172:How To Align Your Career Ambition With Your Life Vision

Is your career in alignment with how you wish to live your life? If not, then you need to make some changes. Included in this episode is advice on how to make this transition, plus as a bonus, a hypnotic induction that will get you in touch with what you really want out of your life.

Do You Feel Overwhelmed By Too Much Stimuli? 4 Ways To Help Highly Sensitive People (HSP)

Do You Feel Overwhelmed By Too Much Stimuli? 4 Ways To Help Highly Sensitive People (HSP) – Vol. 387, November 10, 2016 

Perhaps you know a person who gets overwhelmed when spending time with you for more then an hour or two. Or, maybe you know a person who just feels tired after spending a few hours in a brightly lit, over crowded restaurant. Or, maybe you know someone who just isn’t happy spending time outside of her own home. Or, maybe you know someone who gets defensive feeling that you said something that hurt her feelings.

Or, just maybe you are the person that I am describing here.

People who suffer from being highly sensitive experience:

– having a hard time in crowds

– feel sick when others speak of their illnesses

– feel constricted when they hear negative statements from others

– feel emotionally drained by toxic people

– feel physically depleted when there is too much stimuli

– work very hard to make money, have to “recharge” to make more money

– experience allergic reactions around certain smells

According to Debbie Lynn Grace who characterizes herself as a highly sensitive person, many highly sensitive people have experienced:

Emotional scars from being bullied or teased while young.

Get emotionally hurt very easily.

Feel “hurt” a lot and either get defensive or isolate themselves.

Feel vulnerable or alone because of being highly sensitive.

Feel that they need to be ‘perfect” because anything less then that will cause “push

  back” from others.

There are 7 Energy blocks that highly sensitive people can have:

  1. Having lousy boundaries by:
  • trying to keep the peace between people
  • never saying “no” when that is the best response
  • taking things that people say personally, even though it’s not personal
  • Hearing people telling you to “just let it go”, especially if that someone just hurt you

2. Lack of Safety:

  • Hyper-vigilance in trying to control people and situations around you.
  • Being a “people pleaser” or being generous, in over giving even when you can’t afford it.
  • Withdrawing to regroup while worried and not feeling “safe” which can be in regard to:
  • relationships
  • business
  • changing jobs
  • changing careers

3.You take on stuff on a daily basis that you don’t even know:

  • always feeling , experiencing and absorbing all the stimuli around you
  • putting yourself into “overload” which shuts you down,
  • words do have a very strong energy transmission for you, both the words you hear

    and say

4. Lack of “receiving” because you are in “protection” mode to feel “safe.” or are in “giving” mode to make other people “happy.” This creates challenges for your own prosperity.

5.Past pain – being told you are “too sensitive” Things that occurred when you were a child are dictating the decisions that you are currently making in your life. This could be holding you back from doing things that could change you life for the better.

6. Staying in “toxic” environments both work and relationships because you feel that you don’t have any other choice.

7.A vicious cycle of always setting new higher goals for yourself, forcing yourself to work very hard to achieve them. This causes heavy blocks causing feelings of overwhelm which brings on stress and then procrastination. Then you have to withdraw to regroup.

The largest problem is being told that you shouldn’t be the way you are, emotionally shutting yourself down. You may have stopped socializing or going out in public very much finding it too challenging. It’s like you have put a protective shield around you.

Without having HSP, one can never understand what it is like to have it, simply because they aren’t programmed to.

However, there are 4 ways that you can nurture yourself:

  1. Accept that you were born this way for a reason. See it as a gift because it is, allowing you to be highly attuned to your senses.
  2. Understanding how to set up your environment and relationships so they work in our favor, meaning that you feel “safe” all the time. You have a choice in how you respond to other peoples’ rude or judgmental ways. Learn to live your life in the flow of freedom, knowing that you are fine as you are, not allowing the ignorance of others to bring you down.
  3. Nourishment for your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs, doing those things that you “love” – not just the things that make you “happy,” which may not nourish you.
  4. Nurture your nature, understanding that your intuition is highly attuned. Usually people with HSP become healers of some kind, not wanting others to be in pain, desiring to be a service to the world. You can increase your manifestation abilities with your intuition, exponentially increasing your abundance while operating from ease and flow.

Realize that you have the right to be loved unconditionally, and start with yourself. You can go for anything that you choose to create in your life from your life’s purpose. Nourish yourself body, mind and spirit and the world can be yours.

Photo by Radames Ajna

171:Boundaries- Do You Find Others Not Respecting Your Time?

When your boundaries are violated, you can feel used, abused and trod upon. Find out what healthy boundaries look like in this episode.


Is There Such a Thing as “Transgender” or is it a Myth?

Vol. 386, November 3, 2016 – Is There Such a Thing as “Transgender” or is it a Myth? 

Over the past few weeks I have been working with an 18 year old who “came out” to her family as a trans gender person, a person with body dysmorphic disorder. This was something that she has spent much time and energy worrying about over the last two-thirds of her young life. Her biggest fear was that she would be thrown out of her home for “coming out.”

