The Real Role of Forgiveness: Bringing Back Wellness

The Real Role of Forgiveness: Bringing Back Wellness – Vol. 369, July 7, 2016

Many people believe that to forgive is to forget. I have had many clients who felt that this was true, and in some cases they made it much harder to do the forgiveness healing work. From my perspective it is important to forgive those who you felt harmed you, because if you do not, their past behavior will always be in charge of your feelings. That is way too high a price to pay, especially since the person that you felt harmed you has moved on in life, usually without a thought of you in their mind. If they have passed on, then a ghost of sorts is ruling your feelings. If you think about this, it’s a rather crazy way to live, especially because of the direct impact it has on one’s health.

It has been found through research that by holding onto resentment, all the chemicals of the stress response are released: adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine. These chemicals take away one’s ability to think creatively limiting problem solving. After a while, one is unable to think, leaving the feeling of helplessness, while taking on the role of a ‘victim.’ This according to the work of Dr. Frederick Luskin, cofounder of the Stanford Forgiveness project. This project has shown that when one forgives the levels of anger, anxiety, and depression go down while elevating mood and optimism.

With the use of fMRI scanners, it was found by Dr. Pietro Pietrini at the University of Pisa in Italy, that anger and vengeance inhibited rational thinking and caused the amygdala to increase its activity. This process causes the fight-or flight response. Reason is gone due to anger and rage. Interestingly enough, the prefrontal cortex and posterior cingulate, which are the more recently evolved parts of our brains, do the problem solving, empathy and emotional control.

Now, this is very important to understand because the state of our mind has much to do with our physical health as well. Before the physiology was understood regarding the role of forgiveness, Dr. Dabney Ewin, a surgeon specializing in burns started using hypnosis with his patients. He found that by having them imagine their burned areas packed in ice, their pain decreased considerably. However, when he had angry, resentful patients that underwent skin grafts, the grafts would not take. It was then that he realized that these patients were all burned up figuratively and literally and with good reason. So, he decided to help them along with hypnosis to forgive whoever they felt caused the burn. He found that they were able to heal much quicker as a result of doing the forgiveness work.

In my work with my clients, I always do forgiveness work. Because it is during the forgiveness work that they are able to let go of the anger and resentment and many seemingly physical ailments they have that were caused by holding on to the resentment. My clients are taught that forgiveness is not the same as forgetting, because if we forget being hurt by someone, we could very well be hurt again. However, by understanding that all people are doing the best that they can, and that people are not their behavior, including the client, an understanding of the other person’s perspective comes into the client’s consciousness allowing the client to finally let go of the anger, resentment and hurt. Using hypnotic techniques this is a process that takes mere minutes to achieve in most cases. However, the most important person for the client to forgive would be themselves. They are in my practice because they were dealing with some very negative issues that needed to be resolved after all. Once the forgiveness is complete, the clients always report feeling, “lighter and brighter.”

Because there isn’t a person alive who hasn’t done something that may have hurt someone in one way or another, it is important for all of us to remember that we too may have hurt someone with something we said, something we did, or something we promised and never followed through on. This being the case, it becomes much easier to forgive others for their trespasses.

Most importantly, I let my clients know that the harsher the trespass the deeper the positive learnings they will have, allowing them to finally move on with their lives – with a healthier psychological and physiological state.

Note: The studies commented on in is weblog came from Salon, in an article published August 23, 2015 by Megan Feldman Bettencourt, The Science of Forgiveness: “When you don’t forgive you release all the chemicals of the stress response”

Photo by Iqbal Osman1

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Is U.S. Government on The Right Track Regarding Opioid Addiction?

 Is U.S. Government on The Right Track Regarding Opioid Addiction? – Vol. 368, June 30, 2016 

I received my Rolling Stone magazine this month which included a very in depth article by Tim Dickinson which caught my attention called, The War on Drugs. His article goes into many issues regarding the war on drugs including the supply and demand, and the waste of time, money and energy on fighting the drug cartels. In this article I am only going to address the treatment of the substance abusers, because there has been a change in direction in which the government of the United States is dealing with this very important issue. I believe it is worth a look at what is happening in other countries who have a longer history to see what they have done. First a little bit of the history on the war on drugs here in the United States.

According to Mr. Dickinson, the war on drugs has been going on for 45 years and has cost our country over $1 trillion. It really goes back much further to a man called Harry Anslinger who was a racist. He took over the Department of Prohibition just as alcohol prohibition was ending. He needed to find a new purpose for his department to exist so he went after black drug abusers. Billie Holliday remains the best known person who represented everything that this man hated about blacks, she herself vowing to never bow her head to a white man. In the end she died unable to get the methadone she needed after withdrawing from heroin, being hospitalized for liver cancer. This account was given by Johann Hari in his book Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War On Drugs.

