What are Some Steps One Can Take To Overcome Addictions? Vol. 655 – December 7, 2023

You know there are many types of addiction out there. The Kabbalists speak to those addictions of things such as: always thinking you are right, believing that others owe you, believing that you are more important than you are, etc.

What I have found in my hypnosis practice, understanding that it is our mind that creates our illusion of what we feel reality is – that is most important in letting go of any addiction.

One needs to know that there is a cause for the addiction – some sensitizing event that caused enough pain (emotionally usually, however with the increase in opiate overdoses, one has to include physical pain as well). There is a purpose to holding on to the addiction, like not having to deal with negative emotions, negative self-talk, etc. And, then one needs to make up one’s mind that the addiction is not really helping them, but slowly killing them. So, one needs a ‘compelling future’ that is more important to them on a visceral strongly felt level, than holding on to the secondary gains of having the addiction (not feeling those feelings or not having those negative thoughts) to let the addiction go. One’s mind is the most powerful tool one has, and it is very sad that kids are not taught how to employ it for their health, well-being, and sense of purpose which brings fulfillment and contentment in life.

Are You Using Your Life Up, Or Is It Using You Up? Vol. 654, November 30, 2023

Many people would consider living alone in a foreign country where one does not know the language making communication difficult to be rather lonely.

Well, to tell you the truth, when one knows how to occupy one’s time one will not be lonely. However, there is much to be said about being able to spend one’s time doing what one wants to do at any given time without having to worry about what is expected by someone else or even the culture itself.

Though, yesterday while I was on the computer during a session with a client the grandkids of the owners were standing on a stool outside my window where the balcony is located. I had the door open to allow fresh air in. The kids were wanting to interact with me. So, after the session, I went outside to interact with them. The boy who I think was around 7 or 8 years old spoke perfect English. The little girl who looked to be 4 or 5 years old spoke zero English. It was a fun 20 minutes or so out in perfect weather till their parents were ready to take them home.

But, that is not the point of this post. For that, I need to tell you about a video I was just watching of a billionaire or so he claims who had bought all the fancy expensive items that one who makes a ton of money is supposed to buy living in the US – a huge house that comes with all the taxes, repairs, and staff to keep it all up, a fancy car that is hard to drive anywhere fearful of being in an accident in it, and expensive to upkeep, and the fancy watches and suits.

You know what? He got rid of all of it and lives in a place with a stand-up desk and a bed and that is all. He concentrates all his time and energy on his businesses because he has found that this is where his greatest enjoyment comes from and everything else is a distraction.

Now, anyone who knows me personally knows that I do enjoy some of the finer things in life. However, what I have come to realize is that stuff can be a burden. In fact, as those of you who follow my writing here know, I need to leave Albania for 3 months and then I can come back for another year on another tourist visa.

One of the things that I need to deal with is what to do with the stuff that I do not want to take with me because I do not want to pay extra fees for heavy baggage for the short flight from here to Serbia. So, even with the relatively small amount of personal stuff I have with me, it is now more than what I could bring with me given the new stuff that I bought while my Godson was here visiting in April. So, stuff can be a burden.

I am going to see if I can just leave the stuff I do not need here knowing that I am returning here. I do not think that will be a problem since I will be staying for another year upon my return – but it is just an example of what a pain having stuff can be.

The other point this entrepreneur made was that it truly does matter what one is doing to make an income. He had been a part of a company with partners which was how he made his money, but received zero fulfillment from the work involved. He wanted out and just walked away. He did not ask to be bought out, he just left and went off on his own to concentrate on creating businesses where he cared about what he was doing for his clients.

It is not an easy road, to go out on one’s own to create something out of nothing. Yet, that is where all the fun and excitement comes from, when one is doing something that matters in this world. And, to tell you the truth I would never be able to be employed by another person this late in my life because I have seen the stupid manner in which businesses especially where people are dependent on knowledge, insight, and compassion are necessary to do much more harm than good over the years. No thanks!

