177:How Do You Want To Be Remembered?

What will be the legacy of your life? Will it be what you want or will it be something unexpected?





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Healing Family Relationships: 5 Learnings To Help You

family photo

Healing Family Relationships: 5 Learnings To Help You – Vol. 394, Dec. 29, 2016

I come from a family not too different from yours perhaps, where misquoted statements from others, judgments lead from never speaking directly about past hurtful events, and general misunderstandings have over taken any sense of trust, resulting in a loss of relations.

Because my business is being forced to evolve to a new level of existence, I have had the need to heal some old fractures in the relationships that I have with some of my family relationships. To be honest with you, this falls under the “need to do” more then the “desire to do” knowing that without this healing, there will never be a way for me to deliver my best service to my clients. It is a simple fact of life that acting in integrity and in congruence makes the difference between a client being willing to act on the guidance given, or not. As a health care provider it is my duty to those who trust me enough to employ my services, to heal the rifts in my own life, before asking those who come to me for healing, to do the same.

However, there is one exception to that rule. That is for those people with whom you find are toxic to you, making you feel worse for having spent your time in their company. It may because they use judgmental language and attitude, perhaps they bring up past events that you have moved past, or maybe it is because they are argumentative or sarcastic, making you the butt of their sarcastic “funny to them” while being “hurtful” to you joke.

So, it’s Thanksgiving day, and I make the decision to call one of my sisters, a sister I basically threw out of my life four years ago. Over the past couple of weeks we exchanged some positive emails, so I felt it was time to talk to her directly to “clear the air” if I could.

From my perspective, I didn’t want to have another fight with her as the outcome of the call. Yet, I also knew that one has to go through what they must to better understand another’s point of view. In the past, I have been the butt of her sarcasm, without her ever realizing how much she hurt me, or perhaps at times not really caring, wanting to get ‘even’ with me in the one way she knew how. Because, the truth of the matter here is that there were some things in her past that I didn’t know, relative to a similar situation we both found ourselves in regarding a couple of people in our family. Those duplicated situations caused horrific pain to many others in the larger extended family, some of whom were too young to understand what or why things were as they were.

Suffice to say, though the conversation started out lightly enough speaking about the musical endeavors my sister and her husband are involved in, as their greatly loved side gig, the conversation went into deeper more sensitive areas as needed, for the emotional clearings we both needed to occur.

Here are a 5 learning I can share with you from this experience in handling sensitive situations regarding your relations. I so want to make it clear that I am not claiming that all if perfect in my and my sister’s relationship. However, what I am saying, is that we have dealt with the proverbial “skeletons in the closet” both known to one another, all these years, yet never spoken about till now – while making some rules in communication going forward to which we both agreed to do the best we can – because that is really all anyone can ask of another.

So her Here go:

First, my sister has issues with the fact that I had a different “treatment” than she, from our father in regards to this situation. She never knew that till we spoke Thanksgiving Day. However, what she did know was that I was unwilling to take responsibility for events where I was the minor, to be protected by all the adults in the situation, where she carried guilt and shame all these years. I never had any guilt or shame about any of it, because I was the one victimized, as I saw the situation. Any court in the land would agree with my point of view.

So, the teaching here would be as far as I am concerned, is instead of being angry that another had a better relationship with someone who you did not, be happy that they did not have to under go the same sort of negative experience as you. Look, we all of different personalities and those personalities are going to be affected in different ways by the people with whom we interact. In this case, I was very strong and stood my ground regardless of my family’s desire to make me “wrong.” It wasn’t an easy thing to do, however I do know that given the circumstances, I was the one to be protected as was my younger sister. Any other reading of these affairs is misguided and speaks to the reason that those who are abused fail to come forward to claim their “rights.”

Second, when one gets into an area that another is very sensitive about, a judgmental and accusatory tone of voice brings up defensiveness in the other. This is especially important when one is speaking to someone who has an expertise that you don’t. There is no point in pushing your agenda when you haven’t a clue what you are speaking of just because you read a few articles or spoke to some professionals years ago.

The learning here is that “humility” is an asset in interpersonal relations, because we really don’t know, what we don’t know, we don’t know. In other words, as the late great psychiatrist and hypnotist, Milton Erickson has said, “Stop the mind reading.” By that he meant, for example, that even though a person may “look” depressed, perhaps that person is merely tired. Teaching us that we never can know what is in the mind of another. We are not they, and therefore, have no business believing we know more than we can about a another person’s situation, especially when you haven’t taken the time to hear them out.

Third, tone of voice is so important in communication. We all have feelings and as such we need to respect the feelings of those with whom we are communicating.

