Why Are You Eating When You Don’t Want To?

Vol. 397, January 19, 2016 – Why Are You Eating When You Don’t Want To?

It is amazing how many people are overeating these days, I am speaking of people who know that they are eating more then they require to satiate themselves.

I would have to say that the number one cause of this sort of overeating these days is stress! People are under so much pressure at work, pressure to bring in enough of an income to make their bills, and pressure to do right by their parents and children, if they have them.

There are some things that you can do to help yourself to stop the overeating, if you are aware of the fact:

  1. Go back to a time when you were a bit more nimble and felt good about yourself. Find a photo of yourself back then and hang it up on the mirror in your bathroom where you get ready every day. This is a visual reminder that you were able to be at a reasonable weight once, so you can get back there again if you put your mind to it.
  2. Take out a notebook and think of all the stressors that you have on yourself at the moment. Make a list of them.
  3. Next, write down the names of people at your workplace and in your home that you could have take some of the pressure off you, by helping you out. Add everyone you can think of.
  4. Get yourself into a relaxed state – throw on some relaxing music and just write down the name of the person that could delegate each item of work to, so you no longer have to deal with it. The next time you are in able, go and delegate that work to that person.
  5. Make a list of all your favorite healthy type foods – the ones that are tasty, yet healthy like fruits and veggies, dark chocolate, coconut, nuts, real old fashioned oatmeal with some cinnamon and a bit of fresh fruit.
  6. Toss out the crap that you have in your home, you know that stuff that maybe doesn’t even taste as good as you like to believe, yet you use as “comfort food.” That includes 99% of the prepackaged foods.
  7. Purchase the healthy tasty foods that you enjoy eating. These would be whole foods.
  8. Make a list of all the activities that you enjoy that require you to use your muscles in some healthy manner.
  9. Make a list of the ways in which you can integrate these active activities into your life.
  10. Celebrate in some non-food manner for each success you have, like feeling slimmer, having more energy, being able to think more clearly.

The real goal here isn’t about the weight loss per se. It is about feeling less stressed out so that you can feel light and healthy again. In so doing, the need to fill yourself with food needn’t occur anymore.

This will work for anyone who is just a bit overweight 10 – 20 pounds in woman and 20 – 30 pounds in men, and is stressed out.

NOTE: This is NOT for people who have addictions to food for whatever reason and have a major amount of weight to release.  And it also won’t work if you are truly unhappy with your current situation in life, no matter the cause.

Photo by bigbrand@rocketmail.com

179:Overcoming Challenges

Everyone has challenges in life. Listen to the experiences of someone who has gone through challenges and what she has learned.





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Choices & Illusions: A Book by Eldon Taylor

Vol. 396, January 12, 2016 – Choices & Illusions: A Book by Eldon Taylor

I was asked to review this very important book by Eldon Taylor on the release of the audio version, and was happy to do so. It is a very special book that brings the concepts of how our mind works and spirituality together through many studies and wonderful stories.

He tells a story of how an eagle is raised by chickens, never learning how to soar like an eagle.  When one is living in a certain environment, the members of that society teach us what is expected. This is really a metaphor for how we constrain ourselves by never doing those things we could do, if we would only break out of the proverbial box and go for it.

In order to change and become who we truly are, it is necessary to let go of those who hold different beliefs then us. This is especially true in regard to the naysayers out there in the world.

It is a matter of “knowing thyself.”

Bringing in the idea that is taught in all the spiritual teachings around the globe, love is at their core. He reminds us that whether it was Buddha or Christ consciousness, the God within allows anyone to manifest miracles. Going back to Moses when God answered the question of who he was by saying “I am that I am.”  This was a way of stating that the Kingdom of Heaven is within.

I particularly like the concept Taylor teaches of “Forgiving and forgetting.” When you forgive, who are you giving to but yourself? Forgetting is to be read as two words, ‘for getting’, meaning that you are getting your freedom. This is a something I teach to my clients, especially those who have gone through terrible traumas. It is amazing how true forgiveness does indeed set us free.