There have been other cost to holding people in federal prison, who need medical and psychological care. We have seen the devastation on the black urban areas where the primary provider men have been incarcerated, while harming male black boys growing up without their fathers. Sadly, this was President Nixon’s plan when he began his war on drugs. Nixon domestic policy maker, John Ehrlichman revealed in an interview that was published in Harper’s this year, that the goal was to criminalize the anti-war left and black people. Nixon viewed these two groups as arch enemies of the administration.

So where are we currently? There were 28,893 opioid drug overdose deaths in 2014, according to the CDC. According to the National Center for Addiction and substance abuse 65% of the inmates meet the DSM’s criteria for substance abuse treatment and yet only 11% ever get any treatment. The cost to our country for this policy was $74 billion while the cost for the drug abuse treatments given was less then 1% at $632 million back in 2006.

President Obama came to the conclusion that one needn’t talk about recovery if people are dying from drug overdoses.

So, President Obama decided to take a different course of action by appointing a new drug czar, Michael Botticelli who is himself in recovery from alcoholism for over 27 years. He was the former head of treatment services in Massachusetts. Botticelli believes that one of the reasons that people don’t seek treatment is because of the stigma attached to their addiction. Botticelli never uses the term “junkie” or “addicts” instead referring to these people as those with “opioid-abuse disorders.” 

The fact is that whites have twice the rate of overdose deaths as black Americans and three times the rate of Hispanics. Given this truth President Obama has remarked that our idea of who is a drug addict is misinformed. It isn’t the poor minority as it was presumed for many decades. According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine 4 of 5 heroin users are former prescription drug users. Because of this fact, Obama has recognized the change in perception making it is easier to emphasize treatment over incarceration.

The government lifted the prohibition on most of the federal funding for needle exchanges which Botticelli sees as a great intervention point for out-of-treatment drug users. The next step would be injection sites, where prescription grade heroin would be used under medical supervision. This could greatly reduce the spread of disease and overdosing due to sharing of needles and the addition of cheap fillers in the heroin that is found on the streets.

There is a concern however, that if the opioid abusers have access to their heroin in this manner, would they be willing to get treatment to stop their abuse? We don’t have any statistics yet to tell us. We do have some information from the Dutch who are able to access free government provided lab synthesized heroin three times a day. The feedback from the heroin users was interesting. Instead of feeling that they were being supported, they feel that they have been “flushed down the toilet” by the Dutch public, forgotten about forever. It also needs to be noted that criminal behavior went down considerably. This being reported in Vice News, May 6 2014 in their article Only in the Netherlands Do Addicts Complain About Free Government Heroin.

Mark Szalavitz writes in his article for Time, Sunday, April 2009 Drugs in Portugal: Did Decriminalization Work? Five years after decriminalization of personal possession, among teens the rate of new HIV infections caused by sharing of needle decreased while, doubling the amount of people seeking treatment.

My guess is that we are finally working in the correct direction as far as heroin and opioid prescription drug abuse are concerned. In the very least we will most likely have fewer drug overdoses and less criminal activity in the end. The extra benefit is that opioid abusers will be seen for the who they are, people who are suffering from an addiction who are worthy of treatment. With the health care parity, all insurance companies have to offer drug addiction treatment which was also a great step toward seeing those addicted to substances as having the right to access care, instead of being seen as criminals.

Photo by SayRoquefort

152:Being Real, Being Vulnerable

Being real, authentic and vulnerable can be the scariest thing we ever do, however, when you do it with the right people, you can create wonderful relationships. Take the first step.

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What Gets In the Way of Feeling Contentment?

What Gets In the Way of Feeling Contentment? – Vol. 367, June 23, 2016

Over the years I have studied under many people who agree with the notion that one’s circumstances have little to do with one’s happiness or contentment in life. The majority of these individuals are coming from a more spiritual angle then one of the physical world and it’s realities.

The idea of gratitude comes in often while studying these individuals. Another very common idea is that of living in the moment, for as long as everything is fine in the moment, there is nothing to be concerned about, or so the teaching goes.

I would like to bring a different idea into the mix, though I certainly agree with the above. I believe contentment comes from a sense of honoring yourself for who you are – meaning that you are willing to live your own values, your own truths and take the stands for those things that truly matter to you.

During all my years of working in the field of mental health, I can tell you that the biggest problem my clients have had to deal with is the lack of feeling at one with who they are as people. We can associate many labels to the lack of positive feelings about themselves – all of it going back to some form of lack of love and respect for themselves.

How does one become content in one’s life? It’s simple really, however that doesn’t mean it is an easy thing to achieve.

First, you must make an honest appraisal of your positive attributes. Listen to the compliments that others give you, that perhaps you are too quick to dismiss.

