your allopathically based academic training. You will receive a page explaining each section of the treatment plan in a template for ease of use.

I will teach you how to fill out the Healing Treatment Plan correctly so you do not miss anything that your patient needs you to include in their treatment.

We will schedule your consultation call to see if we are a good fit for one another which will be an investment of $100 payable through Zelle.

THIS IS A REAL TRAINING SO: There are real standards to being certified by me, including:

1.     Pass 3 written quizzes on the content, including questions on the correct application of the techniques in scenarios given.

2.     Demonstrate that you can do the work by performing every technique you learn on me competently.

3.     Write a healing hypnotic script and perform it on me

4.     Write out a Detailed Personal History with the “General Cause of the Problem” and your patient’s objectives for the treatment included.

5.     Write out a healing treatment plan based on the Detailed Personal History you previously wrote.

6.    The entire time, I will hold you accountable.       

7.     BONUS:

You are also going to be using each of the techniques you learn to help heal issues in your life as they apply to each technique. This is my trainees’ favorite part of the whole training! It will give you a visceral feeling for how this work works so you absolutely believe in it, or it is not worth learning. 

Method of Payment:

All training is paid for through Zelle online banking because the credit card company’s fees would force me to add 33% more to the cost, which I am unwilling to do. 

So if you are looking for a down-to-earth yet serious trainer, I am for you. If you want a more ‘corporate type”, I am NOT for you.

I CUSS A LOT – if this turns you OFF; I am NOT your trainer. I am self-employed to be my authentic self, and that is part of the package.

You can do it in payments because this is all paid in cash from your bank account to mine to save on the bank charges…so there is your 33% savings right there! 

NOTE: Only if you are seriously sick of letting your patients down, and are sick of working every waking hour because the health insurance companies decide what you are paid, should you schedule a video call with me!


Dr. Sharon’s testimonial:

As a mindset expert, I am always looking for new ways to provide my clients with faster results. I came across the work of Suzanne Kellner-Zinck and in a 2-day VIP Program; she could share with me the most impactful exercises from NLP and hypnosis that I could use with my clients. Since the training, I’ve taken several of my clients on a journey to experience quicker symptom relief and it works! If you’re a licensed psychologist who wants to expand your toolkit or a medical professional looking to get out of medicine, I recommend working with Suzanne.

Sharon Grossman, PhD in Psychology


Suzanne has helped me so much and now I am helping others and getting amazing incredible results for them in mere calls, more than I could help them in 12 weeks.”

Simon Goldwhite

(Previously trained in hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming, but employed me to retrain him.)



Your one pre-requisite to sharing your knowledge is that we must clear our crap. In my case, it was anger. Because of your intervention, my life has come together in so many positive ways. I now work in a profession that I love and get to be of service. I’m also able to work in the Equestrian industry, something that I previously only dreamed of.

All of my relationships have benefited from my release of anger. In total, I am very blessed to have you in my life. I am truly honored to have you as a friend, and a teacher, and honored to be of service to you,

Monda Griffin, Certified NLP Coach, and Certified Hypnotist


As Suzanne worked with me on a breakthrough and Time Line Therapy (R) while we were at the American Board of Hypnotherapy Conference in Newport Beach, California, I felt what I had always wanted to feel, that a practitioner knew and understood my history and cared deeply that I recover from it.

Having worked with Suzanne gave me the congruence I needed to begin my hypnotherapy practice. I had taken so many classes, learned so much information, talked with so many people, read so many books but as yet had not had an experience of the processes of the “breakthrough”, “Time Line Therapy (R)” and “hypnosis” working for me. Consequently, I was reluctant to work with others in these processes.

Because of her thorough, energetic digging for information about my history and her knowledgeable and artful use of the processes, I felt she deeply cared and committed to helping me have the emotional freedom I wanted and that I wanted to give to my clients. Having achieved my personal goals quickly and rather painlessly, I learned how to work with others in the same dedicated way and have had fabulous results with my clients since then.

