Where Does Your Fat Go, When you Lose Weight?

weight loss photoWhere Does Your Fat Go, When you Lose Weight?, Vol. 420, August 24, 2017

I wonder if you wondered, as I have for many years, what happens to the fat that is lost when a person loses weight. Many people wrongly believe that it is digested and exits your digestive system. However, that is really not the case at all – yes, the food you eat does get digested and the waste products exit your body, however, that isn’t the same thing as explaining where the fat goes.

Danette May at danettemay.com teaches us what really happens to the fat. It is a chemical reaction as are most things in life. She explains in her blog “that you breathe out lost fat.” This is because fat is a combination of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen. When fat is broken down the CO2 (one carbon with 2 oxygen atoms) and water, H2O (two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom that fat turns into CO2 and water, as urine and sweat.

Now, I know that in the many reports and books I have read over the years, I have been told that exercise is not as important as the food that you eat. Well, that is very curious, because when you exercise, you are breathing out a lot more CO2, so why wouldn’t you exercise for weight loss?

Danette May speaks of a study that was done at the University of New South Wales in Australia, where they found the following:

To oxidize ten kilos (22 lbs) of fat, you need to inhale 29 kilos (64 lbs) of oxygen. This produces 28 kilos (62 lbs) of CO2 and 11 kilos (24 lbs) of water.

Ms. May suggest that you always breathe through your nose, to increase oxygen intake.
Maintain a steady breathing pattern while exercising to make sure your muscles are getting enough oxygen. You don’t want to cramp up, do you? A short burst of aerobic exercise is what she suggests her clients do because more oxygen is used than during anaerobic exercises.

Just keep your body moving and you will be able to release that extra weight.

Now, let’s get on with the release of that extra fat, myself included!

201:Learnings From Making Dreams Come True

Sometimes getting your dream doesn’t turn out the way you imagined it to be. Master Hypnotist, Suzanne Kellner-Zinck shares her experience of fulfilling her lifelong dream of moving to California.

Click the above link if you have found value in this podcast and wish to support it.

Alcohol: Dr. Daniel Amen Says It Kills the Brain’s Function

brain photoAlcohol: Dr. Daniel Amen Says It Kills the Brain’s Function, Vol. 419, August 17, 2017

Given all the hype about the healthy components of red wine, resveratrol in the skin and proanthocyanidin in the seed. These are antioxidants that help protect the body against oxidative stress, which can cause heart disease, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. This all sounds great, except that the brain scans the Dr. Amen has been doing over the past couple of decades proves that there is a much greater damage to the function of the brain with only a little bit of alcohol ingested. Even one glass of beer or wine per day reduces the firing of the nerve cells while blocking the energy to the cell’s energy centers. The neurotransmitters of the brain are not as effective as they are, without the use of alcohol. And, if one drinks just one to seven drinks a week, the brain has been shown to shrink. This according to a 2008 study in the Archives of Neurology.

In Amen Clinics article Alcohol is Not a Health Food posted June 15, 2017, Dr. Amen writes of the Lancet publishing a study of 115,000 subjects reporting that alcohol increased the risk of cancer and physical injuries.

We know that alcohol causes fatty liver disease, damages the cerebellum, which helps with coordination and of mood. Vitamin B1 is not absorbed as well, predisposing people to serious cognitive problems, because the prefrontal cortex nerves are not firing in a normal functional manner.

Sugar abuse is also an issue with those who drink a lot of alcohol, stimulating your appetite, even if you feel full. It increases the production of insulin, which can lead to low blood sugar, decreasing your decision-making ability.

I too enjoy a drink every now and then for special occasions, however, I have enough issues with my own brain, so alcohol is not a substance that I choose to ingest on a regular basis. I would rather keep whatever functions I do have as clear of problems as possible. Maybe you feel the same way now that you understand that so many of our bodily functions can be adversely affected even by fairly minor drinking of alcohol.

I tell my clients, that if they feel the need to drink every day or use any substances on a regular basis that alters the way they feel, then perhaps it is time to look deeper into what may be the cause of this self-damaging behavior. Because happy and fulfilled people really can do without any substances that alter their thinking processes. I leave you with the question for yourself, should you be a person that imbibes on a regular basis: Do you really feel the need to have that drink?” If so, it is time to be real with yourself and figure out what is going on in your mind to give you the thought that you need to do something to stop thinking the negative thoughts you no longer want to think, and instead clear the problems associated with the cause of the drinking.

