Is it possible to stop hating and subsequently loving oneself if one realizes the unconscious love and longing for e.g a hated parent that physically punished and emotionally neglected you? Vol. 537, October 28, 2021

This is a very important question because I recognize that most of my clients become my clients because of self-hatred which is something that they learned along the way. 

 I do a lot of work in helping people to release their emotional traumas through hypnotism and NLP. This is something that I do for 98% of my clients because most of them come to me because they are suffering from depression, anxiety, or some form of addictive behavior.

I always tell my clients that they didn’t come out of their mother’s womb hating themselves, so it has been learned from the manner in which they have been treated through life. If it is a learned emotion, it can be unlearned – which is the healing that my clients are able to do through the work we do together.

This is definitely something that needs to be done with a professional who is capable of helping you to heal your trauma – someone who is willing to do the desensitization of the trauma, inner child work, and most importantly forgiveness work. Because the only true healing for trauma is forgiveness both of the person(s) who committed the trauma against you and for yourself for whatever part you may have played in the events – because it is the forgiveness of self that truly helps to heal the lack of love toward one’s self from my 20 years of experience doing this work.

Many people have no idea that true healing can indeed occur – and with hypnotism and NLP it needn’t take a lifetime- rather a few months to truly do the healing work and learn how to create healthy emotional boundaries for yourself moving forward. This is actually only about 20% of the work that I do with my clients who have healing to clear, the other 80% is focused on creating their futures the way they want them – compelling enough futures that the clients are ready and even excited to let go of the past, live in their present, creating their futures the way they want them. What could be better than that? 

Here is a link to an interview that I did with Swanette Kuntze – Vol. 536, Oct. 21, 2021

During these difficult times this is a perfect podcast to listen to in order to get yourself back on track.  There is a lot of value inside the podcast as we were speaking of how people make transitions in their lives. I spoke of how I got into hypnotism and NLP and why. I do believel you will enjoy the podcasts and get a lot out of it. 
Podcast: Holistic Creators with Swanette Kuntze
Episode: Own your own health! Own your own life!
Guest: Suzanne Kellner-Zinck


Dr. Malone – The Developer of the mRNA Tests Tells Us the Truth About Everything You Need to Know About World Events

Yesterday someone on Linkedin a virologist of 30 years, he claims, thought that I was uninformed and spreading a lot of lies regarding today’s largest issue today, that of the so-called vaccine. One needs to first of understand that a vaccine is a vaccine when there are antibodies either dead or alive in the injected material. This is not true in the case of the COVID injections. Instead, there is a bit of RNA that has been placed into the injectable material from an animal that produces a reaction to the spike in the COVID-19 illness thus allowing the illness should it have developed – operative word “should” making the symptoms of the disease much less problematic to the host with the virus (meaning the person). 

Dr. Malane goes into great detail in how this injectable was made,  and why it is unethical to force it onto every person based on his expertise in developing vaccines and being the developer of the technology that was wrongfully used to test for COVID-19 and why that is the case.

He explains the mis-information out there in the government and the press and why that is so, and most importantly why he continues to speak his truth which may very well be your truth if you are willing to take the 53 minutes to listen to his rather important message as to why we need to be much more upfront with what is truly going on from the viewpoint of what medical ethics are and why they matter. 

This is the best interview to date that I have heard on the situation based on what a depth of knowledge that few others have for many reasons which you will find out when he explains his scientific backround through the decades. It speaks about the geopolitics involved which is very important to truly understand why what is going on is going on inside the larger paradigm of the non-governmental organizations, the members of which were never elected by anyone to be forcing mandates on any country whatsoever along with the misinformation about the medications that were taken away from being used from those in the western world, though they were successfully used in the developing world where the injection was not affordable for them billions of people in their population. 

Here is the link to what will be most eye-opening to anyone who is interested in truly understanding the much larger mechanism that is occurring today. Here is the link and please do yourself and your family the favor of listening to the entire interview so you can make a truly informed decision regarding your health and that of your family because everyone deserves to understand the larger geopolitical mechanisms that have been put into place and why your own health are being put at risk because of it.

If the link does not work for your for some reason just let me know and I will be happy to send it to your messenger, email, etc. This information NEEDS to be out there in the public without censorship, but the problem is that censorship is rampant – so much for ‘Freedom of the Press” in the USA. Think about that for a moment – you are not getting the truth because those who own the media do not want you to have this information because of their own selfish and dare I say deranged notions of what they have the ‘right’ to do for your safety because you apparently are incapable of making your own decisions. 

What does resistance look like in therapy? Can you list some signs from your professional experience? Vol. 535 – October 14, 2021

This question was also asked by a person on Quora. Here is how I answered the question: 

I am answering this from the point of view of being a hypnotist and NLP Master Practitioner so my training is a lot different than that of a conventionally trained mental help practitioner.

