Let’s Look at The Real Causes of the Increase in Mental Illness in the U.S. Today- Vol. 521, July 8, 2021

Today I want to speak about something that brings up a lot of pushback by those who believe in the ‘chemical imbalance’ as spouted by the pharmaceutical companies as the reason that so many people need their drugs. This comes as a result of an interaction that I just had with a person on Quora who feels that antidepressants saved her life and basically told me that I was a quack.
Well, to tell you the truth, it is rather difficult to have an opinion about someone you have never met or worked within the manner in which one is condemning you, so I take it all with a grain of salt. However, her point is something that I do want to speak to because it is something that is very important in the situation in which we find ourselves where so many are feeling overwhelmed, to the point of major depression and terrible anxiety attacks.
We need to understand that our bodies create these symptoms for a purpose. It isn’t a lack of chemically-based SSRIs (or whatever patented medications are out there to be used) that are the answer for the great many. For the 30% that they work for they will put a bandaid on the symptoms while never looking at the ’cause’ of the problem – the “WHY?” behind why the body is giving these symptoms in the first place.
If it is an emotional reason for having these problems, best to clear out the emotional triggers to these issues – I do this with my clients with a combination of hypnosis and NLP techniques including doing inner child, forgiveness work, and learning how to create safe emotional boundaries with others. However, this is not the only reason why a person may have these symptoms, and to deny that is further harming the client/patient.
Let’s look at other causes for these problems:
Given all the preservatives and other chemicals that are in the foods that most Americans eat, the body is malnourished. In fact, the produce and livestock are also poisoned with genetically modified feed so that the herbicides and insecticides won’t kill the plants. The plants that the livestock you eat are eating or the plants that you are eating are full of these poisons. There are all sorts of waxes and other chemicals put on the produce that one never learns about to keep the produce looking colorful and healthy, yet really demonstrate how manufactured it all is. There are also antibiotics given to the animals not only to keep them from getting sick being in close proximity to one another, but the antibiotics also make the animals grow much quicker.
Organic food is the best way to go, but even then things are mislabeled and even sold as organic at the farmer’s markets in the US by people who bought the stuff where the grocers buy their conventional food. Sadly, one really cannot know for sure what one is buying. My main point here is that the food that we eat does matter in terms of our bodies being able to take the nutrition we are eating to create all the bodily chemistry needed for us to function well. And, that all depends on the minerals that are in the soil as well because much of the farmland in the US is depleted of the minerals that our bodies require.
Hormonal imbalances are another issue that causes a lot of symptoms that look like depression and anxiety but has nothing to do with mental health per se. I had two nurses come to me who needed to have bioidentical hormones compounded for them to let go of their symptoms of depression. They were both going through menopause at the time. Thyroid and adrenal issues can cause these problems as well.
Medication side-effects including the antidepressants themselves can cause both suicidal and homicidal thoughts especially in teens which is why there are black-box labels on them at this time.
A lack of B-12 was an issue that one Quoran wrote on as the reason for her symptoms of depression after years of not being able to be treated with antidepressants. They just never worked for her. She was a bit older and often older people have a problem with metabolizing B-12 and many other necessary nutrients, so this is something that needs to be considered especially in the over 60s crowd.
There is also a genetic issue that can cause what looks like depression which is not depression called Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR). According to this article in PubMed:
“Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) which is a key enzyme for the critical process of one-carbon metabolism involving folate and homocysteine metabolisms. It is known that some polymorphism of MTHFR would result in reduction of MTHFR enzyme activity as well as DNA methylation process, later shown to have significant impacts in various psychiatric diseases.”
If you are a person who is taking these medications and are finding that they are doing well by you, fantastic – just don’t believe that this is the case in the majority of cases because even those mental health professionals who were the most staunch believers of medication are understanding that they really aren’t the way for the majority of their patients who are still unable to be helped with them over their lifetimes.
The investigation into the root cause of the problem needs to be found and coupled with a compelling future to make it worth the effort to actually deal with the issues to overcome these very challenging symptoms. I know having overcome my own diagnosis of bipolar 2 – medication did indeed stabilize me for over a decade, till the medication toxified my kidneys (my kidneys are fine now, so no issue there), and then thankfully Tad James was able to help me deal with the underlying negative emotions with Time Line Therapy (R). That was back in February 2004 and I have never needed medication or a psychiatrist since then. My ex-psychiatrist did follow me for 10 months after I went off the low dose of medication I was on at the time and gave me her blessing when I terminated my 13 years of being her patient as there were no longer any symptoms – meaning the illness was no more.
So, please understand that our bodies are very complex and that taking a pill isn’t necessarily the correct action for many. I tell my clients that depression is much like pain in that it is a symptom for which the cause needs to be found to truly get rid of the problem. And, that means looking at the body as a whole, not just one small piece of the puzzle.