Second, feel into those compliments, owning them as who you are, because in this world, heart felt compliments are hard to come by. No one is going to compliment you for something that is not true for that person.

Third, understand that no one is perfect, which includes you. Forgive yourself for those things that you felt you did that were negative to others and yourself.

And, always remember to live in the moment, with gratitude for the good stuff that you have in you life.

If there are things that you are doing that make you feel poorly about yourself, stop doing them.

If you are hanging around unsupportive people, let them go.

If you are not taking good care of yourself, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, ask yourself why it is that you don’t feel worthy of this self-care. See if you can make a determination that, of course you are worthy of taking good care of yourself.

Remember that our wallets, the material things that we own, the good paying job, are not the things that allow a person to feel contented. Contentment is an ‘inside’ job, having very little if anything to do with the exterior.

I can’t tell you how many people I have worked with who had excellent paying jobs that they felt bored or overwhelmed by. I can’t tell you the amount of people that I have worked with who had every material thing a person could want, and still they were miserable. I can’t tell you the amount of people who were in relationships that were either dead or abusive, yet there they were feeling stuck in them, usually “for the good of the kids.”

Please do yourself a favor and wake up to that which lights you up inside. Get true to who you are at your very essence by respecting your heart’s calling. By doing so, you will find that you are at long last feeling contented, feeling nurtured and nourished by the life you are living. It needn’t be perfect, it just needs to be aligned with who you are as a person. The best part of this whole deal is that you will find the energy and health that maybe were kept from you for a very long time.

I know that it was only when I stopped to listen to what I wanted in my life, what I cared about, that my health finally got much better. My inner self felt contented. I wish you the same in your journey through life.

Photo by Trish Hamme

151:What Are You Doing With Your Time

Are you present and in the moment with the people you spend time with? What does you behavior and how you prioritize time say about you?
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Ways To Grow Your Child’s Self-Esteem

Ways To Grow Your Child’s Self-Esteem – Vol. 366, June 16, 2016

Over the many years that I have been working with kids, I have noticed that there are a few different situations that harm a child’s self-esteem. When I see adults who have emotional issues, it is usually due to upbringings where they didn’t feel loved, wanted, respected or cared for by one or both parents.

I am writing this weblog in an effort to help you, the parents to become more aware in the messages you are giving your kids through your words and actions.

  1. I was working with a kid a while ago whose mother was involved in the theatre and whose kid was presenting as depressed. Sadly, the kid, really wasn’t able to do the hypnosis. However, the mother wrote me a thank you email, expressing her gaining a better sense of what was wrong in their relationship. Her son had some special education needs and she found it hard to relate to him. After the sessions, she was able to better understand some of his challenges which ultimately helped their relationship.
  2. I worked with a precocious 10 year old whose mother worked in the mortgage banking industry. While we were in session, her mother was constantly texting her clients, unwilling to put the phone away while we worked with her daughter on her daughter’s problems. It got to the point where I worked with her daughter alone because of her mother’s preoccupation with her work. If you were the daughter, what is the message that you would have received from her mother’s behavior?
  3.  If you are a parent who knows that you drink alcohol liberally and/or pop pills to help you calm yourself down, what is the message that you are giving to your teen? We can’t expect our teens to have more resolve to stay away from these things we won’t. So, I would challenge you to find a better way to deal with your stress, like: working out, doing yoga, self-hypnosis or meditation, or going out into nature. You want to do something that is healthy and aligned with calming yourself down. You want to teach your kids healthy ways to manage their stress, don’t you?
  4.  I was working with a teenager whose mother was frustrated in the “stay-at-home” role she has been in for the past 19 years. Here is a very bright woman who was once a professional in her own right. In frustration of running the home, there were times when she would make comments to her teen daughter that hit an emotional chord, hurting her deeply. So, watch, what you are saying to your kids. If you hear yourself saying something rude or mean, do apologize for doing so. We are all human, and we all have our challenges in life. However, it really isn’t okay to take these issues out on or kids, especially if they are already demonstrating that they are anxious and perhaps feeling depressed. A thoughtful caring ally is what is necessary here, not a condescending judgmental parent.
  5.  I have a client who is very interested in and loves everything to do with snails. Being a teen on the Autism spectrum, having this sort of interest is normal. The unfortunate thing is that her mother was unable to understand why the fascination and didn’t really see that perhaps this is an area that her daughter could study. That was until a woman was found who studied snails for a living who was just as enthusiastic about them as her daughter, and holds a Ph.D. We don’t need to be as fascinated as our kids are in their various interests. However, it is much more helpful to our kids to be supportive in their interests, which in turn will help to build their self-esteem.
  6.  Never neglecting one child because of the needs of another child. I had client who came in to see me because she was bulimic. Her biggest issue was that her parents spent all their time and energy on her sister’s concerns, her sister being very over weight. So, to get her parents attention, she developed bulimia. Now, her parents had two kids to be concerned about. If you have a child who needs special assistance, of course that assistance needs to be given. However, it is very important to give special time to the other kids, so that they know that they are also important and matter to you.
  7.  Allow your child to study what she desires at college. I had a client, again years ago, who wanted to be a fiction writer. The only problem with that was that her parents would not pay for her college tuition to study writing. Her father was a lawyer and they wanted her to become one as well. The only problem with this agenda was that she had zero interest in it and went on to fail the bar exam multiple times. After a few tries, she was able to pass the bar. However, she was never in a happy situation working in law firms. It seems that she felt she was never understood or respected having a miserable time with the whole process. Allow your kids the ability to choose what they want to study.  Realize that more often then not their jobs will have nothing to do with their degrees anyway.  
  8.  Allow your teen to choose the college or university that they want to attend. This is similar to the last one in that parents feel that they should have a say as to where their child goes to school. In one case all that was affordable to the teen’s parent was a community college, where the kid wanted to go to a four year state university. He went to the community college failing out of about half the courses there because he didn’t want to be there. He went on to bring his grades up enough to transfer to the state university graduating with decent grades. The better way to have handled this whole affair would have been to allow the kid to take out the necessary loans to attend the school of his choice. It would have saved a year of time and made for a happier kid sooner. 
  9.  There are also kids who are forced to go to very highly ranked colleges for their parents to be able to brag about them. This is made even worse when the parent fills in the application and then sends the kid off to a school that the kid is unable to succeed in not having the skills necessary for the school work to be done. To build the self-confidence of your child, your child needs to be in situations that allow for both learning and growth – commensurate with their ability. Please don’t force your kid into a situation where failure is the natural end. There are all sorts of colleges and universities for the this very reason. We weren’t all meant to go to Ivy League colleges.  
  10.  Comparing kids is a super destructive behavior most often ending up with the siblings not getting along. Being human, I am sure this is one of the more difficult things to contend with. However, if one kid is seen as perfect, that kid feels so overwhelmed with having to “”people please” everybody that her own sense of self is destroyed. The kid who is seen as the lesser able, may develop a sense of unworthiness of love because of the lack of unconditional love given. I have had clients in both of these situations and the amount of damage that comes from both is unsettling. Many of the  “people pleasers” become the eating disordered, and the one’s who are only seen as problematic, the substance abusers.

