184: Facebook Isn’t As Good For You As You Think

Are you constantly comparing your blopper reel to someone elses Facebook hightlight reel. Then this is your episode. Discover the reasons why cutting down on your Facebook time would probably be good for you.





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How to Be Present When One You Love is Critically Ill & Even May Be Dying

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How to Be Present When One You Love is Critically Ill & Even May Be Dying – Vol. 401, February 16, 2017

This is of course a very hard subject for some people to deal with, and yet, it is a most important one to understand. Over the years I have worked with many people who were under my care who were in their last stages of life. Through this work I learned how to help them to die with grace and dignity.

If someone is in a critical state of health and maybe has even been told that their life is near its end, it is important for you to listen to what your loved me is saying. In some cases when they believe in God and have the belief that he will help them to overcome their illness, support the person in that belief. Prayer has been studied in regards to helping the ill to overcome their illness and so far the studies show conflicting results. As a hypnotist though, I can tell you that if one has much emotion behind their objective, the objective can be attainted, with the power of prayer being one way to achieve it.

In cases where a person has been given the news that they have a terminal illness, the last thing they want to hear is that all they need to do is believe they will be fine and all will be great.
This attitude takes away their ability to process what is going on with you. Because, they need to speak about their feelings and their needs. So, in this case the best way to handle the situation is to listen to what they are saying and validate their feelings. And then ask them what you can do to help them feel better?

I had a client in her 80’s many years ago who was no longer able to drive, having major nerve damage in her legs. She was in constant pain, and yet, whenever anyone would come to the house to do their medical tests or to check on her, she was always flashing smiles and pretending to be in a happy place. One day I sat next to her on the couch and told her that she could be ‘real’ with me, and let me know what was really going on with her, because I knew that she had some very serious health problems that she was contending with, it was why I was there to clean her apartment. With that opening she told me how she is never able to sleep during the night and every time she tries to nap during the day, someone is coming over to check on her, so she is greatly sleep deprived. So, I took this information and gave it to the nurse in my office who had her case. She quickly passed this information onto the visiting nurse, who was able to get some tranquilizers prescribed for her.Finally she was able to sleep at night.

I had another woman that I worked with was my very first elder case. She was 90 years old and was surviving on eggnogs, orange and prune juice, where her beloved dog was getting freshly ground meat for his diet. This particular client was very angry when I began working with her, not treating her in-home help very well at all. One day I kneeled down beside her and asked her if she was really feeling sad because she was down in the dark lower part of her beautiful split level home, to make sure she would not fall down the stairs. With that a tear flowed down her cheek as she explained that not one of her caregivers gave a damn about her wanting to leave as quickly as they could. I told her that I was more then happy to do what I could to help her out, however she needed to be respectful and let go of her anger. A beautiful thing happened over the last three months of her life. She and I had many conversations and she really helped me to better understand the process of dying from old age.

There was this one day when she saw a mouse in her fireplace, except there wasn’t any mouse, it was just the paint peeling that she saw. So, I had another conversation with her about wanting her to pass on a day when I was coming by to make sure that she would be given the appropriate care. She did in fact pass away that following Monday. It was obvious to me because her door was locked when it was alway left open after letting the dog out in the morning. As I was at a phone in a store down the street calling my bosses to let them know what I thought had happened (this being before cell phones), the visiting nurses had a policeman break down the back door to get into to her body. She had indeed passed away, probably as she was trying to get up to let the dog out. She fell back on the bed across it, dying in that position.

Older people are well aware of their life cycle, and think of their mortality from the age of sixty on. So, to ignore the reality that they may be facing if some grave illness comes on them, is to do them a huge injustice. Because, what you really want to do is to find out where their head is at and be there in the manner in which they would appreciate you.

Children are also very good at being in the moment. They tend to worry about how their parents will be once they have passed away. Again, to pretend that nothing is wrong when they know there is something very wrong is to deny the child their own truth. The best thing to do is to take their lead and go from there. Both Bernie Segal and Elizabeth Kubler-Ross spoke of kids with cancer and how they process their own illnesses and upcoming deaths by articulating these types of behaviors.

So, the rule is to treat your loved on in a manner that best fits their own belief system. Listen to them and what they are really telling you, and validate their feelings and their truths as they understand them. Never, push your agenda onto them. My guess is that you woundn’t want that done to you, so do unto others as you would want done for you.

183: How to Live to 100+

There are people in the world who live to be over a 100+. Researchers have discovered that these people share some very distinct, common traits. Learn and benefit from that reseach here.



