Is It Wrong for A Person Training To Become a Therapist to Go to Therapy Themselves? Vol. 561, Nov. 25, 2021


This was a question that a person on Quora asked and one that I do believe everyone should know the answer to because it is inherant on those seeking therapy to understand why it is important of one who is going to be employed to do therapy on others to go through their own therapuetic process. 

I would have to say that the most competent therapists (healers) are those who have done their own healing processes. Because it is really impossible to understand what your patients are dealing with in that sort of relationship till you have found your way through it yourself.

The problem with too many mental heatlh providers is the fact that they have yet to heal their own issues, bringing them into the therapy with their patients to have truly damaging breaks in boundaries, personalizing things that are not personal, being triggered by the issues their patient raise, projecting their issues onto their patients, or creating very sick co-dependent relationships believing that they are only worthy to the degree that they are needed by their patients for their help.

Look, I have been in this game for nearly 30 years and the best healers are those that are willing to do their own work first – before deciding that they have the right to invade another person’s thinking processes. Because one can’t help another till one helps themselves and even then this work is for a minority of people given the traumas and situations that our clients bring to us to be healed.

So, the best healer is a healed healer. There are others who feel differently – but if you were to ask their patients about the care that was given you would hear the critiques such a the ones I listed above by their patients – because that is how their patient became my client.

Here is the Truth About COVID Injections For Those Who Want To Know: For Those Who Don’t – Skip the Info

There is a lot of misinformation out there regarding the injections that are being forced on people in the Western world because of the commercial interests involved along with other nepharias actions that are being taken as people are being distracted by all the chaos caused by the COVID crisis. 

For anyone who has been around me for awhile, you know that I am not willing to speak untruths. I am unwilling to go with the common notions of things, doing my own research especially where health and wellbeing are concerned as I am a person whose whole calling in life is to help others to bring back their health and wellbeing.

It is for this reason that I am giving you the link to an interview that was done with Dr. Malone, the man who created the mRNA technology holding fast to the fact that it was never meant to be used to test for corona viruses at all. I would have to believe that the man who created the technology would understand its uses and its limitations better than a bunch of people who really do not understand the technology themselves. 

If you want facts, you have to go to the people who are willing to tell you the truth even at risk of being villified and losing their professional status in so doing. These are the true heroes of today – not those who sing the same song because they know that if they go against that false concept of the ‘facts’ they too will be at risk of losing their reputations and their practices – so they do as they are todl even though many are quite clear that they are actually harming people – quite sad when MDs are harming people by going along with falsehoods stated as facts. 

Anyone who is reading this truly needs to better understand what these injections do and do not do. Why they were developed and the limitations versus the false notion that they were ever tested to halt the infection from one person to another – the FDA never tested then for that and Dr. Malone speaks to that fact and many other rather disturbing facts as he explains the true science behind it all – the science that has been true for many thousands of years and isn’t going to change just because a bunch of politicians say that it has – or because a few people who have made a ton of money and want to make more, are stating falsehoods. Here is the link to the interview in written form so you can be informed of the truth instead of the propaganda (which by the way is what almost all governements do including the United States).

Remember, not everyone, especially those in the Western world will want to know the facts of the matter and that is okay. This information is for those of you who want to be informed so that you can make the correct decisions regarding your own health care and that of your family. You do deserve that much, don’t you? 

Is There A Way to Treat Anxiety That Doesn’t Require Medication – Vol. 560, Nov. 18, 2021

First, if you are on meds, you need your prescribing physician to help you slowly get off them if this is what you so desire because doing it on your own could cause some very strange and uncomfortable side-effects.

If you aren’t on any meds yet, I can tell you that after 20 years of working with clients clear their emotional issues including all sorts of anxiety, hypnotism and NLP are a great way to go – no invasive anything – it is all done with the wisdom of your own mind. I have a ton of info regarding this on my business website however, the most important thing I think I can give you is a testimonial from one of my clients who had anxiety so bad that it put her into a deep depression – so here is her story in her own words to both give you hope that there are alternative holistic approaches that do indeed work well as well despite what the conventionally trained mental health practitioners have to say as they are only taught to ‘manage symptoms’ to actually to help you to heal from your anxiety – the work that I did with this young woman – she was 24 at the time I believe was done in 2013 or 2014 while I was living in California – and she is still doing well to this day – I just had a session with her to clear a totally different situation in her life about a month ago – so here is the URL to Melissa’s story in her own words:

Melissa A., Wilmington, CA
I was losing myself. I found myself living in fear everyday. The days went by and I felt more and more disconnected to my…

There is also a bunch of info regarding hypnotism, NLP & Time Line Therapy (R) which are all the hypnotic modalities that I use in my practice for your education. There is a button at the top of the menu “Hypnosis” and if you click on it there is a drop-down menu for all those modalities. If you go to the right side menu and scroll down to the bottom you can put the search phrase ‘anxiety’ in there and all the pages that have been written, podcasts done, and testimonials attached to the search phrase will show up for you. There are more than a 1,000 pages of content on the website so this is the best way to get you to where you need to go to find the info you are particularly interested in.

Many thanks for your question as there are most certainly many ways to hep folks other than medication and endless therapy appointments for those who are looking for a different approach.

COVID – Let’s Get The Facts From The Data

I know from my own experience dealing with both physical health issues and mental health issues over the last 40 years, that one needs to really learn whatever one can about the difference between what is said by the ‘authorities’ including the doctors (which is why it is mandatory to get at least two opinions before undergoing any new treatments especially when one is being told to take a certain drug.