Sorry For The Onslaught of Posts & Future Plans For DVH

As happens at least once every few years, technology doesn’t always work the way we would like.

Sam, my web man did what was necessary in updating the email plugin we use, and the result was to send out all the weblogs going back through time. Though I am sure some of you were wondering why I was sending out so many weblogs in a day, others of you who better understand that one does not always have control over those things we take for granted in the world of technology, understood it was a technological glitch. Rest assured the problem has now been resolved.

So long as I am needing to get this apology and explanation out to you, I am going to take this opportunity to update you on where Dawning Visions Hypnosis is going into the future, because there are some very exciting things coming up very shortly.

Currently I am driving my way from California, back to Massachusetts for about a month in the place I called “home” for 35 years. There are many reasons for taking the time to do this. My mother who is now 84 years old, broke her hip in January and has been declining in her health both mentally and physically since. I have not seen her in a very long time, so it is incumbent on me to stop in and see how she is doing and “show my face.”

I have several clients back east, some of whom are wanting me to do work with them on my way to the next level of work for Dawning Visions Hypnosis. And, there is a story to explain why we are going in this new direction:

I have worked on the east coast and on the west coast, and what I realized is that for the most part the conventionally trained medical and mental health professionals have little idea in how their words can either help or hinder the healing of their patients. This was something that all my clients have brought to my attention, especially my former young clients with anorexia, bulimia, anxiety and the former sex addicts. I attended many conferences put on at Torrance Memoial Hospital, in Torrance, California, with world renown experts in addiction and there was only one who I really respected for her work with sex addicts – Dr. Alexandra Katehakis. This is a woman who has truly done her best to be humble and learn how to best help her clients at her program, Center for Healthy Sex. I had originally saw her present back in 2011 when I went to an addictions conference in Newport Beach where she explained the physiology behind sex addiction. This is what made a huge impact on me and the way that I did my work with those particular clients. It all started when they were unable to get the eye-to-eye contact with their mothers, so never formed what in psychology is known as “normal attachment” with their primary care giver, making it impossible for them to grow a normally functional amygdula of the brain, which is where our emotions are formed.

With this in mind, Dawning Visions is going to train the medical and mental health professionals as well as trainers of hypnosis and neuro-linguistics programming. It is about time we shared the knowledge gained over the past 15 years of treatment with those heart centered soul driven professionals, who understand that with the correct processes at hand, these individuals can be healed forever. There is no need for these clients to have to ‘manage’ their illnesses, because they are no longer ill!

We are also starting a whole new initiative working with pediatric oncology patients and their whole families. I came to understand that: with a brother of my own who died of non-lymphatic leukemia before his 4th birthday, when I was merely 2 months old, with the knowledge that I visualized my on meningioma away (non-cancerous tumor on the meningies of the brain) and having been mentored by a psychologist who specialized in oncolgy patients at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, that perhaps it was time to tell that story and help the families to truly heal. We are going to roll out this program when we have the funds to offer the retreats as sponsored events for these special families. We are going to ask for donations on youcaring.com as well as put 20% of the proceeds from all the trainings we do toward this very important cause. We will have companies that sell to kids and parents sponsor this work as well.

I came up with this idea because I realized that in my own family, my mother was busy taking care of me, her new born child, my dad was busy taking my brother David, to the hospital for his treatments. It dawned on me to ask the question: Who was there with my then 5 and 6 year old sisters? What was being done to help them deal with their terminally ill brother or to make them feel special during all this time? My guess, since I don’t have any memory of it, is that they were left to some caregivers and probably didn’t receive the loving care that they needed during this period of their lives. Neither of my sisters ever complained or even spoke much of those years of their lives. However, as an adult looking back on it now, I can’t see how they were given their necessary emotional needs. I want to change that for the siblings of those who go through our retreat, allowing the siblings to know that they are just as special as their ill sibling, while allowing the parents to learn how to de-stress from their challenges, while teaching the patient how to use their unconscious mind to help heal themselves from the side-effects of the medicine and maybe even like me, disappear their tumors away. Kids are particularly talented at doing hypnosis, living in their unconscious mind, and it is my guess that what took me two years to achieve as a 47 year old, may take them a small fraction of the time. In any case, it will be an opportunity to learn how to best help these young patients and bring that knowledge to the greater oncology community. Because, as far as I am concerned, we needn’t harm their young immune systems with chemotherapy and radiation, when they have the power of healing right inside themselves if given the chance to learn how to do it.