I can tell you from my NLP training that one of the most important concepts we learn is that there is no such thing as a resistant client, only practitioners who need to better communicate with their client.

The reason that this is drilled into our minds is that it is all too easy to blame the client for not receiving results when it is an inflexible practitioner that is creating the problem. In these cases, it is a matter of having many different types of tools and techniques to use because different clients have different ability levels for different types of interventions. I have had a few clients that could not do certain types of NLP techniques so instead I did straight hypnotic techniques instead.

I have had some situations where my clients argued with me over certain things that I said and in some cases, they were absolutely right in that I was not understanding what they were saying in the manner in which they wanted me to understand what they were saying. So, it was on me to pull back and apologize for not understanding and then having them restate what they were saying in a different way so I could better understand them. This happens when a person is from a totally different culture from my own, or someone who is having a real hard time of it and needs me to be much more understanding because of their frustration. This is not aimed at me, it is just a reaction to the situation in which they find themselves. So, nothing is to be taken personally and all of it is to be taken as material for both of us to learn and grow from.

Now, there are times when I am working with people with substance abuse issues, usually alcoholics, when they can be belligerent, inappropriate, and in some cases unwilling to do the work. In those cases, it is best to not have taken them on as a client in the first place because they were not ready to do the work or were not good candidates for my level of work. Sometimes rehab is the answer to get them off the alcohol safely.

I have had a couple of teen clients who also were not ready to do the work which I would have been better not taking on, though I have to say that in both those cases their parents learned a lot about their kid (they were present for the Detailed Personal History to fill in the gaps the kids would not know from when they were too young to remember) and in that sense it was helpful. But, the kids were not ready to do the work. One of the parents did the session instead and worked on her own issues with her husband in that case – the basis of the problem the kid was having anyway. So, one can really never tell how things may work out – flexibility is key when it comes to working with people – that is for sure.

Thanks for asking the question because it is really not as easy to answer as one may think for the many ways that one can ‘look’ resistant, and really isn’t. It all comes under the artistry that is doing this work in the first place.

How Do You Know Who to Believe?

As anyone who has been following my work knows, I am very clear on what one needs to understand to be able to take care of one’s self and one’s family in the most constructive manner possible. As a hypnotist and NLP Master Practitioner, I truly do understand how ‘mass hypnosis’ can occur. One very impactful way to achieve mass hypnosis is to have the same information repeated endlessly with great emotions (usually fear for the control that can be taken) to get people to do as those in power desire. It is done by taking away your rights with one small step, and another small step till one no longer has their rights.
Look at what is occurring in Australia right now to see what I mean. The citizens are allowed out of their homes for a maximum of 1 hour to do those things that have to be done like getting food and prescriptions, and nothing else. That is NOT a free society, it is one of dictatorship.
I am quite certain that no one in the US wants to have this occur in the US. In an effort to help you better understand the reality of what is happening and why I want to share a very important video with you so that you can truly understand how the data regarding our latest health guidance has not only been totally bastardized by the government officials. What few people realize is that these same government officials have also had their powers usurped by powers even greater than they. This was achieved by breaking the laws of the United States including overruling the citizens’ US constitutional rights. 
In this video you will learn from Dr. Ealy, an MD as well as a data analyst how all of this has come to be and what is being done to give you your constitutional rights back while suing those who were liable for all of this misinformation while at the same time preventing free speech by censoring any real information (based on “FACTS” based on the “DATA” that went against the lunacy that has been forced down the citizens of the world’s throat as ‘facts’ when there was no data behind said ‘facts.’ 
Pay close attention to what has been going on because if you do not understand what is going on you will not be able to understand how your mind was usurped NOT for your health and wellbeing as was repeatly stated. Rather, sadly this has all been done by and for those greedy psychopaths who believe that they have the right to own every asset necessary for people to be able to live free and autonomous lives including, land, natural resources, food, big pharma, small businesses, the educational system, by forcing the citizens into mental and emotional distress (living in fear and forced isolation), through the artificial intelligence that is behind all those apps that you so love and rely on as many of you found out when all of Facebook’s companies were down for the majority of a day recently. 
Here is the URL for this most important video so that you can better take control of your own life so that you need not be used and abused by these megalomaniacs any longer:
Please share this video with anyone and everyone you know so that our constitutional rights are put back into their correct place so that the US is run by the people for the people once again. 

How might I gain helpful insights when I don’t want a therapist to ‘come close’? I want to learn but do not want ‘relationships’, just knowledge. – Vol. 534 – October 7, 2021

This was a question posted by a person on Quora, and this is the manner in which I answered it:

I have been involved in the world of mental health for almost 30 years now – both sides of the table. There is no such thing as healing just from ‘knowledge’ – it is just knowledge. The knowledge needs to be applied and that means being vulnerable enough to share what is truly going on in your life and processing whatever feelings and limiting beliefs you may have that are causing the issues that would bring you to employ a therapist in the first place.