What are the behaviors that help to give a child great self-esteem?

  1. Focus on the efforts that the child is putting forth in life.
  2. Model the sort of behavior that you would like your child to emulate.
  3. If the child does something that needs correcting, make the correction commensurate with the issue to be dealt with. Always correct the behavior, without bringing the child’s personality into it.
  4. Always help the child to aspire to be the best they can be. Celebrate the positive steps taken.
  5. Share hugs and kisses. Have the kid give you the hug, so he knows that you are there and that you unconditionally love him.
  6. Tell your kid that you love them. I can’t tell you how many of my clients never hear these words come out of their parents mouths. We ALL need to feel loved and this is one way to do it.
  7. Support your child in his interests and allow him to learn more about these things. It could very well lead to an interesting career.
  8. If you are going to give positive reinforcement, have it be a fun activity instead of something to do with food or money.
  9. If you say or do something that your kid finds hurtful, be a role model and apologize for it. Then make a note to do your best to never repeat the same hurtful deed.
  10. Be honest about your past and those things that you did that were stupid and caused you grief. This will humanize yourself to your kid and build rapport. There is no need to pretend that you were perfect – because none of us are. Be a person who is willing to be humble and real with your kid, and you will find that your relationship will be better for it.
  11. If there is a time when there is a misunderstanding, have a chat with your kid. This will clear the air between you. while allowing your kid to know that you can indeed be trusted to do your best to make things right.
  12. Be liberal in your complementing good behavior and solid achievements, while withholding criticism and judgement. 

The healthiest adults I know, had parents who were respectful of themselves and did their best to instill that in their own kids. They allowed their kids to make mistakes and deal with the natural ramifications of those mistakes to learn. Most of all, they were real people who truly loved and cared for their kids. They loved being with them and doing things with them. While their kids were teens they allowed them the autonomy to go into the world to learn what they needed. If their kid got into a situation that didn’t feel right, the parent was available to get the child out of that circumstance. These days where drinking and drug taking happens at parties, it is a great idea to let your kid know that you are available if needed in this way.

Parenting is a very hard thing to do. We may not have all the answers, but there are people around to help us navigate it when necessary. However, it is my belief that if you treat your child the way that you would like to be treated, in the ways that would help you to feel good about yourself, your child will have a better than average ability to be raised as a healthy and functional adult.

Photo by Jamiesrabbits

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