What Does It Really Take To Work With Seriously Mentally Ill People? This Message Is For Those Looking For Care – Vol. 520, July 1, 2021

Today I am going to speak to something that is close to my heart and soul especially when it comes to putting oneself self out there as a person who is capable of helping others. There may be some who are upset by this post, and that is quite fine as it still needs to be written so far as I am concerned. I am writing on behalf of the clients.
One of the reasons that I left the world of conventional mental health was that there were way too many people running programs with Masters Degrees in Mental Health – specific degrees did not matter – who never belonged in those positions for many reasons. In some of the cases, my bosses were just plain ignorant about the capacity of the client involved in a certain situation, and in other situations, the bosses were just really nasty people who had a lot of bravado that they carried into the programs that they worked at because of their own lack of sense of self – otherwise, why would one have to throw one’s weight around with people who rely on you to take care of their basic needs? People who are secure in who they never need to act out in that fashion.
On the other end of the spectrum are those folks who work in these programs who have not gotten their own lives together so that every little statement made will become a ‘trigger’ to their past abuse history.
Let me tell you what it is really like working in a place with about 200 mentally ill adults coming in during the course of the day for the 4 programs that were run there. It isn’t for those who haven’t gotten their own lives together!
I had one client, a 24-year-old woman who had borderline personality disorder on top of a cocaine addiction that started when she was 7-years-old thanks to her mother giving it to her. She was turning ‘tricks’ in order to get the money for her drugs when she was taken off the streets and put into the program. There were many times when I would take her out to medical appointments or her weekly NA meeting when she would argue with me when I would suggest that she thank someone for something kind they did, or apologize for her behavior. Sometimes she would get very angry – and yet, it was my job to teach her how to better socialize out in the world so I had to never take any of this behavior as personal because it wasn’t – it was all part of her illnesses. Interestingly enough, in this case, she asked for me to be her one-to-one counselor wanting someone older than the person who was originally assigned to her who was much closer to her age. I was 34 -years -old at the time and the other counselor had just graduated from undergrad.
I had another client – a paranoid, schizo-affective who I loved working with because he was a very kind person. However, he hated taking his medication except for the Trazadone which was for sleep. It was understandable as his Prolixin for the psychotic features was causing great problems with oxygenation proven with the blue lips and blue nails. I went over my boss’s head and had him moved into a much more structured program with a psychiatrist who got him off the Prolixin and onto another medication that worked better for him without the damaging side-effect. During the time he was transitioning to his new program he had to do some overnights to get used to the program. I would drive him up the hill to the program and on one occasion he jumped out of my truck for some reason of which I can’t recall all these years later. I got him back in the truck and he went to the program and ended up moving there. Seventeen years after working with him I ran into one of his roommates from the program I worked at who told me he was living in his own apartment with a roommate and doing quite well. That was a fantastic day for me for sure for all I went through to help this client receive the structure and much better medication for him because my boss could not understand the need for the change, sadly. I promised his parents I would get him out of the program and I did because it was something that they could not do on their own the way the system is set up.
I had another male client in his late 20s who would sometimes get really mad, for no reason that I could ascertain. It did upset me, but my mentor boss told me that my job was to realize that these folks had serious issues and that very rarely were these outbreaks due to anything we did. My job was to let him calm down and then move forward. Well, that was the day I realized that I needn’t take any of these behaviors personally. So, happened that on my last day working in that program (I was only allowed to work there for a year) that same client gave me a thank you letter for the great work that I did for him and the others. Who knew?
My point is that we as the providers of healthcare be it in the conventional world of healthcare or some complimentary form including health coaching need to understand that those behaviors that our clients bring in with them are the behaviors that we are employed to help them deal with (or in my current case as a hypnotist, clear to the best of my ability).
Because, if we take what our clients say in a personal manner at all, then we are no longer giving them a safe place to learn what they need to learn. It isn’t that one puts up with bad behavior, not at all. However, there is a difference between being assertive in the way that one responds to the behavior and being ‘hurt’ by the behavior. There would be no way in hell that I would be able to do the work that I do if my clients’ behavior triggered me in any way. Nor, should I be doing the work if my clients trigger me in any way. My job is to have all my own issues resolved and the wisdom gained from the resolutions into the work that I do with my clients because anything less than that leaves my client in a very precarious position. It is not their job to ‘not trigger me.’ It is my job to never be triggered by them and instead take the appropriate action to help them to learn and grow.
These days I work with people who have deep traumas to clear, however, most of them do not bring in the complex mental health issues of the clients that I worked with in my positions in conventional mental health. However, there are times when my clients are indeed triggered and my only response to them is to help them understand what triggered them and to clear that issue right then with them – that is it.