In September, I am going to Thailand, a haven for ex-pats, with very inexpensive living, beautiful people, a beautiful environment, great tasting healthy food, and everything a person could desire to run a company from one’s computer. The plan is to travel the world staying in wonderful places that are welcoming to people such as me, working to create some real change in the world without all the expense of having a home, a car and whatever other things most Americans believe they cannot live without. I have never been one to do the “conventional” lifestyle finding it deadening to my soul. Why else would someone go into hypnotism instead of conventional mental health?

Futher, from my point of view, I would much rather be out there learning about the world’s people, perhaps going back to Uganda and Kenya to continue the work started with the two organizations that I teamed up with back in 2011 and 2013. Bringing this work to the beautiful people of the financially poorer, yet spiritually and emotionally healthier of the 3rd world is very alluring to me as a practitioner and trainer. They have taught me much more about living a happy enlightened life, then I have taught them, I can assure you.

So, there you have it, the future of Dawning Visions Hypnosis going forward. And, yes we will continue with the weblogs, though maybe not on a weekly basis. That depends what time allows for, and with the podcasts “Claim Your Excellent Life.” We do these projects for the education of anyone who may be wanting to learn about hypnotism and health in general. Some clients come through on the basis of these publications, from the back history as they are looking to find information to help heal themselves. It is a service that I feel is very important to humanity in general and therefore will be continued.

I thank you for being readers, listeners and clients of Dawning Visions Hypnosis, Inc. This company was never built to be anything but a force for waking people up to their own internal powers of their own minds to “Set souls free to live their purpose, on purpose.” To empower people to let go of those irritating issues that get in the way of living a happy and fulfilled life, and most importantly help heal those issues that can kill a person if not treated with the acumen and sensitivity necessary, given the stigma behind those clients that were called into work with me, because that is all any person desires and deserves the world over.



How To Help Heal Our Servicemen & Women in the Military

How to Help Heal Our Servicemen & Service Women in the Military – Vol. 418, June 22, 2017

I attended an outstanding seminar brought to the local hospital to teach mental health professionals how to best help our returning military personnel. I knew I was interested in this topic, not so much because I would be working with them, but, because even when I offered free services, I couldn’t get any servicemen to work with me to clear his anxiety and post-traumatic stress. This presentation by six people who had served in the U.S. Military, five of whom work with fellow servicemen and women, offering mental health services explained why.

The first thing that we were taught was that there were a few reasons why veterans would not be willing to seek out help from someone like me, a non-service member. First, among them was that they want to be treated by someone who is like them, a veteran. Veterans not only share the harsh reality of having to rely on one another to save their lives in very difficult circumstances of war, they are also very detail oriented, and never say “I can’t.”

Alcohol is normalized as part of the culture where beer on Friday is brought by the commander.
Additionally, self-medication through prescription painkillers, sleep medication, even using other peoples’ prescriptions is the norm. Dual diagnosis forms in some of the population.

Other then the obvious situation of being in a theater of war and all that encompasses, there are other very real problems that those who serve in the military face.

Ron Gellis, Navy Psychologist spoke of his own daughter having been sexually assaulted while she served in the military. She was self-medicating her trauma and overdosed on pain medication.

Those 22 suicides a day that occurs represent both men and woman in military service. Military sexual trauma is reported by 25% of the women who served, those between the ages of 18 and 29 being the highest component. Reported trauma includes rape and sexual harassment. More men are sexually traumatized than women, though women are a higher proportion affected by sexual abuse. Unfortunately, those who experienced sexual traumas can have issues with intimacy after they leave the military, derailing healthy sexual development.

According to Dr. Gellis, the moment a woman is sworn into service she is behind “enemy lines” because the perpetrator in many cases is her commanding officer. When she does report what is happening, she is asked whether she thinks this is a joke and is told that she made the whole thing up.

If the sexually assaulted service person is at all listened to, the most she can expect is to be transferred to another unit, without any consequences to the perpetrator.

There is also a huge issue if a military person is in the secret service or a pilot. If this person gets mental health services, their whole career could be lost. They are seen as unable to be stable enough to make the necessary decisions of a person with that sort of responsibility. This according to, Robert, who was speaking from the perspective of receiving the help required after he left the service. He was in special operations.

These service members were closed off from dealing with these issues while in the military, valuing their careers more than getting the help they needed for their post-traumatic stress disorder. The end result is that we have a very high number of drug-addicted, mentally ill people returning from the military. Many of them become homeless unable to adapt to civilian life.