You may not be a person who needs the type of independence that the gentleman whose video I watched requires, but you are indeed a person who would be best served doing work that matches your values in a workplace that respects your contribution.

Never be fearful of taking the steps to breathe into your life by doing those things that you believe in. Yes, there will be missteps along the way, but that is also where the greatest fulfillment comes by overcoming them and growing in the process, finding out what you are made of – much more than perhaps you are giving yourself credit for at the moment never having tested yourself…it this applies to you.

Take some time to think about these ideas because life is short…it goes by quickly…and you want to know that you used up your life instead of it using you.


The Influence of Hypnotism on Our Bodies – Vol. 653, November 23, 2023

The Physiological Influence of Hypnosis on Our Bodies

“Research into the physiological influence of hypnosis has experienced a renaissance with the advent of psychoneuroimmunology. Reduction in cancer-related pain, immune regulation, and lowered stress are all benefits attributed to hypnotic interventions.”

I have been a practicing hypnotist for the past 20 years able to help those patients that the allopathically trained practitioners could not. Many of the clients that I have helped over the years have suffered horrendous traumas, though that is not true of all of them. Some just needed one to find the cause of the problem and help them heal it like the very young 61-year-old anesthesiologist who had insomnia. He had all the usual sleep tests and nothing was found physiologically to be problematic. Yet, he had not gotten a really good night of sleep in over 30 years. It turned out in his case that he had been interrupted from his sleep so many times during the 3 residencies he had completed that his body did not feel safe going to sleep.

Or the 42-year-old woman who had excruciating pain in her stomach in which there was no physiological cause based on the report from her doctor and no obvious emotional issue based on the input from her psychologist at one of the best hospitals in the US. In her case, the issue went back to being traumatized starting from when she was 4 years old through her teen years by her father who found many ways to antagonize her emotionally and physically. It was only when we helped her to heal these individual traumas from her past that she was able to finally let go of the stabbing pains in her stomach.

You see, our subconscious mind holds so many events in our minds and we cannot reach many of them on the conscious level which is the manner in which medical care is given. So, how is a patient to heal? The answer is that in most cases they never do take medications many of which are of negligible help if the truth be known because though the symptoms may be lessened, the underlying problem still remains.

Here is the URL for the article in which I took the quote at the beginning of this post for your own education:


If you are interested in learning more about how to integrate hypnotism and neuro-linguistic programming into your practices use the contact form on the website to send me an email and we will set you up to learn it from me. I have a VIP program you can do online with me from the privacy of your home or office in a matter of 2 days including 12 months of mentorship.

At What Cost…Abundance? Vol. 652, November 16, 2023

At What Cost…

I had a conversation recently with a health coach who wanted me to recommend an abundance coach for her to refer her patients who are looking for such a person.

My response to her was very direct: There is no such thing as an abundance coach because there is no such thing as abundance being created in the financial realm by anything other than learning the math required in the various investments one can make that will build financial abundance.

Most people who call themselves ‘abundance’ coaches have no such knowledge and instead focus on ‘mindset’ because it is theorized that those people who have learned that having wealth is bad will never be able to create it. Well, there could be something said for this theory, one still needs to understand the math behind making solid investments which abundance coaches do not have as far as my 30 years in the business of helping others with mindset with hypnotism.

Please note that in the past I have employed some abundance coaches and not one of them had a clue how to work investments. Not one of them had a substantial portfolio of any type of investments.

There is also a similar problem with so-called investment advisors. Most are employees of investment companies be they mutual funds or insurance agencies selling you the products they represent. Most do not have an investment portfolio of their own. So, in reality, they have no idea how to best help you build yours.

So, what do you do?