How Does a Stage Hypnotist Make All the Volunteers Go To Sleep – Vol. 519, June 24, 2021

How Does A Stage Hypnotist Make all the Volunteers Go to sleep? Vol. 519, June 24, 2021

This was a question from a person on Quora which deserved to be answered to better understand the state of hypnosis as different from that of ‘sleep.’ 

The idea that hypnosis is sleep because of the Greek word ‘hypnos’ which means sleep which comes from James Braid who used the term ‘neuro-hypnotism meaning “sleep of the nerves.

Technically hypnosis is not a state of being in ‘sleep ‘because one is not in the delta level of brain wave where sleep occurs while one is in the state of hypnosis.

What is known is the hypnotic state occurs during the alpha and theta brain waves which are the same brain waves that are accessed while one is in meditation. In fact, my first hypnosis teacher, Julie Griffin taught that hypnosis was like meditation with a purpose because there is always something that the hypnotist is guiding the hypnotized individual to do.

During a stage show, the hypnotist is using means to put the volunteers into a very relaxed state – generally overcoming their conscious minds ability to function in the normal fashion putting them all into a very relaxed state that looks like ‘sleep’ which is why the state was given the term hypnosis. What is truly happening is that the volunteers are taken out of the executive function of their pre-frontal cortex (their conscious mind) and placed into their UNconscious mind which would be their amygdala where all the emotions live without the capacity to reason, rationalize or judge which is why hypnotism is a great way to solve many of the health issues most especially those of the emotions and thoughts) in clinical practice such as my own. 

There are many articles that explain how hypnotism works in clinical practice right on this website. 

Claim Your Excellent Life 340 – How to Stay Sane in An Insane World

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck shares her views on how to stay sane in an insane world.
Click the above link if you have found value in this podcast and wish to support it.

Dealing With The Segragationalist Mentality of Society of Today – Vol. 518, June 17, 2021

Dealing With the Segragationlist Mentality of Today’s Society – Vo. 518, June 17, 2021

Unfortunately in today’s society, we have governments who are doing their best to make some people ‘good’ and some people ‘bad’ based on their behavior regarding the issues of mask-wearing, getting an injection (which has yet to be approved for safety by the FDA – and is only for ’emergency use’), and personal distancing among the issues.

The question that one needs to ask is how to comport oneself self while interacting with other human beings based on the fact that human beings need to be in a community to feel safe and emotionally healthy. We are indeed like ants and bees needing one another whether or not we like that concept. So, how do we best deal with it?

I would like to suggest to you the idea that being fearful of others is the manner in which all societal problems have begun many times leading to many types of atrocities through the ages. When we look back at history we can see how one group has denied the rights of others to overcome them. It has happened with any minority that one can think of over the ages. To believe that another human being is going to cause you harm based on faulty testing and health measures that are incapable of truly handling the situation is absurd.

Anyone who has done their homework on mask-wearing realizes that the size of a virus is so tiny that the spray that has the virus will come through them anyway. The other thing that most people do not understand is that for anyone to be infected by a virus they must have a compromised immune system in the first place. This is why 85% of those who are becoming ill are older people who have many other chronic health conditions already – the statistics are 2-3 chronic health issues is the norm. So, many of these folks are not dying of the virus so much as contracting the virus and dying with it – meaning that their ongoing heart disease, lung disease, cancer, etc are the true cause of these individuals’ deaths. The fact that the CDC chose to have all those who tested positive with the faulty test, a test that was never meant to be used to find antibodies for disease in the first place being marked as dying of this virus above any other concurrent and previous conditions states very well that this is a situation that has less to do with the virus per se and more to do with the powerful people who can make such ludicrous decisions. The sad fact of the matter is that the politicians will do anything to keep the large donations and kickbacks flowing to them from the huge companies that invest in them allowing them to keep the power and the added benefits of being in such positions.  If you don’t believe me you can check out the work of Ivor Cummins, GreenMed Info, Dr. Joseph Mercola,  Dr. John Bergman, and Dr. Vandana Shima among others. We have a silencing of the press of those who will not speak to the one voice that the powerful want you to hear – – so do understand that there is no longer freedom of the press in the US – and for that reason, one cannot believe what the press is saying – they are being governed by the politicians in what they can report – so you must do your own homework to get the truth behind all this chaos. 