I have was placed on 2 drugs that caused more harm than good and I refused another knowing that it would cause more harm than good knowing there were dietary changes that could be made to shift my numbers.
We also need to get at least 2 medical opinions when contemplating any surgical procedures. I don’t know if you know this, but only 20% of back surgeries give the patient relief. Many cause much more harm. It is much better to deal with this situation by understanding the true cause of the problem and many times you will find that if you learn how to walk with an even gait, have better posture, etc many of the pains felt will be relieved from the back (maybe even the nick if it is involved) all the way down to the foot – but you need someone who can give you the correct treatments and exercises to allow that to happen.

Just like back pain is a signal that something is needing attention, the real question is: What when attended to correctly will help remediate the problem?

In the case of COVID, there has been so much playing with the numbers where the US is concerned we don’t really have real stats on any of it – not really – but the Israelis do, so look at what they have found to be true – they have the built-in ‘control’ group with their highly religious Jews and Muslims who will never take an injection that was researched using fetal cells or placental cells – so you can trust their numbers.

Here is the rest of the story for anyone who actually wants to know. For those of you who are fine being told what to do without critically thinking through both sides of the story because every story has at least 2 sides, that is fine as well. You are allowed your opinion, as well as anyone else, is allowed theirs – hopefully based on data instead of ‘facts’ that have been pulled out of the air to force compliance of the population.

Here is access to information that big media and social media is banning. One needs to understand why that would be occurring in a country that was built on Free Speech and Freedom of the Press! It’s very scary indeed because there were very important reasons why the Constitution of the US had those as some of the most important freedoms a country needs to give its citizens.

Here is the link: COVID Revealed

How Does a Therapist (or Hypnotist, in My Case) Prepare to See Clients While Having a Bad Day Themselves? Vol. 539, Nov. 11, 2021

This is an excellent question that was asked by a person on Quora and something that I had a bit of a learning around when I first began my practice in hynotism and NLP. This is how I answered the question: 

Most often I am able to shift gears and do what needs to be done with the client anyway – loving the work and working with my clients.

However, I did have a situation many years ago when I was a newbie doing this work when I had a truly terrible day. I had a client come in and frankly, it would have been better to reschedule the appointment because I just wasn’t together enough to be able to think at the level that is necessary to do the work. Ever since that time, if I have found myself in a situation where I am not emotionally stable enough to be present for my client – I reschedule the appointment. It works out much better that way. Since I am not a conventionally trained mental health practitioner, I don’t see several people in a day in 5- minute appointments. I have much longer appointments for my clients and never see more than 3 in a day, more often one or two so there is never a need to rush the session as many things organically unfold through the session. This structure makes it much easier to reschedule having a much more open schedule than many of my colleagues either other hypnotists or conventionally trained mental health professionals who see 5–10 clients a day..

My clients also are able to flex their schedules if necessary as some of them have very changeable work schedules and are sometimes called into work shifts a day before instead of having regular 9–5 work hours. So, given my flexibility for them, they are quite fine if I need to reschedule them for some reason.

It is really all about communication both parties being realistic with what we can make happen at any given time. They are not paying for sessions per see, they are paying for an all-inclusive program so that also allows for more flexibility with the scheduling.

FOR: Any Licensed Psychiatrists or Licensed Psychologist ONLY!

I am really excited to announce that I am in the process of creating a course specifically for licensed psychiatrists and psychologists.
I am looking for those of you who are sick of working in the medical-industrial complex which has taken your authority away from your being able to practice aligned with your philosophy of healing and values.
If you are open to having a 20-minute phone call with me leave me your contact info in the contact sheet on this website: 
I need your phone number or  Whatsapp contact info because this is going to be done a a phone call or video call. 
NOTE: I am looking to do this no later than November 17th.
I look forward to speaking with you and learning from you.

What Was one Thing That I Failed to Achieve Something – Vol. 538, Nov. 4, 2021

This is an interesting question and an important one because sometimes when one doesn’t get what they feel they really, really want, it is all for the best.

In my case, I really wanted to attend law school. I applied twice but my pre-law school tests (can’t even remember the name of them it’s been so long now) were not very good so I was declined. It turned out fine because I finally found my way to hypnotism where I can run my own practice, dress in a manner that is very nice and reflects my personality, and don’t have to worry about many of the things that one needs to have a license to practice law.

I also tried my hand at nursing school. Loved learning how the body works with anatomy and physiology though they were really hard for me to learn – and organic chemistry as well but I enjoyed the courses anyway. Loved learning about medications – super useful even as a hypnotist. However, I dropped out because I hated the angry manner in which the instructors taught and their behavior toward some of the patients during our clinical was horrific. I won’t go into the details, enough to say that 30 years later I still cringe when I think about it.

So, it’s fine to try something and not have it happen. It is also fine to try something and find out that it isn’t your thing – because as my mom told me when I told her I was dropping out of nursing school (I was out of the house and paying for it on my own as my dad had already sent me to a private college for a B.A. in elementary ed and Political & Historical Studies) told me that nothing that one learns is ever wasted. That was really very true because I use that knowledge every day in my practice because the mind and body work together whether or not conventionally trained med and psych folks understand that – many do not, sadly. I would have to say that having the nursing school knowledge did allow me to talk to my clients’ doctors with the medical language they knew and as such they respected me a lot more for having an idea of what I was talking about. So, it was like having an extra credential, even without the degree.

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