The point of the book is that we create what we desire based on a healthy self-esteem. Self-esteem coming from that which we give, not what we take. What are we giving? Unconditional love. It is through this giving that we are able to bring in opportunities beyond our selfish desires.

Taylor believes It is important for us to understand that we are all connected in ways that are not fully understood. When we think of the paranormal events that some people experience, we understand that we are more then just the physical self. We understand that connection Jung called the “collective unconscious.” Others call that “God,” or the “Creator” – that energy that brings us all together. Because of this fact, it is all the more important for us to be of service and to give unconditional love. The definition of unconditional love is that it is given without regard for an outcome, without any expectation, without attachment.

Meditation is the way we are to bring in the awareness of how we can heal ourselves, through our ability to listen to God. This is the way to spirituality.

One other important note here: patients who believe that they can heal themselves are much more likely to heal then patients who don’t believe it. Patients who are happier tend to heal faster. So, if you are ill, open yourself up to using your mind to heal yourself.

For many years I suffered with what is known as Bi-polar 2. I knew that there had to be a way to overcome it regardless of what the psychiatrist had to say about it. And you know what? I did. I found a method of doing so through the use of my own mind. I was also able to rid myself of bronchial asthma using my mind. In that case I needed to be rid of it to stop my clients from being concerned about me. All that coughing was intrusive and scary. And lastly, I got rid of a brain tumor, through visualization. It happened over the course of two years, proven with an MRI. So, I am proof that regardless of what some of the white coated people have to say, with the attitude of believing that you can overcome your illness, you certainly can. So, long as you allow your subconscious and super conscious to do the work involved. I used hypnosis and NLP to get the job done. Julie Griffin, the first hypnotist who I studied under, said that hypnosis is meditation with a purpose. So, of course Mr. Taylor is speaking my truth.

In his case he has “InnerTalk” programs to help his patients and customers to let go of whatever is ailing them. There are many studies he sites proving his technology works. However, I can also tell you that you can do this on your own, should you wish to do so. You just have to be willing to put yourself into a meditative type state, and visualize the healing occurring. Know in your soul that you can overcome whatever ails you. Or you may find a person to help you to do it, as I did in two of my three health issues.  And, with that effort, you may very well find that you no longer have your old illness.

If you have something more difficult to overcome, a professional who understands the workings of the unconscious mind would stand you in good stead. It could cut the time necessary to receive your results, especially for those illnesses that are triggered more directly by stress and your emotions.

I have to say that I truly enjoyed this book, the story telling was excellent and the teachings helpful to creating a happier healthier life.

Photo by Iqbal Osman1

178: What are you spending your precious time on?

Are you spending you precious and irreplaceable time on the right things for your life?





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Happy New Year! What Are Your Goals?

Happy New Year! What Are Your Goals? – Vol. 395, January 5, 2017

2016 was an insane year for me. It was my second year in California, after making the decision to move out here to enjoy the sunshine and warmth, along with the beaches out here. I really thought that I would have my own place by now, having all my own belongings with me, but that wasn’t what happened. Instead, there were ever more challenges as the work disappeared, most likely with the advent of “Obamacare” and the fear some are feeling with the presidential election results here in the United States.

To be clear, I am of the mind that though we have elections here in the U.S.A., it is obvious to me that the manner in which our Presidents are elected has little to do with what the Americans desire, this having been the case for decades, if one looks at the past history. So, I don’t put any emotional energy into the situation. Yes, I vote because there are many more policies that need a vote, then merely for the President. I focus my time and energy on the positive impact I can have doing what I do for a living and being present for my friends and family.

My goal in moving here a couple of years ago was to get known by some of the more influential people in my field of expertise and build my business from there. Though I have had the opportunity to meet some amazing people, doing amazing things, the end result has been disappointing for sure.

With that in mind, my goal for the New Year is to leverage up my offerings to groups that have a need for the services and knowledge that I can provide. This is quite fine, because the life of the self-employed isn’t for the faint hearted. Challenges will always be on the horizon that need to be overcome. However, the way I see it, is that I can either create something that has meaning for me, living the life of autonomy I desire or deal with the work-a-day world that I failed so miserably, before I found my way into hypnosis.