The learning here is: if the person with whom you are speaking is getting upset, take a breath and ask that person why they are getting upset (or angry) so that it can be worked through, without escalating the whole situation. This takes empathy for one another to accomplish, instead of the all too easy to fall into trap of being defensive, and therefore putting the other person on the defensive as well.

Fourth, listening is at the center of ALL communication, while choosing your words well before speaking in this sort of interaction. I would have to say that there were times during the conversation when each of us felt the other wasn’t hearing what we were saying, meaning not understanding the context of what was being said, taking for granted that each ‘knew” what the other was saying. Well, once again that was a misguided manner of approaching this sensitive conversation.

Learning: Be willing to really listen to what the other person is saying. Make sure that you got the context of understanding correct before moving on to the next point.

Lastly, I really don’t know what the outcome of this conversation will be, though I can say, that as a result of getting my sister’s perspective on this 35 year old history (yes, it does go back that far), I have a much better understanding of the ordeal she went through during that time, and perhaps she has gained a better understanding of my point of view, even if we disagree in terms of how we perceive these past events.

Kabbalist teach us that it is the hard conversations that need to be had, bringing up those difficult situations or concerns where we demonstrate our true caring for another person. I am not going to say that I went this far in having this conversation, because from my perspective it was indeed more selfish then that. What I needed and wanted was to clear the air to get on with my own life without having this stench from so long ago, stinking up my present and future. That was accomplished and for that I give thanks this Thanksgiving season.

Trusting that you will take in these learnings, hard won as they were for me, help you to clear up any ill feelings that you may have with those in your family or even old friends, so that you can receive your own well deserved healing.

176:Reclaiming Your Serenity in 5 Easy Steps

Here are 5 ways to bring peace to your life.





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CreatedTuesday, Dec 6, 2016 6:28 PM
Last UpdatedTuesday, Dec 6, 2016 6:28 PM

What Do You Really Want For Christmas This Year?

What Do you Really Want For Christmas this Year? – Vol. 393, December 22, 2016

Well, I personally am not a Christian. However, Christmas time is attached to those feelings of what you would like to receive from others, including seeing the loving adoring faces of those for whom you purchased those thoughtfully chosen gifts you gave.

Being a 55 year old woman, I have a different idea of the “gifts” given and received then the masses so attached to the “buying season,” which has already begun, this being the day after Thanksgiving, as I write this weblog. With many people going through the malls, hearing the Christmas Carols, or perhaps purchasing goods online to give as gifts, I no longer endeavor to take part of this aspect of the Christmas season. In fact, I have a philosophy of life that says, that one is to give gifts from the heart throughout the year as I feel moved to do so. So, that is what I do.

So, what are the gifts that I want to receive in the more abstract form?

First, I would love to finally have the work completed for my new programs, having dealt with all the unfortunate events that took my time and attention away from them these last couple of weeks.

Second, I would love to spend time with those that I find fun and enjoyable, inspired and action oriented in their lives. I was lucky enough to spend Thanksgiving with a group of such people, who taught me so many important facts, helpful with my own work. It was wonderful to be in such company. I don’t know if I shall ever see these people again, they being friends and relatives of the person who invited me to spend Thanksgiving with her. However, it is that kind of company that I most enjoy, if I am going to spend my time in conversation.

Third, to have time and space to enjoy my friends and relatives both in person if they are local, or over the phone. Just today, the day after Thanksgiving, I finally received a call back from a long time friend who helped me through some difficult times in the past, as I helped him. He said the time difference is a challenge because it’s easiest for him to call first thing in the morning, but that would be 5 AM out here. He said if someone called him at that hour he would be “pissed” so, he tries to be mindful of this situation. I do appreciate it, because though I do sometimes wake up early, being on the phone at 5 AM is quite a stretch for me, not being a morning person in the first place.

Fourth, time alone to think and create, read and write, and do my self hypnosis – which is my way of clearing my own head, creating what I desire in my future and healing old wounds as best I can, on my own. These are sacred times for me, and as such, I do my best to fit them in each morning before I interact with anyone. However, that doesn’t always happen. During the holiday season, while everyone else is busy going to relatives and friends houses to exchange gifts and do the Americanized rituals, I would much prefer to stay home and just relax doing what I want to do. The days of going to two or more homes to exchange gifts, trying to be polite when the situation may not have warranted it, and feeling worn out for the whole ordeal, are over or me.For this I am most grateful. It isn’t that I didn’t enjoy some of the holiday events I attended. It is more that I resented having to purchase gifts for people I only saw that one day of the year who never made time to spend more time with me and my ex-husband. I resented having to do things on other peoples’ time lines and most of all I hated having big stupid dogs being brought to he host’s home to get into all the food on the coffee table because people don’t leave their animals at home. Also, being one that has zero desire to watch videos, football games or the general idiocy on the television, I am glad to not have to deal with that any longer.

