Why Does My Mother Always Change the Topic Never Allowing Us to Have a Real Conversation? Vol 566, January 27, 2022

This was originally a question from a young woman on Quora which definitely deserved a thoughtful answer.  For those of you who are dealing with a similar situation, here is the information that may help you to better understand what is going on and how to better deal with the situation. 

Great question, and one my clients ask often.

It is because she lacks the ability to care about what you have to say, generally because she is self-involved.

Unfortunately the chronological age of a person, doesn’t always match their emotional stage of development. I would say your mom is stuck at teen hood emotionally, and therefore the world revolves around her.

I don’t know if she has any mental health issues, but these most certainly get in the way of natural emotional maturation.

The best way to deal with this is to just acknowledge the fact that your mom will never be able to talk to you in a way that fulfills your need for a caring and mature mother, and find others in your life who can fill that role.

I know in my case, my mom was so damaged by her mother that she was about 2 years old emotionally, manipulating people to always have her way. If she didn’t get her way, she would go into fits of rage. She was super intelligent, caring when it was something she cared about, yet infantile when she didn’t get her way.

Interestingly enough, through being raised by her (and we were close up till I was 18 years old), she taught me many important things in how to work with people with mental illness. I never confused her behavior with her, though it did become increasingly difficult to spend time with her. I cut her out of my life because of her abuse toward me. However, quite miraculously I was there for the last 10 days of her life. I can’t say I had sweet loving feelings for her, but I was glad she had 3 of her 5 daughters and the two spouses there by her side when she passed away.

Claim Your Excellent Life #357 – Why Hypnosis & NLP Over Conventional Mental Health Treatment

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck shares the reasons why to select Hypnosis over conventional therapeutic techniques to trea mental health issues.
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Are Clinical Mental Health Professionals Happy With Their Work? Vol. 565. January 20, 2022

There have been so many mental health professionals who have come forth speaking of their being burned out by the droves of clients that they have to see on a weekly basis, even more so since the upheaval in our world over these past two years. These comments are coming mostly from those praticing in larger group practices that are contained univerity-hospital systems. I wanted to get some feedback from my mental health colleagues on their true feelings, yet, sadly I only received some non-informative emogis with thumbs up, along with one brave hypnotist colleage of mine stating that he loved his work, but not all of his clients. I can only hope that those who read the article took the time to actually answer the questions below for themselves to maybe rethink how they want to move forward in their practices in a more fulfilling manner. 

For those in mental health, most especially psychologists:
Do You Enjoy Working with Your Patients?
Often when we start on a career path, we are working under the guidance of others who are further along than we. During these times we find ourselves working with all sorts of individuals learning the best practices to be used with each patient type as we go along.
Have you ever asked yourself what percentage of patients do you actually enjoying working?
Are you finding it difficult to sit there during some of your patients’ sessions being totally present?
Or maybe you were working with a patient who just could not seem to hear what you were saying, never applying any of the insights or techniques that you discussed together, leaving you frustrated to no end.
I was reading an article written by a now ex-pyschologist who left the field because he was sick of working with patients who were uninvested in doing the work, or were so ill that there was never going to be any resolution to their problems. I found this to be very sad. Because, he had knowledge and skills that could be helpful to many other people. People with whom he could enjoy working. It sounded like a matter of being totally burned out and so the decision was made to move onto some other career.
Given all the years of study and all the years of practice that one puts in to be where you are currently, it would be ashame to toss that all aside when one only needs a different lens from which to percieve one’s options.
How about making a choice to only work with those types of patients that you find fun and interesting to work with.
I had a colleague years ago who found working with those with bipolar to be most interesting because they were willing to go off their medications to get that natural ‘high’ feeling when they became hypomanic or even manic. This even when the great majority of them spent the majority of their existence with depression which of course is a hard state to live through.
So, I bet there are certain types of clients that you just love working with because they are engaged and willing to do whatever it takes to overcome their challenges.
Or, maybe there are some types of mental health conditions that you find interesting and fun to work with. Ask yourself:
Who are those people in your practice that make you smile when you think of them?
What makes them special?
Is it the particular issues that they bring in to be worked on?
Is it their age and/or maturity?
Is it the fact that they just have a great personality?
Maybe they have an interesting set of circumstances to be worked on?
Or maybe like a colleague of mine, you find the patients with a particular mental illness to be interesting to work with.
Maybe it is time for you to go out on your own and choose those types of patients that you truly enjoy working with, instead of being forced to work with those that you find annoying, boring, or just plain disengaged.
Because, the reality of the situation is that there are tons of people out there these days who need all sorts of help, looking for exactly the type of person with whom you love working.
Take a stand for these people with your marketing materials so that you can attract just those people and you will find that many much better patients will be looking to employ you for your services.
Let me know how you feel about the work that you are doing below. Are you enjoying your patients or are you feeling that it is time to make a change?
For many years, I have noted how ineffective most of the work that conventionally trained mental health professionals do, along with the great amount of time many of my clients have spent with these therapists. Some have spent decades to learn why they have the problem, yet never having any real resolution, any real healing, never truly moving on to a better quaility of life. Which is why I entered the world of the hypnotic arts in the first place – because there had to be a more holistic and humane manner of helping our clients with emotional distress live fulfilled and contented lives.  Using a paradigm of true healing vs one of pathology. And, I am so glad I did, because it was with this change in perspective that I have been able to help over a thousand clients over the past 2 decades to achieve their goals – at least 95% of them anyway. I can’t help someone heal who is not ready to do the work. Trust me that I do my best to screen these folks out before hiring them as clients – something that I learned the hard way as most of us do. 
For the practitioner to allow for any real healing to occur, we need to hold the belief that our clients do have the ability to heal, to move on from working with us to having great lives themselves. And, when we do that, miracles of healing are witnessed, which is a most beautiful thing to behold! 

