Dealing With The Segragationalist Mentality of Society of Today – Vol. 518, June 17, 2021

Dealing With the Segragationlist Mentality of Today’s Society – Vo. 518, June 17, 2021

Unfortunately in today’s society, we have governments who are doing their best to make some people ‘good’ and some people ‘bad’ based on their behavior regarding the issues of mask-wearing, getting an injection (which has yet to be approved for safety by the FDA – and is only for ’emergency use’), and personal distancing among the issues.

The question that one needs to ask is how to comport oneself self while interacting with other human beings based on the fact that human beings need to be in a community to feel safe and emotionally healthy. We are indeed like ants and bees needing one another whether or not we like that concept. So, how do we best deal with it?

I would like to suggest to you the idea that being fearful of others is the manner in which all societal problems have begun many times leading to many types of atrocities through the ages. When we look back at history we can see how one group has denied the rights of others to overcome them. It has happened with any minority that one can think of over the ages. To believe that another human being is going to cause you harm based on faulty testing and health measures that are incapable of truly handling the situation is absurd.

Anyone who has done their homework on mask-wearing realizes that the size of a virus is so tiny that the spray that has the virus will come through them anyway. The other thing that most people do not understand is that for anyone to be infected by a virus they must have a compromised immune system in the first place. This is why 85% of those who are becoming ill are older people who have many other chronic health conditions already – the statistics are 2-3 chronic health issues is the norm. So, many of these folks are not dying of the virus so much as contracting the virus and dying with it – meaning that their ongoing heart disease, lung disease, cancer, etc are the true cause of these individuals’ deaths. The fact that the CDC chose to have all those who tested positive with the faulty test, a test that was never meant to be used to find antibodies for disease in the first place being marked as dying of this virus above any other concurrent and previous conditions states very well that this is a situation that has less to do with the virus per se and more to do with the powerful people who can make such ludicrous decisions. The sad fact of the matter is that the politicians will do anything to keep the large donations and kickbacks flowing to them from the huge companies that invest in them allowing them to keep the power and the added benefits of being in such positions.  If you don’t believe me you can check out the work of Ivor Cummins, GreenMed Info, Dr. Joseph Mercola,  Dr. John Bergman, and Dr. Vandana Shima among others. We have a silencing of the press of those who will not speak to the one voice that the powerful want you to hear – – so do understand that there is no longer freedom of the press in the US – and for that reason, one cannot believe what the press is saying – they are being governed by the politicians in what they can report – so you must do your own homework to get the truth behind all this chaos. 

So what do you do?  You keep your opinions to yourself and focus on those things in life that bring you fulfillment and happiness till the corrupt can be seen for their illegal actions which really caused a crime against the state. We have a surgeon general who takes copious amounts of Vitamin D knowing that it will help to protect him, and yet is telling the citizens of the US to stay inside their homes where they cannot get the benefits of the Vitamin from the sunshine which is the way we humans are supposed to be synthesizing it.  He is pushing the vaccines. He is also grossly involved in bringing the testing for these bioweapons to China to be created because there is a law against working with them in the United States given the many times the viruses have been released into the public usually by accident – and yet this is a very harmful situation. You can find all that information detailed in Dr. Mercola’s book “The Truth About Covid-19: Exposing the Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal’ if you truly want to know what the larger picture is behind this whole deal.  Dr. Mercola explains that these viruses are a part of the Department of  Defence having nothing at all to do with healthcare. So, one needs to ask the more difficult questions as to why we are embarking on bioweapons development?

One has to use one’s mind, and for many, that is a very difficult exercise indeed. Yet, till people are willing to take responsibility for themselves and the decisions they are making, nothing is going to change. I for one am not planning on moving back to the US – because from my point of view it is no longer a ‘free country’ and never really has been a kind country to many of its own citizens. The more one learns the real history of the country the more one can understand why it is not only not the greatest country that ever was – it is just as corrupt as many of those that its government falts for the very same actions it takes against others. 

Claim Your Excellent Life #339-No Need for CBD At All – The Magical Manner Your Brain Has to Overcome 3 Negative Emotions We All Experience Through Life

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discusses the natural means that the body has to deal with stress and negative emotions.
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Dealing With Toxic Parents – Vol. 517, June 10, 2021

Dealing With Toxic Parents – June 10, 2021

I have been working with a client who has been going through a very difficult time because his mother never can speak to him in a civil manner. She finds many different ways to blame him for things that he has never done, talks to him as if he is a child instead of an adult who has his own successful business, just knowing how to get under his skin.