In the midst of these reflections, I’ve come to appreciate the simplicity and authenticity of genuine connections. In the spirit of gift-giving, I’ve found solace in embracing unique and thoughtful presents that resonate with personal meaning, rather than succumbing to societal pressures or traditional norms. One such delightful discovery has been the joy of exchanging face on socks—a quirky and endearing way to celebrate relationships. This whimsical trend allows me to cherish moments spent with loved ones while indulging in my desire for genuine, heartfelt gifts. As I slip into these personalized treasures, adorned with the faces of cherished friends and family, I am reminded of the warmth of these relationships and the comfort of being true to myself amidst the holiday rush. In these small, delightful tokens, I find the essence of what gift-giving should truly be—a genuine expression of love and connection.

Over time situations change. I do have family on the east coast, without a desire to see them over the holiday season of all time. I no longer have a spouse’s family to share the holiday with, no longer being married. And quite honestly, I don’t miss any of it. Not really. Sure, there was some good homemade food to be enjoyed, but the hassle of the rest of it, wasn’t worth the energy put forth for me.

So, what do you want for Christmas this year? I sincerely hope it goes beyond the proverbial toys you may receive. Look into your own heart, be honest and make that your Christmas gift to yourself. Your worth it!

Photo by asenat29

175: Learnings From Healing a Relationship with One of My Sisters

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck get personal and authentic about her own healing regarding her relationship with her sister.





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You Are What You Eat: Here’s The Real Deal

 You Are What You Eat: Here’s The Real Deal – Vol. 392, December 15, 2016

If you are having issues regarding inflammation i.e. pain, irritability, distractibility, “fuzzy brain” and lack of energy, the food you eat can have everything to do with how you are feeling. Given the very poor quality our fruits and vegetables, given the poor soil and insecticides put on them, it is very difficult for one to get the nutrition that one requires for the body to function healthfully.

According to Dr. Mercola, who writes one of the most widely read weblogs on health and nutrition, it is our government’s dietary guidelines that lead to the obesity epidemic we are now experiencing.

In 1965, the average American got 40% of their calories from carbohydrates and 40% of their calories from fat.

By 2010 the guidelines called for more carbohydrates and dropping fat consumption to below 35%, while increasing carbohydrates to 55 to 65% of the diet. The problem with this is that not all carbohydrates are equal in terms of nutritional value. Unfortunately, most people eat processed grains such as: pasta, rice, bread, potatoes and other starchy vegetables instead of the fibrous carbohydrates found in non-starchy fruits and vegetables. The problem with this is that it is the non-starchy, fibrous fruits and vegetables that break down into the short chain fatty acids, that nourish your body. More importantly they are also the fuel for the beneficial bacteria in your colon (large intestine).

Make sure that the carbohydrates that you eat contain fiber. Choose those fruits and vegetables that have a rich color to them for the beta-Carsten and other important antioxidants they contain.

Another issue is the genetically modified foods that are proliferating our food stores. Corn, soy products and wheat are causing all sorts of inflammatory problems in a large part of the population. High fructose corn syrup is one of the worst offenders because our body has no idea in how to use it. Unfortunately, because it is so inexpensive to manufacture, it has replaced the cane sugar that was once in products such as soda, salad dressing, many of the condiments we use, and the processed foods one purchase in boxes and bags. One needs to stay away from soybean oil, vegetable oil, and safflower oil because of their very high level of omega 6 fatty acids, which Dr. Mercola believes has caused more harm then the overall increase in carbohydrate consumption.

Instead, eat healthy fats of which 50% of your calories should come. Eat nuts, seeds, coconut oil and coconut products, avocados, olives and olive oil, whole eggs, chocolate made from cacao (instead of “cocoa”) organ meats, and dairy (so long as it is grass fed and antibiotic free). Fat is needed for your brain which is 70% fat, your eyes and your nerves which also have a large amount of fat in them, allowing them to function well.

More then half of Americans are pre-diabetic or diabetic. Two-thirds of Americans are over weight.

So, what do you do? Eat “real food”, that stuff that comes from the original source, from the ground or the animal. Stay away from all processed foods, creating your food from one item foods and combining them as people have done through the ages to create tasty, healthy food.


