How About Never Being Among the 2X Suicide Rate of Health Care Professionals?

doctors photo

Vol. 384, October 20, 2016 – How About Never Being Among the 2X Suicide Rate of Health Care Professionals?

We, here in America have a very serious problem with those who are treating ailing Americans. In a medical system that has morphed into helping big pharma and the insurance companies  make the greatest amount of income, the health care workers aren’t given the time to really find out what is going on with their patients, never mind  build rapport with them. This makes it very difficult to give appropriate care, leading to the medical system being the 3rd largest killer of Americans.

I have been doing some serious research on this question over the past few months, wondering why it is that those who are there to help and support us, their patients, in our healing, that  many of them are so miserable in their own professions.

Well, the statistics are very sad to say the least. In an average year 400 medical resident students will kill themselves, 15 to 30% higher then the general population, due to the pressures of their schooling and the archaic manner in which they are treated. This is including their supervising doctors, professors and the lack of sleep allowed while one is doing their residency. There is an 80 hour cap on work hours, though the there are some that work 100 hours a week. So, sleep deprivation becomes a real issue here, both for the doctor and for the patient.  Then we wonder why there are so many medical mistakes. Here are some very depressing statistics for you regarding suicide in the medical profession:

– After accidents, suicide is the largest killer of physicians.

– Suicide deaths are 250 to 400% higher among female physicians compared to other professions.

– An equal number of female physicians complete suicide to male physicians, though in the general population, males will complete suicide four times more often then females.

– Medical students have rates of depression 15-30% higher then the general population. Other risk factors for physicians are bipolar disorder, alcohol and substance abuse.

– The greater completion of suicide rates for for physicians most likely comes from their greater knowledge of lethality of drugs and easy access to them.

– Depression still being stigmatized in all cultures, the self-reporting is most likely underestimated. Depression is a leading risk factor for myocardial infarction (heart attack) in male physicians, and may play a role in immune suppression, increasing the risk of many infectious diseases and cancer.

– Another factor to confuse the statistics is the likelihood of a compassionate colleague certifying death from another cause.

– Ironically, doctors are very poor at diagnosing depression in themselves. Particularly where a potential mental illness may be needing treatments, physicians are reluctant to get treatment. Physicians have had this information used against them making it difficult to continue practicing in some instances.

  • Burnout has been correlated to depression in physicians resulting in suicidal ideation.  Of those physicians that experienced suicidal ideation, over 60% were reluctant to seek psychological help. Why? Because they were fearful of losing their license to practice medicine.

  One would want to believe that if they saw a colleague in trouble, that they would point it out. Sadly, this doesn’t happen being trained to be emotionally distant for colleagues and/or feeling temporarily vulnerable themselves. Making the situation worse, when the physicians realize that they need the help, finding it can be quite difficult.

In the world of mental health care providers, the statistics are even worse. The greatest amount of medical students with mental health and abuse histories enter psychiatry. As reported in the American Psychiatric Association study,  physicians with affective mood disorders tend to select psychiatry as a specialty..

It seems that mental health professionals similar to their physical health colleagues are unlikely to seek the help they require and as such, many have never taken care of core issues even after doing all the required work for licensure. This is a huge problem, because many don’t feel they are in an appropriate position to do the work with their clients. Some feel triggered when certain issues similar to their’s arise. Spending 8 to10 hours listening to patients complain about their lives, leaves little time to balance their lives with fun or interesting activities to even out  the emotional energy spent while in sessions with their patients. In elder years, sometimes the mental health workers get attached to their clients using them as a social outlet instead of giving the care required.

Here are the statistics regarding mental health care professionals from Psychology Today article Why Shrinks Have Problems

  • 3 out of 4 experienced emotional issues regarding relationships in the past three years, 60% suffering clinical depression

– A 1992 survey found that 2/3 of the woman experienced some sort of sexual or physical abuse and 1/3 of the men did

  • There was a 51% divorce rate in the times when they were much fewer than now for those married between 1948 – 1964.

– 40% of mental health care workers reported being attacked by a client

  • 1 of every 4 psychologists has suicidal feelings at times
  • 1 in 16 may have attempted suicide
  • twice as many psychologists as other medical professionals commit suicide.

It becomes obvious why it is so hard to find medical care that is competent and even more difficult to find medical care that is caring. We live in a society that doesn’t respect their medical providers enough to allow them the care they need for themselves and their families wellbeing.