I had done quite a bit of research to figure out the best way of helping my client since she asked me to support her when she told her guardians. Her guardians let her know that they loved her unconditionally, though they were as confused as she was during the conversation. She was wanting them to use an alternative name for her, getting rid of her female identity, though in her case, she was fine with her body as it is and wanted to continue wearing her makeup to hide her acne, including very bright red lip stick. Her belief was that there needn’t be any gender role really – anything goes.

However, I missed one very important person I know who came through for me beautifully in a consultation we had over the phone a day after the “coming out” appointment. This person who helped me, is herself a person who went through gender reassignment surgery when she was in her 40’s, about 20 years ago. The reason that this is important, is because most of the information that is out there on this issue says, that, yes indeed, people can have gender issues and yes, some of them would be better off to go through the surgery. My consultant emphatically disagrees based on what she has learned from being a part of the “trans” culture for many years, though she has prohibited me from using the term “trans,” because so far as she is concerned it doesn’t exist. She made the excellent point that even after gender reassignment surgery these people are still miserable. She even admitted to the fact that after much therapy over the years, she still has issues of gender. Studies by Johns Hopkins Hospital proved this point and have stopped doing the reassignment surgeries they once did, according to Dr. Paul McHugh as he commented in the Wall Street Journal on May 13, 2016.

The Karolinska Institute in Sweden did a 30 year long study following 324 people who had gender-reassignment surgery. They found that around the tenth anniversary of their surgery, these patients began to experience increasing mental health issues. Sadly, their suicide mortality rose 20 times above the comparable non-transgender population.

Those who undergo sex-reassignment surgery become feminized males or masculinized females, rather then changing from one gender to the next.

My consultant explained to me that there are only two genders, male and female determined by ones physical organs, hormones and chromosomes. Further, she told me to call it “gender confusion,” because that is what it is.

How do people get gender confused? Simple. By having parents that are unhealthy gender role models. So, if one has a mother that was scary or depressed, a very young child may find that being a “female” means being mean or sad, so decides that being a male would be easier. Of course at this stage of life, it may be an unconscious decision. During puberty a person is figuring out their gender roles as the body develops, bringing this questioning of gender into play.

A week later when I went to do a follow-up using the information that I learned from my consultant, my client acknowledged that being that “other” person wasn’t working for her at all. She was still miserable. She was still confused.

So, what was the solution? For my client it was cleared up through doing a session of hypnosis. She was able to understand that she wasn’t her mother and as such could allow herself to be fine with the gender with which she was born. This made life a lot less confusing continuing to wear the makeup she feels she needs to hide her acne and the more feminine clothing she enjoys. Because not liking to wear dresses, isn’t the same as needing to be a male, is it?

Some of her confusion may have come as a result of her doing much research on the issue on the internet, and hanging out with others online in the so-called “trans” community who were trying to help her. What happened as a result was even more confusion in this case.

There are psychiatrists out there who realize that this is a mental health issue and needs to be dealt with as such. However, the basic understanding that needs to be had, is that you are fine the way you were born, and you are not your parent. Your parent is separate from you. I always allow my clients the benefit of giving the gifts of their parents issues back to the parents, allowing the client to move on with their own life.

The parental role models need to help the individual to fulfill their gender roles as best they can. Luckily, my client has two great role models with whom she lives who are allowing her to do this as well.

So, if you have this issue yourself or know people who do, understand that this isn’t a physical issue that can be taken care of in that manner. It is a psychological issue where for some reason the individual has feelings that began while very young, that it was too hard to be their birth gender. The best way to clear it up is to get the person to go back to the time when the person made the decision that it would be easier to be the other gender. Next the person needs to understand that they are fine the way they are, and to let go of the idea that a parent with issues, means anything to them. It needn’t be. This is the easiest way to help the client move into self-love and self-appreciation just the way they are without the need to physically alter or mutilate the body with hormones and/or surgery.

Photo by Liz Henry

170: Marianne Williamson’s “Tears to Triumph- Metaphysics of Jesus

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck finishes her series on Marianne Williamson’s book “Tears to Triumph”. This episode discusses the teachings of Jesus and the metaphysical meaning behind the story of his resurrection.

A Non-Medical Solution to the 30% Increase in Type 2 Diabetes in Youth

stop diabetes photo

Vol. 385, October 27, 2016 – A Non-Medical Solution to the 30% Increase in Type 2 Diabetes in Youth

Since 2002 there has been a 30% increase in type 2 diabetes in children from 10 to 19 years of age. There are many reasons for this including the terrible “Frankin” food” we give our kids, both pre-packaged and fast foods, the pesticides and antibiotics in the food supply, and the total lack of exercise most kids are experiencing. There is also the issue of medicating our kids from normal emotional expression, as well as, giving them amphetamines to keep them sedate in school, quite contrary to the natural need especially for young boys to explore and expend their healthy energy.

If we don’t take care of our kids, they are bound to end up with all sorts of systemic illnesses due to their diabetes, at much younger ages then what was the norm for what used to be known as “adult onset diabetes.”

Here’s the thing: Type 2 diabetes IS reversible. That is if we actually work on the underlying reasons why the diabetes is present. It has less to do with keeping sugar levels under control, and more to do with appetite control, while stopping the leaching of all the water soluble nutrients, that occurs with the excessive urination from the diabetes.