Understand that the relationship between you and your practitioner is based on you being open and willing to do what you need to do and your practitioner’s ability to take that info and give you the ability to process whatever feelings need to be processed along with tools and techniques to better navigate your world.

Perhaps one of the better outcomes from your therapy would be able to better understand why it is that you are fearful of your therapist ‘coming close.’ What is the fear around that notion for you and how do you overcome it so that you can gain closer relationships with friends and loved ones in your own life. Therapy is a place where one learns all these things in a safe place where the learnings are generalized to the client’s/patient’s interactions with all the people with whom they interact every day.

So, this isn’t a venue for intellectualizing at all – it is a place of doing the healing work necessary to be free of whatever is burdening you enough to seek help.

I thank you for your question on behalf of anyone who may be reading it after it is posted.

Caroline Corey’s Question: Is Your Relationship Working for You? Vol. 533, Sept. 30, 2021

Today we are going to speak to relationships, specifically how are your relationships working for you? This came about after my introduction to spiritual teacher Caroline Corey. She challenges us to be truthful with ourselves in terms of how it is that we are living our lives – certainly very aligned with all the work that I have put out there in the world to date.

Caroline has a basis of understanding that we all need to come to regarding what it is that we truly desire for ourselves regardless of the ‘thing’ is that we are speaking of. In this case, we are speaking of relationships with those people with whom we have chosen to partner.

Unfortunately, many people ‘settle’ for the comfort of what they know making excuses to stay in the relationship. Maybe you are being taken care of financially, have a beautiful home, and yet, you are not really happy with your partner. So it takes real courage to feel into what your relationship is bringing you and what it is not bringing you.

I have a client that I have worked with who had a wonderful home with her partner. He built a pool for her behind their home, knowing that this would make her happy. However, though the pool was appreciated, there were many issues inside the communication patterns that were not at all appreciated including his endless cheating with other women. Up until we looked at the meanings behind the behavior she felt that when she walked away from the relationship she had made a mistake – and yet, she was not happy with this man – not really not only because of his endless cheating but because he did not share her values on many other parts of her life. It seemed that he would constantly find ways to sabotage her career which she had worked very hard to build, by bringing in all types of emotional turmoil taking her energy away from her work.

Now, you may not have such a large amount of issues in your relationship, however, it demonstrates how the idea of having a partner can harm one’s own life’s purpose, as was the case in this situation.

So, what do you want in your relationship with your partner? Are you able to honestly say that you are receiving it?

Do you have the freedom to be who you truly are feeling supported in living your own purpose be it a career or a stay-at-home mother? Many of my clients have partners who are uninterested in what they are doing, even though that which they are doing is a huge part of their identity, it being the purpose they have found in life. This is certainly something that I lived through myself with my ex-husband. Though he was the one who truly wanted me to find my purpose, once I found it he had no interest in it. And, yet I was to be involved in all his artistic endeavors. Luckily I liked being involved with most of his artistic endeavors, however, the relationship was one-sided and as a result, it felt unfair in terms of the activities that we did together.

Are you feeling stimulated by your partner in terms of growth and development? So many people that I work with find their partners to be rather dull, wanting to do the same things all of the time. There is never a desire to explore new places, new activities, new relationships with new people. In some cases, the screens of their lives are dictating what they do with their time which in too many cases excludes their partner’s involvement with them.

In some situations, the issues can be healed between the partners and in some cases, it is time to have the courage to move on to the unknown.

I have another client who came to me with issues of being fearful of speaking her truth with her husband because every time she did, they would get into a huge argument. During our work together she has learned how to better communicate what she really wants in a simple and easy-going way. Her relationship is much healthier for being willing to shift her communication style in a manner that her husband can hear her desires and help her to achieve them. He even wants to help her to achieve them – so it was her fear of communicating which was the issue, not her husband in this case.

If you are a person who is in a relationship that is not serving you – where you are unhappy and unfulfilled, understand that here are many reasons for this to occur. The first step is to be honest with yourself that you are unhappy and then the next step is to learn how to create a relationship that serves both you and your partner better – because all relationships do indeed take both people to work well. However, we need to know if it is really our partner that is the issue, or our inability to ask for what we want in a way that will be understood by our partner.

***For anyone who is looking to improve their current relationship or anyone who is having a tough time creating a great relationship with a significant other I am running a 3-Day Retreat “Bringing True Love to Your Primary Relationship” Oct. 2-4, 2021 at the lovely Villa Serena Holist Hotel & Retreat Center right on the water in the Dominican Republic. You can find out more about it here: 

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