That is a crime. Without their knowledge, we as a society are at a total loss. Though to be honest, many are confused in how best to practice, in a system that gives them false testing results for medications, the FDA passing many studies that were not done ethically. That means doctors have no idea what medications are safe to prescribe whenever new ones come out.

The idea of allowing a person to use their own bodily wisdom to help heal is something that is all but forgotten in this western world of medicine. The one thing that I have learned in my own healing journey, is that though the conventional treatments for acute difficulties is wonderful in the United States, those for chronic issues is atrocious.

It is with all of these sad facts in mind that I am going to take a definitive action and help those mental health providers that know inside themselves that they really do require appropriate care to finally access it. I am going to be running  3 Day event in Hawthorne/Manhatten Beach in November for those of you who are serious about getting your mental health in check. I know that you realize that stress is the number one reason that people become ill. Given a person’s predispositions, some disease processes are more likely to emerge with that stress. There is absolutely no reason why anyone needs to continue to struggle feeling depressed, anxious, cycling up and down with bi-polar or dealing with addictions in this day and age. I have worked with clients with all of these issues and for those who followed the protocol, their mental health issues are in their past where they belong.

Don’t you deserve to give yourself the same care? Doesn’t your family deserve to have you feeling whole, loving and fulfilled in your life? Don’t your patients deserve to have you working at your best level of ability? So, I ask you to ask yourself these questions:

Are you a mental health professional who knows that you feel like “imposture” or perhaps just feel hypocritical in giving care, because you know that you require health care for yourself? However, you feel it is just to “risky to get that help.”

Are you a mental health professional that knows that you have had many challenges in life because of issues of abuse or neglect in your childhood, and are ready to finally clear those out of your life?

Are you a mental health professional who has abuse in one or more relationships in you past? Perhaps you were left feeling a lot of anger toward your ex and have yet to forgive and let that go. How do you think that may be affecting your care for those patients of yours suffering in similar situations?

Are you a mental health professional that knows there is something gong on with you, but are unclear what to do about it, which in itself is confusion because of the degrees you have earned that should tell you what is wrong with you?

Are you a mental health professional that is self-medicating by abusing substances, over eating, shopping with money that you don’t have, gambling, or involved in sexual relations that you know are not in your best interest?

Are you a mental health professional that is sick of being stuck?

Well, this is something that I want you to understand: Most of the issues that you are carrying around inside yourself, can be easily let go of with the use of the appropriate part of your mind to do so. I can tell you that going back to 2004 I stopped taking the minimal amount of medication I was on for bipolar 2 at the time due to kidney issues caused by the medication. I never had to go back on any of it, thanks to the hypnotic and NLP techniques I applied to myself, with my psychiatrists blessing.

I am doing a live event in February for those of you who are interested in dealing with this aspect of your life. I know a person, someone who I like and respect very much for her knowledge and care – and yet she left the field of mental health nursing, because of health issues. We can’t allow this to continue. There are not enough mental health professionals for all those in the general population who need it. So, how about clearing up your own crap, and bringing some joy, calm and peace into your own life? Maybe some true fulfillment could be a by product of finally taking care of yourselves.

I say this coming from the perspective of a past consumer of the conventional mental health system as well as an ex-provider of the conventional mental health system. Though my conventional psychiatrist is a lovely woman and a true professional in every way, she didn’t have the resources necessary to clear me of my mental health problem. That only came with Hypnosis, actually Time Line THerapy(R). Because this is the thing, medications are not going to take care of the “cause” of your presenting problem. One has to get to the “cause” of the problem, and in that place, the illness can be irradiated, cleared once and for all, for most mental health issues. Personality disorders and schizophrenia are excepted.

During my event, you will learn how to do these clearings for yourself. Further, be my guest and integrate what you learn with your patients. It is my mission to get as many of you this knowledge as possible, so we can clean up the lives of both the mental health professionals and their patients without the over use of medication, the near uselessness of CBT and other conscious training that just doesn’t work, it being way too difficult for most to commit to. Once the unconscious and super conscious minds are included in the treatment, magic happens.

Care to learn more? Call me: Suzanne at 781-315-1719. We have a lot of work to do, and its best if we get our own houses in order before claiming to be able to help others heal their lives. There is much to be said for living congruently and with integrity.

I look forward to hearing from you and getting your own input in what you feel would be useful to include in this program. As we know many minds acting together for a cause, does much better than a single mind.

So give me a call at 781-315-1719 and let’s get these mental health issues resolved once and for all for both you and the community that you went into practice to help heal!

