150:Who Are You Living With

Your living environment has a huge effect on the quality of your life, Whether you are living with your spouse, adult children or unrelated roommates. Learn some tips from Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck how to deal with problems in your living space.
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How To Deal With Normal Emotional Issues In Your Life

emotions photo

 How To Deal With Normal Emotional Issues In Your Life – Vol. 365, June 9, 2016

Over the years I have written many weblogs on the various mental health issues that arise in life. Some of them can be very serious like depression, eating disorders, and addictions. Others confound people in the symptoms of not being able to do much to move their lives forward – maybe not deadly, though deadening to the soul such as grieving losses, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorders.

In this weblog I would like to give you a different angle on all of this to separate the truly dysfunctional from normal feelings that people have during the course of life. Because this is the thing: all humans have feelings and some of those feelings don’t feel very good. However, they aren’t going to damage you so long as you take proactive steps to handle them. So here we go:

The first thing that I would like you to realize is that there is a great difference between someone who is unable to function due to depressed feelings, from that of a person who has lost someone close to them or perhaps a beloved pet. If you have lost someone close to you, it is normal to feel sadness and to feel a bit dissociated from “reality” as you may be in a bit of shock. Allow yourself to feel those feelings, to acknowledge the loss in your life, feeling the feelings that come up. It is the best way for you to deal with this situation. I would also suggest that you get quiet and get in touch with all the great things that you learned from having this person or pet in your life. Bring them into your heart and be clear that they will always live there with you. This doesn’t mean that you won’t miss them. Rather, you will change that feeling of missing them from your life, to an appreciation of what you learned from them and how they helped to improve your life for having been a part of it.

Anxiety is one of those feelings that can get very debilitating if allowed. Remember that anxiety comes from something that hasn’t even happened yet, something that may or may not happen in the future. So, the first thing you need to recognize is that the anxiety isn’t about anything that is real. Second, anxiety and excitement feel very similar. So, I would suggest that you find something about the anxious feelings that you are feeling and turn them into excitement. For example:

If you have a presentation that you need to give and you’re anxious about it, think of the purpose behind giving the presentation. What do you want the outcome to be from giving the presentation? If it is a grade in school, make sure that you are doing the presentation on something that you care about and are excited about. That way when you get up to give your presentation, you will be excited about the subject matter.

If you are going to give a presentation to educate a group about your product or service,  find an interesting angle to teach about your offering. Answer the questions that your customers have for you, because that will allow your subject to have more intrigue then just doing a straight presentation of facts and figures.

Second, realize that the presentation is only going to take a limited amount of time so will be over quickly enough. Have fun with the audience and know that they want you to succeed because it makes the experience better for them. Before giving the presentation, take some deep breaths to help relax you and then get into your presentation. A few moments into your presentation the nerves will leave and you may very well find yourself having fun. At that point you will find that your worries were most likely for naught.

If you are anxious about a situation that is coming up that is feeling particularly difficult, make sure that you have done what you need to do to be ready for the situation at hand. Preparation is the best way to handle these things.

If you are anxious because of a medical appointment be ready with your questions and get a second opinion. I have heard of many people who were told to have operations that were not necessary mainly for knees, hips and torn rotator cuffs, when physical therapy and a better diet did the trick.

Many people feel that they may have obsessive compulsive disorder. Again, unless checking behavior or compulsive behavior is making you late to school or work for example, you don’t have an issue that needs to be dealt with through psychiatric means. There is nothing exceptional about checking that the stove is off a couple of times or that the door is locked on your way out.

So, do yourself a favor and stop overusing psychiatric terms that don’t apply to you.

Give yourself a means to contend with the normal feelings that arise knowing that you have what you need inside you to deal with it.

149:Beware of Things That Sound Too Good to Be True

Here is a cautionary tale about almost failing for something that sounds too good to be true. We all want to believe it when some presents an option that seems extraordinary, however, any true offer should be able to past some simple reality checks.

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A New Take On Addiction & Its Causes


A New Take On Addiction & Its Causes – Vol. 364, June 2, 2016

Johann Hari wrote a thought provoking blog post for Huffington Post called The Likely Cause of Addiction Has been Discovered and It is Not What You Think

After many experiments done on rats, it becomes evident that the opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it  is social engagement. In one experiment in particular the rats were placed in isolated cages with nothing to do, with cocaine added to their water. They were left there for 57 days straight and became obsessed with the water and kept coming back for more.

When the rats were taken out of isolation and put into rat parks, with toys, tunnels, many friends and two water bottles, one with the cocaine asses and one without, the rats no longer wanted the drugged water.  The only change in the rats seen was a few twitches from withdrawal.   

A comparison was made between those who are street addicts who are alone and isolated and the isolated rats who only had the cocaine water to stimulate them. They had nothing to do but to take the drug. Nine out of ten of rats died if that was all they were given.

The person who takes the drug in a hospital hardly ever gets addicted to the drug. This is because they return home to loving relatives and activities they enjoy. There is no reason to continue to take the drug so they easily stop taking it.