Having dreams, visions, things that one would like to accomplish is what helps one to get through these difficult times.

I have my dream of moving to the coast high above the cliffs over looking the water in a place that I find more beautiful then any other I have seen on planet Earth to date.

I have my dream of bringing my team out here to work with me doing what they are best out, allowing me to spend my time creating content and delivering group programs.

I have my dream of traveling all over the world in my year.long offerings visiting indigenous people of the world, learning about how the care for their ill. There is so much knowledge there to be had, totally aligned with hypnosis and working with the spiritual level of existence.

I have a dream of going back to East Africa to teach more people how to use the hypnotic arts in their healing for their communities while visiting with old friends.

I have my dream of traveling the world to spend time with the friends that I have met though my trainings and general travels. There are many other places I have yet to see and learn from.

These are the things that I hold close to my heart and soul, never, ever letting go of the vision of the life that I am working to create. How far I will get his year, is anyone’s guess. However, I do know that I am closer then I have ever been before with the correct people wth the right knowledge to help me get steps closer to my dream.

So, what are your dreams, and thus the goals that you want to achieve for this year.

Keep them in front of you at all times, taking the steps necessary to get you where you are desiring to get to. Because, the one thing I do know, is that without dreams and visions for your life, you will most assuredly stay where you are.

With dreams and visions of where you are going, you will most assuredly get there. The main thing is to never give up on your dreams and visions. Even if you have to morph with the times as you take your journey to reaching your next goals. Because, we always need to have more goals to reach for, as we improve ourselves going forward. Because, one is either dying or growing, and my bet is that you would much prefer to grow, this being the basis of a fulfilled and therefore, happy life.

Set out your annual goals.

Break them into smaller quarterly steps.

Break those into monthly steps.

And then you will have a sense of what you need to do each week and each day to effectively attain your heart’s desire.

Happy New Year, and great health to you!

Photo by Nasos3

177:How Do You Want To Be Remembered?

What will be the legacy of your life? Will it be what you want or will it be something unexpected?





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Healing Family Relationships: 5 Learnings To Help You

family photo

Healing Family Relationships: 5 Learnings To Help You – Vol. 394, Dec. 29, 2016

I come from a family not too different from yours perhaps, where misquoted statements from others, judgments lead from never speaking directly about past hurtful events, and general misunderstandings have over taken any sense of trust, resulting in a loss of relations.

Because my business is being forced to evolve to a new level of existence, I have had the need to heal some old fractures in the relationships that I have with some of my family relationships. To be honest with you, this falls under the “need to do” more then the “desire to do” knowing that without this healing, there will never be a way for me to deliver my best service to my clients. It is a simple fact of life that acting in integrity and in congruence makes the difference between a client being willing to act on the guidance given, or not. As a health care provider it is my duty to those who trust me enough to employ my services, to heal the rifts in my own life, before asking those who come to me for healing, to do the same.

However, there is one exception to that rule. That is for those people with whom you find are toxic to you, making you feel worse for having spent your time in their company. It may because they use judgmental language and attitude, perhaps they bring up past events that you have moved past, or maybe it is because they are argumentative or sarcastic, making you the butt of their sarcastic “funny to them” while being “hurtful” to you joke.

So, it’s Thanksgiving day, and I make the decision to call one of my sisters, a sister I basically threw out of my life four years ago. Over the past couple of weeks we exchanged some positive emails, so I felt it was time to talk to her directly to “clear the air” if I could.

From my perspective, I didn’t want to have another fight with her as the outcome of the call. Yet, I also knew that one has to go through what they must to better understand another’s point of view. In the past, I have been the butt of her sarcasm, without her ever realizing how much she hurt me, or perhaps at times not really caring, wanting to get ‘even’ with me in the one way she knew how. Because, the truth of the matter here is that there were some things in her past that I didn’t know, relative to a similar situation we both found ourselves in regarding a couple of people in our family. Those duplicated situations caused horrific pain to many others in the larger extended family, some of whom were too young to understand what or why things were as they were.