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Can Depression be As Dangerous As Being Fat

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Can Depression be As Dangerous As Being Fat? – Vol. 400, February 9, 2017

The World Health Organization states that 350 million people worldwide are affected by depression. Depression has been found to be a risk factor in cardiovascular diseases. This according to Professor Karl-Heinz Ludwig from Technical University of Munich as reported int thesun.co.uk.

The question that was being asked was what was the relationship between depression and other risk factors such as tobacco smoke, high cholesterol levels, obesity or hypertension?
Professor Ludwig did a study of 3,428 male patients between the ages of 45 and 74 to find out.
He said that depression accounts for about 15% of cardiovascular deaths.

So, depression is a major health risk for many people. However, depression isn’t that easy to diagnose. Just because a person looks depressed, doesn’t mean that they have the mental health type of depression. There are many other ways that people can have a depressed state of being.

My suggestion is for people to have their hormonal levels checked first. If your thyroid is slowed down the entire system can become depressed.

People with leaky gut, will not metabolize their food correctly, which will leave them unable to form the amino acids necessary for the development of neurotransmitters.

If one is eating a lousy diet, without the total constellation of vitamins and minerals necessary to feel positive and energized, this too can cause something that looks like depression.

And, sometimes people are just sad. Maybe they had a loss in the family, and are feeling down.

So, check into these causes of depression as well, because it is important to get to the cause of the problem, before treating it in a misinformed manner.

182: Letting Go of Perfectionism

Nobody is perfect, however when you try to be, you hold yourself and others up to an impossible standard. That equals a perfect loss for all involved. Learn about the 9 signs of perfectionism and the how to let it go and be authentic.



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How To Help A Child Going Through A Difficult Time Feeling Sad


sad child photoHow To Help A Child Going Through A Difficult Time Feeling Sad – Vol. 399, February 2, 2017

Unfortunately, we live in a world where the pharmaceutical companies would like you to believe that normal human emotions are no longer allowed to be felt without some drug being seen as the solution. However, drugs are not the solutions in most cases, because these drugs have been found to only work as well as a placebo by both Irving Kirsch of Harvard University and his colleague Walter Brown, of Brown University over 30 years of study.

I would go as far as to say that if we do not allow our kids to understand what normal human feelings are and how to regulate them, we will have a generation of adults that never know how to deal with their emotions. The difficulty with that, is that one has to have the ability to feel one’s emotions to have respectful loving relationships. Our emotions are there to teach us something that we need to learn. Without them we don’t know how to help ourselves.

So, how does one help a child who is going through a tough time?

It begins with being willing to ask the questions that are necessary to find out what is going on with your child. Note the behaviors that you have noticed lately, maybe saying something like, “You don’t seem to be your usual self, is there something going on that I may be able to help you with?” And then you allow as long a pause as necessary for your child to answer you.

Once your child gives you the answer, your job is to listen intently for what they tell you they are feeling. You are going to need to do this from the perspective of understanding that every human including yourself has feelings, and they are what they are, so just accept what your child is telling you, is what they are feeling.

Think about how you feel when someone is validating of your feelings, versus when they sit there and tell you that you aren’t feeling what you are feeling. Healing only happens with validation, so that is the next step. Validate their feelings.

Next, go ahead and ask your child what s/he would like to see happen to help resolve the matter. It is amazing how smart our kids are when we allow them to tell us what will help them to feel better. It may be that they need you to do something for them, or it may be that they need you to help them come up with a plan of action to help resolve the issue. Which ever way it goes is fine. Never, ever push your solutions onto them, because that will only push them away.

In families where divorce has taken place when the child was younger then a teenager, many times they feel they were to blame. That there was something that they did or could have done to stop it, but we adults know that is not the case. So, please take the time to explain that to your child. If a pet of theirs has died, ask them what they need to be at come to terms with its passing. Let them know that you are also sad with the loss of a loved pet.

If the problems are deeper then these sorts of issues, it may be that they could use some counseling. But, in my experience, the most necessary gift that you can give you child, is to care enough about them to love them unconditionally. Respect their feelings and allow them to come up with the solutions that will help them the most. Our biggest problem as adults is that we always think we know what is best, and I am here to tell you that many times we get it wrong, because we have our own agendas and don’t even recognize it

181: Healthy Relationships, We All Need Them For Good Health

Our relationships are more important to our health than food or exercise. Learn how to maximize the benefit from this very important aspect of your life.



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