When Should You Stop Helping Someone Who Won’t Help Themselves? Vol.569, February 17, 2022

A person on Quora asked this question which I believe is on too many peoples’ minds, especially these days.  The reality is that we would be much better served to focus on those who actually are willing to make the necessary changes to live happy and fulfilled lives. Better yet, are already living happy and fulfilled lives.  Here is the answer that I wrote:

This is very simple: It is appropriate boundaries. Even as someone who works with people with mental health issues, I can only help them to the degree that they will apply themselves to help themselves. Anything else becomes a co-dependent relationship and they are unhealthy.

Cut the cord and move on with your life. Hopefully, the person will go on to get some professional help if that is what is required. But, it isn’t your job to help someone who is unwilling to do a thing to help themselves. You have your own life to live, so go on and live it.

Claim Your Excellent Life #356 – Are You Ready to Learn Some Hard Truths of Today’s World

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck shares her opinion on the events going on in the world.
Click the above link if you have found value in this podcast and wish to support it.

Men: 3 Ways Your partnership Will Fall Apart – Vol. 564, January 13, 2022

This is an article that I posted in my social media platforms, but one that I know the men on my subscriber list may find very helpful. So here it is: 

Sometimes relationships break apart without us even knowing it.

It’s very common for men to not even understand why it happened for years to come after these relationships end.

Hi everyone, My name is Suzanne.

I’ve seen many relationships fall apart quickly with the partners getting hurt because of preventable problems they could have avoided with just a few small changes.

In life, many of us desire to have a meaningful partnership with someone special. We find ourselves in a wonderful relationship and for some time it is working out great…and then something seems to change, yet we are not really sure what that thing may be.

Before we know it, that person we used to have a great life with is no longer the person we fell in love with, and things start to fall apart fast.

That’s why I wanted to share 3 things that destroy relationships.

No one is perfect, and no one is without their idiosyncrasies. That being a given, it is time for each of the parties in the relationship to acknowledge their own part in the communication that is causing the ill will and do what is necessary to understand from where it is coming and clear it out from there.

Many relationships can be healed when each party takes responsibility for their part in the matter. However, for that to work, each party has to understand what they are communicating and why that communication is occurring.

This is how my marriage of over 20 years ended.

It started very well as most loving relationships do.

What happened was that over time, the perfect relationship began to corrode.

By the end of it, my then-husband was not coming to bed at a reasonable time any longer and was not even interested in having dinner together. He was no longer happy in the marriage.

From my point of view, I was also miserable with this behavior and did not really understand it, until he told me that it really bothered him when I went on my hypnosis and NLP training trips some of them lasting a few weeks at a time across the country. He never told me as I was making these journeys, only after he had asked me for a divorce.

I can honestly tell you that though he had felt this way about my training trips, I was not going to stop making them because this was where I was able to get the best training for my chosen profession and this is the manner in which these training were offered.

If we were to save this marriage, these are the problems that IF we had worked on, would have helped us most:

1. Controlling your partner kills the relationship.

One thing that many men miss, that will often not be communicated by your partner is that they might be feeling controlled.

Even if you don’t feel like you are doing this when one person feels they have all the control in the relationship, the other partner begins to feel dismissed, their feelings not mattering, and after a while, resentment builds up. This is but one way that relationships go sour.

That’s why you have to make sure your partner feels valued, respected, and an equal partner in the decision-making process. Find some time to speak to your partner about their ideas and suggestions.

I would say this is the main problem that killed our relationship because my ex did not support my own professional growth. While I went to all his art conventions and photography events he never liked me going on my training trips and never made any effort to show any interest in my goals and interests of hypnotism and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

2. Not spending quality time and having fun anymore.

There is also another rather insidious issue that lurks in many relationships and that is where the couple has stopped doing those things together that they once enjoyed. It’s really important to understand if you are currently spending enough time and effort to be with each other or if the relationship is solely based on convenience and logistics.

It is imperative that couples take the time to enjoy one another’s company regardless of other concerns be it children, parents’ health, work, or other friendships. Relationships need constant nurturing or they will most certainly die.

By the time we split up we had stopped spending quality time together for 10 years. Instead, my then-husband was hiding out in his studio or doing his own thing. Not even interested in having dinner together.

3. Taking your partner for granted.

The last situation that kills relationships is that of taking one another for granted. No one owes anyone anything in this life. So, if your partner is making dinner, cleaning the home, working long hours to bring in the income — whatever the situation is in the household, these gestures need to be acknowledged and thanks are given.

Demonstrate to your partner that you appreciate them. Ask how your partner loves getting your thanks.

Verbally thanking them.

Giving gifts.

Services and help.

Physical gratification or anything your partner says will make them feel appreciated.

I had offered to help my then-husband with his photography logistics and deliveries often. I did many things for him but he rarely said thanks and rarely showed that he appreciated these efforts of mine. It was like my contributions to the household never mattered.

When I did ask him for help, he would put it off and then blame me for making him feel guilty.

Most men are just very logical by nature, without meaning to be. They are missing out on some very important aspects of what a true partnership requires. Often this happens because they feel as though they are providing a living. They forget the more human considerations of what being in a relationship actually means. Being in a relationship is not just what you feel, it’s what both you and your partner agree on that would bring balance into the relationship.

Claim Your Excellent Life #355 – So, You are Sick & Tired of the Medical-Industrial Complex

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck shares her opinion of the industrial medical complex.
Click the above link if you have found value in this podcast and wish to support it.
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