168:Marianne Williamson’s “Tears To Triumph 2 – Metaphysics of Spiritual Teachings

Further commentary on Marianne Williamson’s book “Tears to Triumph”. This section focuses on the teachings of Buddhism.


Dave Elman’s Take on Hypnosis: From One of the Best EVER!

English: Hypnotic spiral for hypnotherapy. Eas...

English: Hypnotic spiral for hypnotherapy. Easy instant induction technique. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Vol. 383, October 13, 2016 – Dave Elman’s Take on Hypnosis: From One of the Best EVER!

Dave Elman was a stage hypnotist, who watched his dad lessen the pain he felt from cancer, with the help of a stage hypnotist friend of his. This was when Dave was very young, his dad dying when he was 8 years old. However, in those days there was no such thing as morphine, so this was the best way to help him reduce his pain. It is still a great way to reduce pain for those who are sensitive to or allergic to pain medications or for those who choose not to use them for their own reasons.

After one of his stage shows, Dave was asked by doctors and dentists who were in the audience, to teach them how to help their patients with the use of hypnosis. Dave, being a very humble man, told them that since he wasn’t a doctor, they would have to help him to understand what their patients needed, to best be able to teach them how to hypnotize their patients out of whatever was creating their health problems. Dave was able to heal most of the patients of their physical and emotional issues in a session or two, making him what I consider to be one of the best ever hypnotist that ever lived. He was a “lay” hypnotist, never having any formal training in mental health or physical health. Yet, he was much more efficient in getting his clients back to health then many who had the years of conventional medical training.

What made him so outstanding as a hypnotist? Well, for one thing Elman viewed hypnosis as a tool that moves your mind from your “conscious awake state” to the more subjective “subconscious state.” The subconscious inner mind becomes hyper-suggestible, being influenced by hypnosis, making it easier to modify behavior and bodily processes.

Elman believed that hypnosis seemed to program the mind to function through the autonomic nervous system, rather then the sympathetic nervous system. Meaning that the hypnosis allowed the body to come into homeostasis, instead of being controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the perception of “fight or flight.”

Elman realized that unless the client is willing to accept the suggestions given, the suggestions will have little value. However, with that willingness to accept the suggestions, the effect of the accepted suggestion will “bypass” the critical mind and selective thinking will be established “…that brings about miracles …” The suggestions need to be reasonable and pleasing for the client to respond best to them.

Many hypnotist will say that all hypnosis is “self-hypnosis” which is incorrect. It is because the hypnotist knows how to phrase things, allowing for the desired changes to occur, that the client will receive the desired results. The communication between the hypnotist and client is very intimate. More recently researchers have also noted that hypnotized people will actively respond to suggestions even if they perceive dramatic changes as happening “by themselves.”

One very important factor that Elman pointed out, was that there is no such thing as a hypnotist exerting a special power over another person. This is because hypnosis does not cause unconsciousness. Instead, the hypnotized person becomes hyper aware of what is being said and done by the hypnotist. This leaves the person free to accept or reject any suggestions. The only time the hypnotized person may not be aware is when a suggestion of amnesia is accepted for some reason.

Even in the deepest states of hypnosis, the person has control of all their faculties. Being super awake, they are able to see, hear, feel, taste, and smell better then ever.

While a person is in hypnosis, and the critical faculty is out of the way, so long as the suggestion is one that is pleasing to the client, it will be accepted, despite the fact that in the normal awake, beta brain wave state, they may consider it impossible. An example of this is when one is given the suggestion of creating anesthesia (erasing pain without a chemical agent).  Another is that one can also recall way back to infancy or before to relive a past experience, rather the merely recall it.

If a suggestion is disagreeable to or goes against an individual’s ethics, they will either reject the suggestion or come out of the hypnotic state.

NOTE: This is important for anyone who is looking for a hypnotist. Elman insisted that students learn hypnosis by hypnotizing, it being the only way to learn. One needs to go into the hypnotic state themselves to understand what it is and what it can do. Elman stated in his book Hypnotherapy, “In exploring the unknown, I turned up some surprising facts, i.e. Hypnosis could alleviate pain. Hypnosis can be produced almost instantaneously …hypnosis is established by bypassing the critical mind and establishing selective thinking. They hypnotic is never unconscious but is in a state of super awareness.”