Suzanne’s experience, knowledge, commitment, dedication and attention to the details in taking my personal history and in the interventions she planned were great assets, but her deep unwavering caring is what did it for me.

I am forever grateful.

Sandra Bright (We did healing work together as we went through our Neuro-Linguistic Master Practitioner Training in 2004)
Murrieta, CA ,Certified Hypnotist, Master Practitioner & Trainer Level
Certified Time Line Therapy, Master Practitioner & Trainer Level
Certified Neuro Linguistic Programming, Master Practitioner & Trainer Level


 Bring every question you have, including if you are interested in learning more about my own healing transformations of:

1) Disappearing a 2.2 cm non-cancerous brain tumor close to my pituitary gland making surgery impossible not that I want any playing in my brain anyway…that the great doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital told me that they could only stop it from growing, they could not shrink it and somehow after 2 years of 2 minutes daily visualizing it out of my body the 2-year post proton treatment MRI showed it disappeared!

 2) Bronchial asthma, which I was on a 6-month recall with my G.P. who had no idea how to help me. An 8-hour intervention with a brand new hypnotist got rid of it for me during our NLP Master Practitioner Program. 

3) Lastly, I saved the best for last for mental health providers even though it was the first thing I had to leave my life for good thanks to Tad James telling me the 3 negative emotions I had to clear with his Time Line Therapy® for Negative Emotion Release after just 5 minutes it took to clear the 3 negative emotions AFTER 14 years of therapy and psychiatric treatment where my kidney started to slow down being on lithium for over a decade No one can livce without kidney function so this was very important to get taken care of ASAP. (No worries, my kidneys are fine now because my psychiatrist LISTENED TO ME & knew what to test me for and how thankfully!) My psychiatrist gladly agreed to my termination her services of 13 years after 10 months of following me once she okayed my discontinuing the low dose I was taking by that time just to make sure I was fine. It was she told me that I taught her a very important lesson:

Bipolar 2 (not Bipolar 1 since I did not have that condition and that includes psychotic features I was lucky to never develop) need not be a lifetime illness. I had gone through some very challenging times during those 10 months, including losing some people very close to me, proving that I was fine! Since my marriage ended as congenially as we could after 20+ years – the truth is that we grew apart and, of course, had to deal with the brain tumor. You can read more about these stories of my healing if you are interested here: https://dawningvisions.com/hypnotist-overcomes-manic-depression-bronchial-asthma-and-brain-tumor/

We will schedule your free consultation call to see if we are a good fit for one another because I will tell you right now, that you are going to have to pass a quiz on Hypnosis Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Time Line Therapy® demonstrating that you understand the foundational concepts. 

NOTE: You are also going to use one issue for each of the techniques as applicable to learn to help heal issues in your life as they apply to each technique you are learning. This will:

  1. give you a visceral feeling for how this work works
  2. help clear you of your own crap, which is going to make you a healthier, better practitioner
  3. so you absolutely believe in this work, or it is not worth learning in my opinion. NOTE: By the way, this is what my trainees love the most about my training! 

Before you get on the video call with me have every question you have written down so I can answer all of them for you:

Your investment for the consulation call: $100 through Zelle payable before the call.

The link says it will only be a half hour, but we will stay on the call till you have had every question you can think up answered. That usually takes 45 minutes to an hour depending on how many questions you have, so block an hour for the call or don’t schedule it. 

Remember to charge your device fully so that here are no interruptions during the call because of a battery failure. Alternatively, it is better to have it plugged in!

What will you be learning by doing: 

You will demonstrate each of the techniques to me as well so you can learn how to do them correctly with my correcting you in real-time as you learn.

You will learn how to correctly fill out Tad James’s Detailed Personal History along with some additions I include to better help you write your patient’s treatment plan for healing.

I will tell you why each question on there is going to help you know exactly what your patient needs and what they want as their “compelling future” as well as how they will know when they have achieved it. For your convenience for learning, a Template containing these explanations will be provided.