So the premise made here by Professor Peter Cohen who did these experiments on rats is that because human beings get satisfaction from bonding and forming connections with others, if we can’t connect with one another, we will bond with anything including drugs, gambling, shopping, whatever.

I find this very interesting as a person who has worked with people with various forms of addictions. It takes away the idea that one needs a power higher then they to let go of these addictions and the morality play that the 12-step programs have in place and instead goes to the root of the problem. A problem that I believe is getting worse based on all the screen time people have versus spending time face-to-face with their friends and family. It has caused many to feel more isolated and alone bringing on depression, which then in turn can become various addictions to hide those lonely depressed feelings.

I also appreciate Ms. Haris’ observation that the reason the addictions treatment became a morality play instead of an illness that deserves treatment is because of the frame that is used in the 12-step programs. Programs that have been shown to not work because 70% of the people who attend meetings stop after 6 months. Adding to that is the whole idea that many are turned off by having to defer to a power higher than they to let go of their addictions.

I have found in my own practice that the best way to treat addictions is to first help the addict “fall back in love” with themselves, so that they want to take better care of themselves. Then we need to help them to get involved in their lives again, finding things of more interest then their addictions. We call this a “compelling future” because it is something that the addict feels compelled to do and is based on something bigger then they. I do believe for those with addictive habits, a course of treatment to dislodge the brain’s association with the addiction is mandatory. Lastly, boundaries need to be created to have functional and respectful relationships first with themselves and then with others.

I have no use for the outdated 12-step model where the responsibility of the addict to become non-addicts is taken away. Also, as a hypnotist, I am well aware of the recurring statements of one stating that they are and will always be an addict, will only cement in their minds that they will always have to be an addict with the thoughts and feelings of an addict, constantly fighting their addictions. This is an untrue and unwise approach to addiction treatment, but allows the rehab centers to become wealthy for the many who repeatedly end up there.

I also know that there are three ways for an addict to become a non-addict:

First, is the compelling future to be doing and being more important things than the addiction. Second, is a a religious conversions which we hear about happening in prisons and third is to get them out of the theatre of war, abusive relationships whatever the stress is that caused the addiction.

So, it is quite true that an addict has many ways to release themselves from addictions. True emotional connection with other human beings is a very important part of that process.

The Huffington Post  article is based on Johann Hari’s book Chasing The Scream where she chronicles her research into the better understanding of addictions which you can find at: www.chasingthescream.com.

Photo by Neon Tommy


Some people resist change, others embrace it. Whichever you are, you will be able to learn something from this episode about how to handle the transitions of life.

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A Practical Lesson on the Dangers of Prescription Drugs

 A Practical Lesson on the Dangers of Prescription Drugs – Vol. 363, May 26, 2016

About a month ago I volunteered at the Drugs Will Kill Youth Summit for Torrence & Lomita youth. We had about 80 youth between the ages of 11 and 18 participate. The summit was set up to educate the youth about the toxicity of drugs and alcohol. We set out to give them the tools they needed to respect themselves and their lives instead of falling for peer pressure.

There were two young teens who I saw outside the main meeting room during a break who were speaking to one another. I asked them if they had learned anything during the first presentation. They said that they did not because they weren’t paying any attention. I told them that was really too bad, because the information that they were there to receive could very well save their lives, if they cared at all about their lives.

During the next session there were four presentations that were being given on drug and alcohol abuse. I was headed for the one on the dangers of prescription drugs having just been invited to it by the presenters on that topic. It also happens to be a subject that I know a little about given my work in the business of hypnosis.

During the presentation, a video was played where some of the young adults spoke of how easy it was to become addicted and the horrific lives they lead in that addicted state. Others spoke of terrible situations that they found themselves in as a result of taking drugs. The main message given was that prescription drugs are prescribed for the person who is taking them. They are not to be taken by anyone else because these are toxic chemicals that your body really doesn’t know how to handle. The situation is worse if you have no idea what you are ingesting.

I brought up a few examples from my practice where one person who was given some opiate pain killers for a knee operation at the age of 18, found herself addicted to them for the next 15 years. I spoke of another young woman who had taken some drugs and was confined to a wheel chair in a senior living annex of a hospital seen biting her arm, her brain no longer functioning as it had. I had another client, 19 years old who was got so drunk she blacked out, only to find herself raped by a guy who was at the party with her.

The presenters spoke of a party game that is played where a bowl is filled with prescription drugs and each participant takes some and ingests them not knowing what the are and how they are meant to act on the body. The youth were told that there are many Emergency Room visits as a result of this particular activity and not all the kids end up alive.

I bring this up to get you thinking about what you are doing. To think before you act. And, most of all, if you are a youth at a party where drugs are available, do yourself a favor and remove yourself before something horrible happens to you or someone who is present. It is bad enough hearing about the stories, it is much worse to have taken some part in it.

Photo by TheChristianAlert.org

147:Honoring Yourself

Have you ever felt like you are being held back by the opinions that others hold of you. Learn how to honor yourself and who you are authentically are.

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