If a person stays on medication that is given to “manage” the diabetes the gruesome statistics are in:

  1. Mayo Clinic researchers have finally stated what the medical literature have been saying for a very long time: physicians have been sold a bundle of lies on the benefits of drugs like metormin, in the altering the course of Type 2 diabetes. Reason: altering the blood sugar numbers has little to do with the progression of the disease.
  1. Drugs prescribed require higher doses as resistance to them comes into play, associating them with early death compared to those who are never treated for their Type 2 diabetes.
  1. Newer drugs like pioglitazone (Actose) and rosglitazone (Avanda) appear to be extremely dangerous associated with significant weight gain, the opposite response to what diabetics require.
  1. The ACCORD Trial showed the tight control over glycemic index as measured by the A1C glycosylated hemoglobin blood sugar control through medication alone all cause mortality to INCREASE by 26% and increased mortality by 45%.

Dr. Mercola explains the role of the hormone leptin needing to be produced to control appetite which works in concert with insulin release.

Dr. Julian Whitiker explains that diabetes is really a “nutritional wasting disease” as explained above through the leaching of water soluble nutrients through the frequent urination.

Dr. Rosedale speaks of Type 3 diabetes, Alzheimer’s in 2005 was dubbed Type 3 diabetes when researchers learned that your brain ALSO produces insulin, necessary for the survival of your brain cells. Insulin is a “master multi-tasker” helping with neuron glucose uptake, regulating the neurotransmitters like acetylcholine, necessary for memory and learning. Those with Type 2 diabetes also show more loss of brain volume with age especially in the brain matter. Dr. Rosedale believes that it is the decrease in insulin in the brain that is causing the degeneration of the neurodegenerative diseases such as glaucoma – an irreversible blinding disorder.

Jerry Kein, a hypnotist in practice for 50 years, noted that people who had held regret and resentment toward those they loved, seemed to become diabetic.

So, given all the health problems that can come about as a result of Type 2 diabetes, and I didn’t even go into the problems with blood circulation causing the non-healing of ulcers that bring on gout ending with amputation of legs. Or the neuropathy, or the heart, lung and kidney failure, all that cause death secondary to the diabetes itself.

Now that you better understand what is truly going on physiologically in you kid’s body, don’t you believe it is time you actually learned, with your child, what truly needs to change, so that your kid has a decent chance at living a normal life span, healthy and happy. being cleared of Type 2 diabetes?

Because the sad truth is, that most conventionally trained doctors have no idea that this is what is behind the development and therefore healing of diabetes. I gave a presentation on this exact information with 13 health care professionals, two of them medical doctors, and none of them knew any of this information. And, these were medical professionals open to complimentary healing methods. So, you know that the majority of conventionally trained medical professionals will follow whatever the conventional wisdom is, pushing the deadly so-called medication at their patients believing that this is the best treatment for them.

Except, for one hard to accept fact. Their patients are not getting any better, given the statistics above, more of them are dying from this disease through their treatment, then if they were never treated at all.

So, you aren’t going to learn how to reverse diabetes by going to your conventional doctors. However, you can indeed reverse this terrible disease before it ravishes your child’s health, maybe to the point of premature death.

I have over 30 years working in the field of health, and over 14 years of working in the hypnotic arts. Given all this knowledge, your child can safely reverse their diabetes through eating the correct foods, and getting a bit more activity into their lives. This is completely safe and effective, and your doctor will watch before his or her own very eyes, as you kid regains the health a kid ought to have, living a “normal” life, once again.

I am offering this special retreat for you, the parents and your diabetic child, so everyone is on the same page. It has been proven over decades of studies that the environment that we live in, needs to be conducive to allow for the necessary changes to take place. This is why I want both parents if this is a 2 parent family or the parent and the child, if this is a single parent family to ALL take part together in this retreat.

We are going to go to a very spiritual place where we will be able to get in touch with our inner wisdom, intuitive knowing and higher consciousness to help us more easily make the necessary changes to bring health back to your diabetic kid. The side-effects for the parents are much better eating habits, an increased desire for more fun activity. And, best of all, you may even find yourself getting emotionally closer to one another as a direct result of this retreat.

Given the severity of the situation we are dealing with, I am limiting this retreat to just 36 families.

The cost for this 3 day retreat for up to 3 people is $1,500 plus the cost for travel, hotel and food. There will be an extra VIP Day offered on Monday, for those who would like a deeper delving into the your personal healing processes for an extra $279 per family.

A deposit of $500 is required to hold your place for this ultimate life changing experience for your family. The retreat is going to take place during the 2nd weekend in February in Southern California – the exact location is still being worked out.

For more information and to see if your family is a good fit for this truly unique retreat, please call Suzanne Kellner-Zinck at 781-315-1719.

169: Marianne Williamson “Tears to Triumph” Metaphysics of Moses

Master Hypnotist Suzanen Kellner-Zinck continues her commentary on “Tears to Triumph” by Marianne Williamson. This episode focuses on the lessons of Moses.

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