So what do you do?  You keep your opinions to yourself and focus on those things in life that bring you fulfillment and happiness till the corrupt can be seen for their illegal actions which really caused a crime against the state. We have a surgeon general who takes copious amounts of Vitamin D knowing that it will help to protect him, and yet is telling the citizens of the US to stay inside their homes where they cannot get the benefits of the Vitamin from the sunshine which is the way we humans are supposed to be synthesizing it.  He is pushing the vaccines. He is also grossly involved in bringing the testing for these bioweapons to China to be created because there is a law against working with them in the United States given the many times the viruses have been released into the public usually by accident – and yet this is a very harmful situation. You can find all that information detailed in Dr. Mercola’s book “The Truth About Covid-19: Exposing the Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal’ if you truly want to know what the larger picture is behind this whole deal.  Dr. Mercola explains that these viruses are a part of the Department of  Defence having nothing at all to do with healthcare. So, one needs to ask the more difficult questions as to why we are embarking on bioweapons development?

One has to use one’s mind, and for many, that is a very difficult exercise indeed. Yet, till people are willing to take responsibility for themselves and the decisions they are making, nothing is going to change. I for one am not planning on moving back to the US – because from my point of view it is no longer a ‘free country’ and never really has been a kind country to many of its own citizens. The more one learns the real history of the country the more one can understand why it is not only not the greatest country that ever was – it is just as corrupt as many of those that its government falts for the very same actions it takes against others. 

Claim Your Excellent Life #339-No Need for CBD At All – The Magical Manner Your Brain Has to Overcome 3 Negative Emotions We All Experience Through Life

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discusses the natural means that the body has to deal with stress and negative emotions.
Click the above link if you have found value in this podcast and wish to support it.

Dealing With Toxic Parents – Vol. 517, June 10, 2021

Dealing With Toxic Parents – June 10, 2021

I have been working with a client who has been going through a very difficult time because his mother never can speak to him in a civil manner. She finds many different ways to blame him for things that he has never done, talks to him as if he is a child instead of an adult who has his own successful business, just knowing how to get under his skin.

The reason for this particular situation is because his mother is an alcoholic who is never under the influence, even while in a therapy session with her therapist and my client. Alcohol is a substance that allows for the inaction of the part of the brain that would stop the impulses that could cause problems. So, many times people under the influence can say many hurtful things to others. To make things worse, most of the time there is absolutely no memory of these things being said by the alcoholic.

So, how does one deal with a parent with this condition. Well, it is easier for someone who is living out on their own who can limit the interactions and even the manner in which the interactions could be done. In the case of my client I brought out the reality that his mother was never going to be able to interact with him in a humble and loving manner, not because she did not want to, rather because she is dealing with an illness that will not allow her to act in such a manner toward him. Till she makes the decision to overcome her abuse of alcohol, nothing is going to change. This is true of anyone who is dealing with a person who has not only alcohol issues, but anyone with substance abuse and addition issues where the substance is really causing the brain to dysfunction. With that in mind, I told him to stop the emotional harm to himself by texting her every so often to see that she is still alive and to just note that she responded, without necessarily reading her response because her responses trigger him as well. However, it is an easier way to deal with the situation since he won’t have to recall the image of her or the tone of voice being used which would be the case either over the phone or in person. He found that even with the therapist there to help advocate for him, it was still a very difficult experience. However, the more important knowledge he gained, was that his mother was toxic to him and though it saddens him, that it is best for him to do what he can for his own mental health since she has made the decision to continue her drinking.

For a younger person who is living in a parents home who has this problem, the best way to deal with it is to spend as little time in the environment with the alcoholic as possible. Find all sorts of after school activities to be involved with and hang out with your friends during the weekend as much as you can. Perhaps you have a friend that has parents whom you trust and in whose home you feel safe – make that your safe haven.

Learning: These are never easy situations to contend with, however the most important thing that one needs to know while dealing with parents with substance abuse or addictions is that they have a serious health problem that shows up in emotionally dysfunctional ways. To separate yourself from the person because their problem is NOT your problem – meaning that you did not cause their problem. And, to recognize the fact that there is really nothing you can do to change them – they have to make that choice on their own. So, it is in your best interest to separate yourself from them to the best of your ability given your particular circumstances. The positive outcome for many in this situation is that they realize that they would rather not have any association with mind altering substances knowing the outcome having lived through that of a loved one. 

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