The reason for this particular situation is because his mother is an alcoholic who is never under the influence, even while in a therapy session with her therapist and my client. Alcohol is a substance that allows for the inaction of the part of the brain that would stop the impulses that could cause problems. So, many times people under the influence can say many hurtful things to others. To make things worse, most of the time there is absolutely no memory of these things being said by the alcoholic.

So, how does one deal with a parent with this condition. Well, it is easier for someone who is living out on their own who can limit the interactions and even the manner in which the interactions could be done. In the case of my client I brought out the reality that his mother was never going to be able to interact with him in a humble and loving manner, not because she did not want to, rather because she is dealing with an illness that will not allow her to act in such a manner toward him. Till she makes the decision to overcome her abuse of alcohol, nothing is going to change. This is true of anyone who is dealing with a person who has not only alcohol issues, but anyone with substance abuse and addition issues where the substance is really causing the brain to dysfunction. With that in mind, I told him to stop the emotional harm to himself by texting her every so often to see that she is still alive and to just note that she responded, without necessarily reading her response because her responses trigger him as well. However, it is an easier way to deal with the situation since he won’t have to recall the image of her or the tone of voice being used which would be the case either over the phone or in person. He found that even with the therapist there to help advocate for him, it was still a very difficult experience. However, the more important knowledge he gained, was that his mother was toxic to him and though it saddens him, that it is best for him to do what he can for his own mental health since she has made the decision to continue her drinking.

For a younger person who is living in a parents home who has this problem, the best way to deal with it is to spend as little time in the environment with the alcoholic as possible. Find all sorts of after school activities to be involved with and hang out with your friends during the weekend as much as you can. Perhaps you have a friend that has parents whom you trust and in whose home you feel safe – make that your safe haven.

Learning: These are never easy situations to contend with, however the most important thing that one needs to know while dealing with parents with substance abuse or addictions is that they have a serious health problem that shows up in emotionally dysfunctional ways. To separate yourself from the person because their problem is NOT your problem – meaning that you did not cause their problem. And, to recognize the fact that there is really nothing you can do to change them – they have to make that choice on their own. So, it is in your best interest to separate yourself from them to the best of your ability given your particular circumstances. The positive outcome for many in this situation is that they realize that they would rather not have any association with mind altering substances knowing the outcome having lived through that of a loved one. 

Claim Your Excellent Life # 338 – Patience in Learning How to Build A Business

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck share her consul on how to build a business.
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Why Do People Give the Silent Treatment? – Vol. 516, June 3, 2021

Why Do People Give the Silent Treatment? – Vol. 516, June 3, 2021

There are really three reasons for someone to give another the silent treatment so it depends on the circumstances.

The first is if the person giving the silent treatment is enacting a ‘no contact’ procedure where the person that is being silenced is understood as being toxic as in an abusive relationship. Interactions with this person is setting off negative emotions with the comments or thoughts aimed at the person who is choosing to no longer connect with the person.This is certainly a perfectly reasonable thing to do. Understand that it is the person who is ‘feeling’ the toxicity that has the right to do whatever that person feels is necessary to create a safe place for themselves.

The 2nd situation is when one is using it more for a manipulative action to create angst in the other person. In this case, one really has to decide if one wants to engage with a person who has the sort of mental illness that would bring this sort of behavior into being in the first place. Because, the reality is that if one is manipulating another to get a ‘reaction’ of some sort, one has to ask if this is that the sort of person one wants to spend their very limited emotional energy on?

The 3rd is when the person is needing space to deal with life. In that case, a warm text or voice mail could be left just stating the fact that you are concerned for the other person and hope that there wasn’t anything that you did that made the person want to distance themself from you. If that happened you would love to clear the air by finding out what you did and making sure it never happens again. However, you cannot make that happen without knowing what you did. And then give them a time frame to get back to you to clear the air.

The reality is that many times these things have nothing to do with the other person with whom the silent treatment is occurring. People with depressed moods will isolate as a part of the condition, people who are going through a tough time or a to them embarrassing time will not be as available as maybe they once were, and when people are going through a hard emotional time they will tend to take space as well to just have time to themselves to work through things.

So, it is a slippery road personalizing other’s actions because in the majority of cases it is about what is going on with the other person and has zero to do with us. Life is more challenging these days than normal and for that reason, many people are having a hard time coping. It would be healthier for them to reach out for help – some will and it may be another person or a professional to whom they are reaching. Again it has zero to do with anyone else – just them working through their own emotional situation for which it may be no else’s business anyway.

Learning: We need to be careful to not assume things that just are not so. On the other hand, we do want to be thoughtful with whom we associate and under what circumstances for our own mental health.