From the Detailed Personal History, you will create a treatment plan based on the one I use for my clients so that heal everything that needs healing in multiple ways, and you will learn how to do some other very easy-to-do techniques to better help your patients heal you will learn nowhere most especially your allopathically based academic training. You will receive a page explaining each section of the treatment plan in a template for ease of use.

I will teach you how to fill out the Healing Treatment Plan correctly so you do not miss anything that your patient needs you to include in their treatment.

Here is the scheduling link again for those of you who took the time to read through the entire document & bring all your questions & schedule an hour for the video call or you will frustrate both of us with your needing to leave. Have your cell phone fully charged or plugged in so you do not kill your battery – BE PREPARED!

Once you have scheduled your consultation call, I will send you my Google Meet link, which you merely put into your Search Engine at the time of our meeting.

You will be absolutely blown away by all that you have missed for all the investments you already made in your healing craft(s)! But, it is not too late if you are still in practice to earn much more money with self-paying people who will eagerly invest in their treatment because they are ready to CHANGE NOW!!


  1. Have every question you have written down so I can answer all of them for you.
  2. Have at least an hour scheduled OR rebook the call. I am not interested in becoming frustrated because you have to leave in the middle of the call. So BE PREPARED! LIVE HAPPENS: WE ALL HAVE TO BE REALISTIC & DEAL WITH IT!
  3. Have your phone, tablet, or computer fully charged or plugged in so the call is not disrupted because you were unprepared! 

AGAIN: The link says it will only be a half hour. However, we will stay on the call till you have had every question you can think up answered. That usually takes 45 minutes to an hour depending on how many questions you have, so block an hour for the call or don’t schedule it. 


“Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.”

Along with your most needed-to-be-answered questions! 


I will send you my Google Meet link. ALl you have to do is put it in your search bar at the time of the call. , Other cool things you will learn by doing:  

  • You will be demonstrating each of the techniques to me as well so you can learn how to do them correctly with my correcting you in real-time as you learn. 
  • You will learn how to correctly fill out Tad James’s Detailed Personal History, along with some additions I include to better help you write your patient’s treatment plan for healing. 
  • I will tell you why each question is going to help you know exactly what your patient needs and what they want as their compelling future, as well as how they will know when they have achieved it. 
  • From the Detailed Personal History, you will create a treatment plan based on the one I use for my clients so that heal everything that needs healing in multiple ways, and you will learn how to do some other very easy-to-do techniques to better help your patients heal that you will not learn anywhere most especially your allopathically based academic training. 
  • I will teach you how to fill out the Healing Treatment Plan correctly so you do not miss anything that your patient needs you to include in their treatment.
  1. Bring all your questions & schedule an hour for the video call or you will frustrate both of us with your needing to leave or reschedule the call! Life happens – I know! 
  2. Have your cell phone fully charged or plugged in so you do not kill your battery – BE PREPARED! 
  3. Fill in your phone number and time zone in the space on the scheduling form that says: 

Here is the scheduling link again for those of you who took the time to read through the entire document:

“Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.”

Along with your most needed-to-be-answered questions! 

I promise you that you will be absolutely blown away but all that you have missed for all the investments you already made in your healing craft(s)! But, it is not too late if you are still in practice to earn much more money with self-paying people who are willing to invest in their treatment because they are ready to CHANGE NOW!!

I look forward to receiving notice of your scheduled appointment very soon. 

Please leave your phone number and your time zone in the:

“Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.” area on the form. 

Respectfully yours, 

Suzanne Kellner-Zinck

Advanced Clinical Hypnotist

Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy®

Certified Trainer of: Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and  Time Line Therapy®

M.S. Instructional Design & Technology

M.A. Medical Sociology

M.A. Peace & Conflict Management

Psy. D. (Expected by 2029) 


Leahey, T. H., Greer, S., Lefrancois, G. R., Reiner, T. W., Spencer, J. L., Wickramasekera, I. E., & Willmarth, E. K. (2014). History of psychology. Bridgepoint Education.


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