Suffice to say, though the conversation started out lightly enough speaking about the musical endeavors my sister and her husband are involved in, as their greatly loved side gig, the conversation went into deeper more sensitive areas as needed, for the emotional clearings we both needed to occur.

Here are a 5 learning I can share with you from this experience in handling sensitive situations regarding your relations. I so want to make it clear that I am not claiming that all if perfect in my and my sister’s relationship. However, what I am saying, is that we have dealt with the proverbial “skeletons in the closet” both known to one another, all these years, yet never spoken about till now – while making some rules in communication going forward to which we both agreed to do the best we can – because that is really all anyone can ask of another.

So her Here go:

First, my sister has issues with the fact that I had a different “treatment” than she, from our father in regards to this situation. She never knew that till we spoke Thanksgiving Day. However, what she did know was that I was unwilling to take responsibility for events where I was the minor, to be protected by all the adults in the situation, where she carried guilt and shame all these years. I never had any guilt or shame about any of it, because I was the one victimized, as I saw the situation. Any court in the land would agree with my point of view.

So, the teaching here would be as far as I am concerned, is instead of being angry that another had a better relationship with someone who you did not, be happy that they did not have to under go the same sort of negative experience as you. Look, we all of different personalities and those personalities are going to be affected in different ways by the people with whom we interact. In this case, I was very strong and stood my ground regardless of my family’s desire to make me “wrong.” It wasn’t an easy thing to do, however I do know that given the circumstances, I was the one to be protected as was my younger sister. Any other reading of these affairs is misguided and speaks to the reason that those who are abused fail to come forward to claim their “rights.”

Second, when one gets into an area that another is very sensitive about, a judgmental and accusatory tone of voice brings up defensiveness in the other. This is especially important when one is speaking to someone who has an expertise that you don’t. There is no point in pushing your agenda when you haven’t a clue what you are speaking of just because you read a few articles or spoke to some professionals years ago.

The learning here is that “humility” is an asset in interpersonal relations, because we really don’t know, what we don’t know, we don’t know. In other words, as the late great psychiatrist and hypnotist, Milton Erickson has said, “Stop the mind reading.” By that he meant, for example, that even though a person may “look” depressed, perhaps that person is merely tired. Teaching us that we never can know what is in the mind of another. We are not they, and therefore, have no business believing we know more than we can about a another person’s situation, especially when you haven’t taken the time to hear them out.

Third, tone of voice is so important in communication. We all have feelings and as such we need to respect the feelings of those with whom we are communicating.

The learning here is: if the person with whom you are speaking is getting upset, take a breath and ask that person why they are getting upset (or angry) so that it can be worked through, without escalating the whole situation. This takes empathy for one another to accomplish, instead of the all too easy to fall into trap of being defensive, and therefore putting the other person on the defensive as well.

Fourth, listening is at the center of ALL communication, while choosing your words well before speaking in this sort of interaction. I would have to say that there were times during the conversation when each of us felt the other wasn’t hearing what we were saying, meaning not understanding the context of what was being said, taking for granted that each ‘knew” what the other was saying. Well, once again that was a misguided manner of approaching this sensitive conversation.

Learning: Be willing to really listen to what the other person is saying. Make sure that you got the context of understanding correct before moving on to the next point.

Lastly, I really don’t know what the outcome of this conversation will be, though I can say, that as a result of getting my sister’s perspective on this 35 year old history (yes, it does go back that far), I have a much better understanding of the ordeal she went through during that time, and perhaps she has gained a better understanding of my point of view, even if we disagree in terms of how we perceive these past events.

Kabbalist teach us that it is the hard conversations that need to be had, bringing up those difficult situations or concerns where we demonstrate our true caring for another person. I am not going to say that I went this far in having this conversation, because from my perspective it was indeed more selfish then that. What I needed and wanted was to clear the air to get on with my own life without having this stench from so long ago, stinking up my present and future. That was accomplished and for that I give thanks this Thanksgiving season.

Trusting that you will take in these learnings, hard won as they were for me, help you to clear up any ill feelings that you may have with those in your family or even old friends, so that you can receive your own well deserved healing.

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