Claim Your Excellent Life #337 – Effectively Achieving Goals

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck shares the mental framework necessary to effectively achieve goals.
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DeLabeling Those With So-Called Mental Health Issues – Vol. 515 – May 27, 2021

Today we are going to speak to the whole notion of ‘stigma and ‘labels’ as attached to those given psychiatric diagnoses (worse being diagnosed by those without the education to do so including self-diagnosis).
Coming from the perspective as a person who has been involved in the treatment of others with major mental illness since 1993 and having gone through my own healing journey with bipolar 2 (manic depression in the old days) I can diagnose a person probably as well as anyone who has been through med school to learn how to do so ….and I am here to tell you that the labels do much more harm than help for most of those who are so diagnosed.
First, there is a stigma attached to these labels. I don’t know if you realize this, but doctors who are going through depressive episodes who reach out for help, can have their licenses revoked in the United States, and then we wonder why 400 MDs commit suicide a year -add another 400 medical students and that is probably a very low number – we can start to understand why these labels can be so harmful even to those who are educated and trained to help those of us who have medical issues that need attention.
Second, there is this ‘superior’ feeling that those who have yet to be diagnosed diagnosing those in their lives. Given the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual 5th Revision has a diagnosis for every normal human emotion (makes it much easier to prescribe meds with a diagnosis rather than do the hard work of therapy to better understand and release the underlying issues) because, well that other person is a ____fill in the gap. Most often today people love to label others as narcissists. The only problem with that particular habit is that we humans are all on the continuum of narcissism as we all want the best for ourselves. Truthfully, if you believe in these labels less than 2% of the population would have what a true diagnosis of narcissism would be – so given that reality, you can stop using that label as you are doing so inappropriately.
Third, there is secondary gain to many of these diagnoses. Those with ADD/ADHD (even if only self-diagnosed) love to tell me how they are unable to do whatever because they cannot concentrate. However, the people with these issues have what is considered ‘hyper focus’ on those things that they want to do and simply ignore the rest. So, I challenge my clients to find a reason to do those other things that are most compelling and then use their natural ability to hyper-focus to get those things done.
For those with anxiety or depression, many times they take themselves out of situations that they feel overwhelmed by so don’t have to do many of the things they didn’t want to do anyway and get lots of sympathy for it.
For those who have serious mental health issues, social security disability income can be had, though to be honest, it is a very hard thing to accomplish – or it was back when I was involved in conventional mental health.
My point here is that I have found during the 19 years that I have been in practice that most people have created a negative behavior based on compulsive thoughts because of a trauma – or maybe many traumas over a lifetime. What this means is that the ‘cause’ of the problem’ – the event that caused the problem to develop needs to be uncovered. The ‘purpose for holding onto the problem needs to be understood and then ‘a compelling future’ that is much more alluring than being ill, needs to be found so that a person can return to health – this is in the case of emotional reasons for the symptoms because and this is a big “BECAUSE” NOT ALL seemingly psychological or psychiatric symptoms have a thing to do with emotional distress. Many have to do with the inability to metabolize the proteins from which the amino acids are found to make the neurotransmitters and the hormones necessary for us to feel emotionally stable and to think clearly. It needs to be added here that there are also issues when Vitamins and minerals are not being metabolized either so for example too little B12 can cause one to feel depressed, Vitamin D3 is necessary to feel emotionally and mentally stable as well as many others.
Hormonal imbalances come into this equation as well especially as our sex hormones decrease when we go through menopause for women and the similar situation with men when their testosterone levels go down later in their lives.
Many, many medications cause emotional dysregulation including SSRIs -serotonin reuptake inhibitors that are prescribed for – you guessed it – depression – so much so that they have a ‘black box’ on the label stating to be careful in giving to youth because they will get homicidal or suicidal. However, there are other classes of medications that can do the same thing so be forewarned.
And then there are brain injuries to the parts of the brain that have to do with emotional regulation and mental processing including strokes.
There are other issues that can come into play, however, I do believe that you are getting what I am saying here. Most mental illness is not necessarily something that needs a diagnosis – anorexia, bulimia, sex addiction, substance abuse, and substance addiction along with the personality disorders such as histrionic and borderline personality disorders need to be understood for what they are along with psychopaths and sociopaths – and this is by far a very tiny minority of human beings.
So, how about we come from the point of view that a person is having some problems with functioning and to help them to deal with that issue, we need to find the ‘cause,’ the ‘purpose,’ and a ‘compelling future’ that is so alluring to the person that they are so excited to finally be free of this label that they will do the deep inner work to let all this stuff go to have a quality of life more than worth living, and become de-labeled as they are back to emotional and physiological health!
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