Do your best to get foods that haven’t been overly sprayed with insecticides. Organic is best because the farmers aren’t allowed to use insecticides and antibiotics in the production of the food. However, organic food can be quite expensive, so save it for the foods that have very thin skins and for your meat sources. When you purchase fish, do the best you can to buy “wild caught” because the farm raised fish are given grains to feed on instead of their natural diet, causing humans significant health problems. Unfortunately it was reported a while back that fish manufacturers lie about the source of the fish, so it is any one’s guess whether or not that which is labeled “wild caught” actually was caught in the wild.

Water, is another issue, where too many people are not drinking enough water, walking around dehydrated without realizing it. If you are feeling hungry, it may be that you are really thirsty instead. Have a bottle of water with you at all times. The water that you get in the form of water saturated fruits and vegetables count as well such as: watermelon, berries, lettuce, celery, etc.

If you are drinking water, be mindful of the fact that even through our tap water is processed, that with all the medicines that end up down the toilet, the pesticides that end up in the rivers and lakes and the many heavy metals from manufacturing that end up in our natural water reserves, it is best to purchase a filter to get rid of all that crud. You can get one that goes into a pitcher or one that attaches to your faucet without spending a ton of money.

If you are more mindful of the foods that you are eating, and eating the correct amount of the right nutrients, you will find yourself losing unwanted weight, having much more energy throughout your day, eating satiating foods with healthy fat. You find as one of my clients realized, you skin becoming smooth healthy and glowing, just by getting rid of her soda habit alone.

I know when I increased the healthy fats that I ate, got rid of all the processed foods I had been eating, stopped eating any sort of “fast food” and increased my activity just a little bit – like 20 minutes of stretching and swimming four times a week, my weight came off without an issue. Granted, I only had to drop 10 pounds, those 10 pounds came off in a matter of 8 weeks time – not bad in the world of weight loss!

Try it for yourself and find your true health through your food. Take the time to read the labels of that which you buy, always being mindful of how you go about cooking it. Fresh food is healthier for you, as well as being less expensive to purchase then over priced garbage you will purchase at a place like Starbucks, and many of the chain restaurants you may be frequenting.

Photo by Aproximando Ciência e Pessoas

How About a Pre-Nup Check-up For Those Thinking of Getting Married Soon

Thinking of Getting Married? How about a Pre-Nup Check Up?

So, you are “in love” and believe that you found “the one” at long last. However, with the cost of weddings being what they are, and the cost of a divorce being much higher, maybe it would be worth the investment to make sure that you and your beloved are a healthy match, BEFORE you commingle your funds, purchasing a home together and/or raising a kid or two together.

Because, as you know, people get married every day, and then at some point, sometimes in only a few months time, they realize that they made a HUGE mistake. Maybe you know some people that fit that profile.

You don’t want that to be you, do you? So, how about you both get a “Pre-Nlp, Check-Up?”

to make sure that both of you are on the same page regarding what you want in your relationship
to make sure that you have the same values in terms of finances, desire to have children and how to raise those children
to make sure that the cultures that you are from can be melded together and work well
to make sure any previous relationships that didn’t work so well, have been healed
to make sure that you are not getting involved with a person that is much different in reality then perhaps your hormones are allowing you to see, especially if it is a relationship less then 6 months old
to make sure that you clear up any emotional issues that you may have individually and as a couple, that may get in the way of your marital bliss
to make sure that you are doing what is in the best interest of both of you, even if that means not getting married

I came up with this idea because I have had so many clients come to me after they found out they had been married to people who were sociopaths, alcoholics or drug addicts, had eating disorders, or were just so stuck in their past, but never paid any mind even AFTER they saw the “red flags.”

On the opposite end of things, I had a wonderful experience with a client I had many years ago who saw me for an eating disorder. A few years later she wrote to ask me if her fiancé could come in to deal with an issue he had regarding his academic career. I agreed and the outcome was a very happily married couple, aligned in their values and still in love seven years later. This was one of the best wedding gifts they gave one another. They were able to clear up their individual issues before their marriage. In this case, there weren’t any issues between them as a couple.

Additionally, they were able to clear up their issues with her parents, who wanted them to have a huge wedding in a castle on the ocean. The couple, however were totally uninterested in a huge over blown affair. All they wanted was a quaint wedding at a nearby nature reserve. In the end, that is exactly what they had for their wedding, paid for by themselves to keep the parents from taking control of their day.

So, why don’t you empower yourselves to take care of any problems before they ruin your marital bliss? The investment is well worth it given the clients I see who didn’t really know their partners well enough before marrying, sometimes even with a decade of dating before making the marital commitment. I don’t want to see that happen to you, and I don’t believe you do either.

Give me a call to find out more.

Call Suzanne Kellner-Zinck of Dawning Visions Hypnosis Inc. at: 781-315-1719
I look forward to helping you create amazing relationships in your lives.

The work can be done through Skype.

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