So, you need to look for a hypnotist that practices self-hypnosis and uses hypnosis to take care of their own issues. Secondly, if you find a hypnotist who feels that wasting a half hour of your time to put you into a deep trance is necessary, run the other direction. With rapid inductions, like Elman’s, it takes about 2 minutes to put someone in trance. If one is using an “instant induction” it takes a mere 10 seconds and then a minute of deepening to get a person into a deep enough state to do most anything that needs to be done.

For my own clients, there are some times when they are not feeling in a very pleasant place as we work together, simply because they have some very challenging beliefs that need to be altered, such as those with addictions. There are going to be times when they are going to be challenged to get over themselves, learning how to respect both their own and other peoples’ boundaries. My clients are often given homework to do that can seem scary, until they do it and find out that the situation created was much better than what they previously had. And that is the thing that anyone who is looking to create any real transformation in their lives needs to understand. Hypnosis can and does make it much easier and faster to deal with these situations. However, it is a “do with” process with the hypnotist only being the facilitator of the work. It is up to the client to do what they need to do, understanding that the answers have come from themselves – their unconscious mind – that part of their mind that they couldn’t access without the help of a well trained hypnotist.

So, if you choose to hire a hypnotist, you are making a great choice so long as you find one that has experience working with the same sort of issues you are looking to have treated with a proven record in doing so. With websites and the ability as non-licensed professionals, testimonials ought to be easy to find. Also, realize that you will most likely get what you pay for, so if you are looking for the least expensive person to work with, you will be hiring a newbie without the expertise. If you have a issue that is problematic, yet not harmful to your health, this is fine. However, if you are dealing with more challenging situations like addictions, eating disorders and even weight loss, it being a very complicated situation given all the reasons for it, find yourself someone who has a proven record of success. Because in the long run, your problem will be solved and you will not be getting yourself into a situation with someone who means well, with the best of intentions, yet doesn’t really know what they don’t know. And that can and does cause problems for people regardless of how well you may like them as people .

167:Thoughts on Maryanne Williamson’s Book “Tears to Triumph”

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck shares her thoughts on maryanne Williamson’s book “Tears to Triumph”.

5 Benefits of Being Positive

Vol. 382, October 6, 2016 – 5 Benefits of Being Positive

While reading the International Hypnosis Federation’s newsletter, Hyp-News of the Day, I came across a wonderful article by a colleague of mine, Frank Hopkins, called Benefits of Positivity explaining 5 ways that your life will function much better with a positive attitude. Here they are:

  1. How would you like a longer, healthier life? Well, a study of optimistic post menopausal women demonstrated that they were 30% less likely to die from heart disease, where negative thinking women were 23% more likely to die from cancer then the general public.
  2. How would you like to be less depressed? Well, if you have a positive attitude toward life, you will, by definition be unlikely to become depressed.
  3. How would you like to stay physically healthier? Well, being of positive mind you are less likely to get ill. If you do contract some cold or other illness, you will recover much quicker.
  4. How would you like to be able to recover from life’s more challenging issues such as: surgery, serious diseases, stress and hardships better? Well, people with a positive attitude recover faster then anyone else.
  5. How would you like to have better coping mechanisms and a higher level of self-confidence? Well, being optimistic allows you to feel much better about yourself and more appreciative of others.

It is clear that staying positive of mind is an important part of living a good to great life. With that in mind, here are some things you can do to increase your own sense of optimism.

  1. Turn off the news because it isn’t the news anyway. If you realize that you get such a small sound bite of whatever is being repeated without any context, you can understand how useless this so-call information is to you.
  2. The news is created to make you angry, anxious and sad because that is what sells, unfortunately. So, stay away from it, especially right after you wake up in the morning and right before going to sleep, since you are in a hypnotic state at these times. Allowing that garbage to infiltrate your unconscious mind will  hurt your ability to be optimistic.
  3. Surround yourself with people who are doing positive things in this world. Volunteer for an organization whose mission your believe in to add some positivity to your community. This will bring you so much joy, you will become most optimistic.
  4. Engage in those things that you used to love to do while you were young and could spend your days doing what you wanted to do, once your school day was over and during the summer and holidays. Too often adults get stuck in the toil of making a living and forget to “have fun.” Life was meant to be enjoyable and it can be, so long as you allow yourself to do enjoyable things with your time.
  5. Hang out with happy fun people to bring a smile to your face.
  6. Put together a gathering for your friends. It can be a weekend party, or it can be a small brunch. It’s even more fun if you bring people together who don’t know each other and have everyone contribute their favorite dish to the party. You will be amazed at the vast amount of foods of all different sorts that will show up for your being the one to organize the occasion. For those who don’t cook or bake, suggest they bring a bottle of wine or two, something from a bakery or some cut up fruit and/or veggies and dip. Someone can even bring some gourmet coffee and tea. Just make sure that the alcohol is to a minimum and the television is OFF, to allow people to actually sit and be with one another, eye-to-eye and soul-to-soul. Because anyone can stare at a television at home, can’t they? So, make it clear in the invitation that it is for people to interact with one another and that there will be absolutely no television, Netflix or DVDs at all. If they aren’t okay with that, well, they can stay home and watch their televisions. That being said, it is great to have your special gatherings when important sporting events or not occurring.