An American Indian who is recovering from alcoholism and drug abuse also presented at this meeting. He said that he tried all sorts of ways to heal his alcoholism and P.T.S.D. However, it was when he went back to the ancient healing methods of his people that he was able to truly heal. He has been asked by many different mental health agencies to teach them his manner of healing so they can integrate it into their patient care. With the use of the philosophy of living with respect toward the other creatures of the earth, using herbs, meditations, and unconditional love, much healing is to be had.

There was another service member whose message was just that, unconditional love and acceptance was the number one thing that helped him heal from his traumas from the military.

When clinicians work with military service people they need to get a deep family history to find out if there is any mental illness or drug or alcohol abuse or addiction going on there. They also need to find out what sorts of mental health issues other family members may have experienced to better know what they are looking at in the form of symptoms.

Most of all, one needs to realize that the experience of a military person is going to be different from someone who has never served. It doesn’t mean that one can’t help a service person heal. However, one needs to be very sensitive to the manner of thinking of these folks and learn from them what they need in regard to their own healing. They will need to be forced to look at the negative experiences and those things they did to not feel those negative experiences. Because in the end, it is only when one is willing to do the work necessary to let go of the mental health and chemical abuses that they will ever find any healing. The Veteran’s Administration is far too overburdened to help all the veterans and service people they are supposed to serve. However, the good news is that the Veteran’s Administration is implementing more forms of complementary healing for their members to better help them to overcome their military service scars.

Photo by Official U.S. Navy Imagery

Time Sensitive Free Report: Mind Map to Make Money

I highly recommend that you download this one-page PDF “Mind Map” that shows you exactly how to attract and enroll clients through a 5-stage system that simply works.

DOWNLOAD: The 5 Stages of Client Attraction

Ryan Eliason, one of the world’s top coaches for socially conscious business owners, has taught this 5-stage system to over 5,700 clients from 85 countries.

His students have used this proven formula to attract thousands of clients, resulting in tens of millions of dollars in increased revenue.

The best part is this system honors your need to attract clients with full integrity, and in ways that truly feel good to everyone involved.

Get the Mind Map for free (for a VERY limited time) here


Most of the techniques being taught by other marketing experts will leave you feeling gross — like you need to take a shower to wash the yuck off afterward.

This system is different.  I highly recommend that you download this now before Ryan pulls it down.



P.S. When you download the Mind Map you’ll also get instant access to Ryan’s excellent training video that goes hand-in-hand with the Mind Map.  It walks you through each of the 5 stages and shows you how to apply them to your business to begin attracting more clients immediately.

Download Your one-Page Mind Map


[Free PDF Blue Print] 3 – Steps to Start & Grow A Business

I’ve been excitedly anticipating this and it’s finally here…

It’s Ryan Eliason’s complete Visionary Entrepreneur Blueprint which shows you step-by-step how to start and grow a visionary business.

Get your copy now:

DOWNLOAD: The Visionary Entrepreneur Blueprint

I’ve been excitedly anticipating this and it’s finally here…

It’s Ryan Eliason’s complete Visionary Entrepreneur Blueprint which shows you step-by-step how to start and grow a visionary business.

Get your copy now:


The blueprint shows you step-by-step how to start and grow a socially-conscious, visionary business, based on an integrated systematic approach that includes 3 Essential Foundations:

1. Being the Change
2. Time Mastery
3. Client Attraction and Enrollment Mastery

His approach is far superior to the disjointed “fast-food” approach that most gurus have been selling you.

This blueprint is NOT about Faster, Cheaper, Easier. It IS about being Slower, Wiser, Strategic, and Holistic.

I guarantee that if you apply it, it will radically alter the course of your future.

If you really embrace Ryan’s new perspective, you will be able to build a business that brings you true holistic success, including financial prosperity, time freedom, self-actualization, and the satisfaction of making a profound positive difference in the world.

If you want those kinds of results, be sure to get your hands on this:

Download Ryan Eliason’s Visionary Entrepreneur Blueprint


You’ll also get instant access to Ryan’s video that walks you step-by-step through the blueprint.  I just watched it myself and I can’t recommend it highly enough.

Here’s to reaching your full potential!


P.S. Ryan’s holistic approach is not one of those fly-by-night techniques.  It’s been proven time and time again.  His clients have used this blueprint to grow many types of businesses rooted in profound service, collectively generating tens of millions of dollars in the process.

If you’re ready for a more mature, enlightened approach to business, be sure to download your copy and watch the video here:

Get Instant Access Here



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