194: Freedom!

Freedom is one of the most basic human desires. Learn a little more about this essential condition of human existence.



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Michael Beckwith’s Questions to Living Your Life On Purpose


questions photoMichael Beckwith’s Questions to Living Your Life On Purpose – Vol. 412, May 4, 2017

I love that Michael Beckwith’s focus as a spiritual teacher, is on the universe’s role for his followers. He makes it quite clear that it isn’t about praying to God, because God already loves you. It’s about listening to the purpose that is already encoded in you by asking empowering questions. Because, the main problem that people have in this life is that they ask disempowering questions as to why it is that they haven’t got those things they desire from life. They are busy doing “busy” activities instead of purposeful activities. So, I want you to ask yourself, right now: Am I living a life of purpose, on purpose, or am I just busy doing those things that I feel I must do, without any sort of purpose for having done them?

Michael states that every problem asks a question. Every question has an answer. Every answer you receive is the life you were born into being. This requires action.

After reading Michael’s questions, I want you to close your eyes and ask yourself each of these questions and then, just listen to “the ear, behind your ear” for the answer, as Micheal explains it. Allow the universe to speak through you. Again, the answers that come in, are to be based on what you receive as your own independent answers.

1. What is the universe trying to emerge through my life?
2. How much power can I flow through my life?
3. What do I need to do to empower my life?
4. What gifts do I have to give to the world?
5. What habits do I need to change to become the person I am being called to become?

Now, shut your eyes and ask each one of these questions.

Listen to the ear, behind your ear for the answer to each question based solely on what you hear. It has nothing to do with societal expectations, and it has nothing to do with what your parents may want you to become. It only has to do with who you are and what you are here to do.

Many years ago, I was folding an elder client’s laundry, having a hell of a time trying to neatly fold her king size bottom sheet, being a person with very short arms. It was at that moment I realized that this was definitely not the work that I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I started to dream of the sorts of unconventional lives that people lived who lived long happy, fulfilled lives. I came up with inventors, conductors, fine art photographers, performers and travel writers. I realized that these people pretty much had control over their lives doing those things that brought them happiness and fulfillment. So, I started to allow unconventional sorts of occupations to come into my life. It was after reading a few advertisements in two holistic health magazines that I found courses for becoming a hypnotist. I realized that all the knowledge that I had gained through working in mental health and with elders as well as the limited nursing education I received, could easily be utilized better by overlaying hypnosis over it. This is how I became a hypnotist.

I knew that I wasn’t meant for the conventional world, because none of it made any sense to me. I had witnessed too many stupid rules, too much hurt of my clients through those stupid rules and realized that there had to be a better way and I searched till I found it. No, I didn’t know that I would find it in the health magazines, but I kept my mind open to know when I saw the right work for me. I love the world of hypnotism. I love how quickly lives change, I love the fact that I have been able to travel the world both for trainings and to bring my work abroad. I love the writing, podcasting and public speaking involved. I love the teaching of it to those who are interested in learning about it. I love the wonderful way it has helped me to clear my own issues both in mental health and physical health, beyond what conventional medicine has to offer. It’s magical.

What has the universe asked you to do to create some of your own magic in this world? What can you do to be happy and fulfilled? Because that is what I want for you; to be happy and fulfilled in your life. To do those things that matter to you because they matter to you, and because you can make the world better for having been here. Because in the end, the only person who could possibly know what is important to you and the life you are to lead is you.

At the end of your life, you will want to know that you were your real authentic self. That is the way to true happiness and contentment. There is no other way.

193: Being Present For Those You Care About

Oftentimes the best gift we can give another person is our time and attention. In our lonely, disconnected world, that can be more valuable than gold.



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Forgiveness of Self Equals A Better Quality Life

Forgiveness of Self Equals A Better Quality Life – Vol. 411, April 27, 2017

One of the most important teachings of spiritual teachers is the forgiveness of others. However, there is one problem with this idea. That is, that until you learn how to forgive yourself for those things that you feel guilty over, you will never be able to fully forgive another person.

How do you go about forgiving yourself? The simplest way is to recognize the fact that there isn’t a person alive who hasn’t had some regrets in life. It’s called being human.

Second, recognize what you did that brought these negative feelings toward yourself and ask yourself if this is something that you understood at the age when the event happened? If you were very young, controlling impulses or saying things that were not very kind, would be normal. We need to grow mentally to better understand the ramifications of our behavior.

Being at a stage in life when you can recognize the misdeed you did, it’s time to make a decision to never do that thing again, and instead handle it in a better manner.

You can do this by closing your eyes and going back to the event. Look down on the event and find a positive learning. That is, a learning that is positively stated, based on what you currently know about the situation.

Lastly, figure out a better way to deal with that situation. If that situation comes up in the future, you now have a healthier way to handle it.

Because this is a fact: beating up on yourself is never going to change anything. It is a matter or recognizing the negative outcome of the event and finding a new way of dealing with it that will allow you to move on. Forgiving yourself for your trespasses on others and things that you may have done that harmed you, is the only way to let go of guilt and anger.

Photo by Sean MacEntee

192: The Harsh Realities of Life vs What We Want Our Lives to Contain

We all have moments when our lives aren’t what we want them to be. How you handle it makes all the difference.



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Stop Rushing Around, It’s Too Hard on Your Heart

time pressure photo

Stop Rushing Around, It’s Too Hard on Your Heart – Vol. 410, April 20, 2017

I was having a conversation with one of my clients earlier today about her feeling that she will never have enough time to learn all the things that she wants to learn. She will never have the time to do all the things she wants to do with her life. She is merely 24 years old, and this is the way she thinks.

I remember when I was her age, a little over 30 years ago, and felt that I had to focus on all the things that I wanted to have in my future. I literally made myself sick, pushing so hard to do things, none of which got me the desired results.

We humans were not made to rush around pushing through crowds to get to wherever we feel it is so important to reach. We were not meant to work so hard to get ahead that there is never any time for fun, rest, or reflection.

We humans were made to have “down time” to do those things we find enjoyable, relaxing and peaceful for ourselves – which for some may be time for prayer or some spiritual practice.

Life brings up many challenges, and many rewards. Life will unfold for us very naturally allowing for all sorts of amazing opportunities if we would just stop pushing so hard for that thing we think will make us happy. Because, that thing you are pushing so hard to accomplish – well, it may make you happy for some small amount of time. True happiness and contentment comes from being fine with where you are, as you work diligently at achieving your goals.

One of the amazing learnings I received from my father’s death at the age of 61, was that one has to have more then enough goals for one lifetime. He had a couple of goals for himself and once they were achieved, he didn’t have a reason for living. Goals are necessary to give life meaning. However, by taking a step or two every day, you will achieved them. There is no reason to rush through life believing that the faster you do things the better you will be. That isn’t the way the body operates at its best – that’s the way to stress yourself out and stress isn’t something that we need to add into our lives. Take you time, and enjoy the journey to your goals achievement.

191: Ending Disruptive Conversations

There is a very simple, easy way to stop negative people from disrupting your life. Find out from Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck.

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