7.   Invite some friends over to cook and enjoy a meal together and play some board games,

      cards or do some Tarot readings. I love doing this with my friends, and maybe you would


8.  If you are a creative sort and most humans are in one area or another, get to it already. Too

     often people forget to exercise their creative outlets and then wonder why they feel like they

     lost themselves. If you are not using the left side of your brain, doesn’t it make sense that

     you may be feeling you lost a part of yourself?

9. If you are in a job or career that you dislike, be honest with yourself about it. You spend way

    too many hours at work to dislike what you are doing. Take an assessment of the things that

    you enjoy doing and the things that you are good at, and then sprinkle in some dream type

    aspects to create an income producing activity that sings to your heart. I did this when 

    I figured out that I hated corporate America, and I never got further then the entry level there.

    I also realized that I was a lousy employee. As such I needed to figure out a way to make my

    own money working for myself that allowed me to do what I loved to do. This includes

    travel to all sorts of places all over the globe as well as being creative and autonomous while

    having a great time doing the work itself. I have found the perfect modality in health care to

    allow me to do everything I ever wanted to do and much, more that I didn’t even know I had in

    me like: writing 4 downloadable books, doing a weekly podcast, doing a weekly weblog, and     

    creating products – while meeting the coolest people on the planet and learning from the best

     in the world at what they do.

10. Make sure you get enough sleep each night, between 7-8 hours for most adults, are drinking

     plenty of cool, clean refreshing water (add fresh lemon and/or cucumbers for extra flavor and

     more nutrients).

11. Eat whole foods, which means combining one item foods to make your recipes replacing

      sugar and artificial sweetener with a little uncooked, 100% pure organic honey. Eat healthy

      fats like: avocados, coconut oil, nuts, seeds and flaxseed, oily fish for their omega 3s and

     some saturated fats as well – only about 3 ounces every couple days – thrown in a salad or

     stir fry is perfect. And how about a couple of pieces of delicious 70% Cocoa Dark chocolate?

     It’s one of the healthiest foods on the planet!

12. Get yourself some fun activity where you are moving your body. We humans were never

      made to sit for 10 hours a day at some fool desk typing on computers. No, indeed. We were

      meant to be out there running, twisting and bending all day long till the sun went down and

       then go off to sleep. Go find fun activities to do where you are moving your body

       while not at work. Not only will you have fun, you will also have much better mobility, getting

       that synovial fluid working in your joints, keeping your bones and  muscles strong. You will

       have a healthier functioning body that will bring you an optimistic attitude feeling good and


13. We people of the 21st century feel that if we aren’t “doing” something then we aren’t being

      productive. Well, I have some good news for you. The most productive people that ever

      lived napped regularly, took many hours just to think, which is when their best ideas for

      creating something wonderful came into their minds. So, it’s going to do you well to allow

      yourself to “just be.”

14. Take some time for self-hypnosis, meditation and/or prayer. Getting in touch with our higher

      consciousness is a great way to give our brains the break they require as well as allowing

      us to calm ourselves down; body, mind and spirit. Who knows, you may come up with

      something really cool for yourself to do while in this altered state of being.


There you go, you now have every reason to be a positive, optimistic and therefore happy person don’t you? You even have a game plan to get it done. Go ahead and put these ideas to into play for your self.  You may even outlive you longest living relative happily and healthfully. What do you have to lose, but that which is not working for you anyway?

Photo by somnathbhagat84

166:Being True to Your Beautiful Authentic Self.

Learned about how to tap into your authentic, congruent self. Included is a hypnotic induction to help connect you to your authentic self.

Turning Tragedy, Trauma and Tension into Adventure, Ease and Calm

trauma photo

Vol. 381, September 29, 2016 – Turning Tragedy, Trauma and Tension into Adventure, Ease and Calm

For many years I have had many challenges to overcome myself. I am not going to bore you with all the details, however I will tell you some of the things that I have learned along the way, so that if you are feeling challenged in some way today, you can see how it can serve to bring you to a much better place, even a place of authority in your chosen field.

I was speaking to my webman one day last year when he told me exactly why it is that he feels that I am as good as I am at helping others to clear their traumas as I am, because you know, he could NEVER do what I did, ever! Really,! That is what he said, and yet, knowing him the way I know him, over the past decade plus, I know that  he has helped many people to deal with some of the hardest of tragedies for decades at a time. So, maybe he was just reflecting his learning onto me without realizing it. And, yes I did indeed bring this understanding to his mind as we spoke that day.

He told me that it was because I have had to deal with so many issues all through my life – from not speaking at all till a speech therapist was employed to teach me at the age of 5, to the 14 years I suffered with both bipolar 2 (non-psychotic type luckily for me) and bronchial asthma (that the doctor had no idea in how to treat, none of the medications he prescribed worked any longer, to the meningioma tumor (thankfully benign) on the covering of my brain which required 6 weeks of treatment at a cancer center. And, that doesn’t include all the drama and trauma that has played out in my family of origin throughout my life – issues that having a deeper understanding of mental health then my four sisters, I was called on to help deal with, repeatedly during my adulthood.

So what were the blessings from all of these challenges?

  1. When one has to deal with their own lack of judgment as occurs when one is healing from a serious mental illness, judgment of others seemingly bizarre behavior is better understood for what it is – a defense mechanism that was created to keep that person safe from some deeper emotional issue that needed to be dealt with in the way a person without the ability to reason, rationalize or judge another could. People with mental illness are stuck at an emotional age consistent with the chronological age they were traumatized to such a degree that they had to develop their illness as a coping mechanism to survive. Yes, it is true that some of these illnesses can be handed down from one generation to another as occurred with the bipolar I experienced. However, there needs to be a traumatizing event to set the latent illness into action.
  2. If one is feeling physically awful more often then not, compassion for others who feel ill would be a natural outcome of dealing with one’s own misery. I was speaking with a gentleman yesterday. He is now retired and volunteering at a local hospital. Why? Because he was born with a congenital heart ailment spending many nights in the hospital all through his youth. He is healthy now with a pace maker keeping his heart beats regularly timed. He told me that when he was younger he vowed that when he was healthy enough, he would give back to the community at the hospital, as the volunteers did to help him feel better during his youth.
  3. There are inherent learnings to be gained for each and every situation that one overcomes. Those learnings can be shared with others who are going through a similar thing currently. I never held back about what I was going through with most of the challenges that I was going through them. As a result many people around me knew of my difficulties at the time. Those who stayed around saw my overcoming many of them. When they had similar circumstances later on, who do you think they looked to for advise and emotional support to help get them through it? It feels great to be able to truly help someone going through the difficulties that life throws at us. At this point, because I work with people in highly charged emotional situations, I would prefer to have friends and family who have their own lives together – it’s the best way to balance my work with my personal life. However, there are those times when a close friend needs a loving and knowledgable resource, and I am called on to be there. And, that is my definition of a “true friend” anyway. Anyone can be there for you when everything is going along fine. It is the few who will be there and fewer who know how to help you when you are in a difficult situation.
  4. Being able to detect the manipulators and cheats from someone who is truly being “real.” This is an excellent skill to have given that so many people are out there to get whatever they can from others. Some people just love to hear themselves whining to get the sympathy of others (not understanding the difference between sympathy and empathy). Some people just want to swindle others.The tide is turning as seen in the business of doing business where people are much more open to collaboration now then being in competition as was the norm several years ago. But it’s still out there and one needs to be aware – never paranoid, just cautiously optimistic when entering any sort of new relationships.
  5. Using your most hard won knowledge to help others in a professional manner. I always felt called to the work that I do – meaning that whether or not a viable income was to be found, I could never “not” do this work. There is something much bigger then me working through me to allow my clients to get the great results they receive regardless of the complexity of their cases and regardless of what the conventional world of medicine and mental health have to say about it. Our minds are the most powerful instrument that we have, and it is our job to learn how to harness it’s power in the manner in which the ancients understood. Technology has it place, and it will NEVER take over from the powers of true thoughtfulness, inventiveness, and the innovation of the human mind.

So, there you go, 5 ways to turn you tragedies, traumas and tensions into adventure, ease and calm, if, and only if, you are willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to overcome your challenges, finding the wonderful wisdom from having done so, and then sharing it with whomever can benefit. 

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