You find those people who have succeeded in building investment portfolios for their clients and do as they direct. There are many people who are ready and willing to help you starting with YouTube videos and books by Ray Dalio, Warren Buffet, and Warren’s partner Charlie Munger to name a few. They have their own ideas on how best to build wealth with Ray Dalio heavily in the stock market using his own understanding through history of how best to make money based on where the markets are at any time. Buffet & Munger purchase companies with good management keeping the management in place while taking over ownership. There are others that you can find who invest in real property and commodities such as Robert T. Kiyosaki who of course wrote the book, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and developed the “Cash Flow” game that teaches how to invest.

However, if you are not into investment as much as just living a life that is fun and fulfilling, all you need to do is figure out what you find interesting and fun to study and implement in your life and do that with your life. Most people do not require more than $100,000 to be happy and many much less depending on the amount of toys they feel they need such as the size of their home, type of car, and whatever else people spend money on in the search for feeling happy – which by the way is found inside you, not with all the expensive toys people are too often falsely believing will make them happy. This is because it takes a lot of money to keep up with all the more extravagant things people purchase.

For myself, I left most of my material possessions in a storage unit when I left Massachusetts for California back in 2013. I have been traveling the world since then allowing others to pay the cost for maintenance of whatever is necessary for one to live in an apartment or hotel while easily moving from place to place with a medium-sized suitcase and a backpack all of which can be packed inside of 15 minutes. I learned many years ago during my first 2.5 months living in Israel after a trip to Sydney Australia for 2.5 weeks to be a coaching assistant for my NLP trainers that one needs very few material items to be happy and live an excellent life. My Kindle reader saves much space in being able to handle as many books as I desire so long as they are formatted for the Kindle because not all books are unfortunately.

I would suggest that you journal meaning taking a pen and a notebook and writing down the type of life you would like to be living. Where would you live? What would you be doing to make your income? What type of people do you want to be surrounded by? What types of culture would you like to experience? Many in larger countries like the U.S. and of course the many varied countries of the world some of which have their separate cultures within them as well.

Then figure out how much money you need to be able to live this life. I have found that by living in countries where the US dollar goes much further which also have much better quality of food, much better mass transit, and kinder people than in many areas of the US, especially on the East and West Coasts, that I require much less money to have an amazing life than anything I could ever have in the US these days given all the inflation and internal conflicts among the people on so many areas of life it is daunting.

We humans are lucky that we have the ability to critically think and then make informed decisions about how we wish to live. However, few people really take the time necessary to do this and end up living lives of quiet desperation leading to massive stress which leads to health problems. So, this is an important area of life to be thought through to create your future the way you want it.

How An African Woman Made Her Dream Come True to Launch Her Career- Vol. 651, November 9, 2023

Today I would like to share a story of one young African woman’s determination to launch her career regardless of the challenges that needed to be overcome to make that happen.

I met this young woman at my Master’s program in Peace and Conflict Management at the International School of the University of Haifa. She was far away from everything she knew in the small village she calls home in Cameroon.

She was in a country with a different language, full of Jewish people who did things very differently than her native Christian believers did back in Cameroon. The work week in Israel is Sunday through Thursday with Friday night at sunset being the start of Shabbat with all Jewish businesses including the taxis stopping operation to get ready for the Shabbat at 4 PM on Fridays. Saturday all the Jewish shops and services are closed till Saturday at Sunset when Shabbat ends.

We were located in Haifa, Israel so with a large Muslim population that lives there, and still my second week in Isreal I had gone to the Muslim section and found that there was no way back to the campus without the help of a Palestinian to tell the school representative where to pick me up. He stayed with me for 45 minutes till I was picked up. This was my first encounter with a Palestinian in Israel outside the university. Given the events of today, it is important that I demonstrate that Palestinians are kind people. It is their leaders that cause the problems for them and everyone else.

This young woman was able to navigate her way through the two years she was at the university completing her studies and then went home to Cameroon. She got married and had a baby which made her very happy, but there was something missing. That something was her desire to do something of real value for her people back home with her career.

Over the course of two years, she applied to universities to further her education but she did not have the money for the English tests she needed to take being from what was a French colony with French being the main language along with her native African language. This even though she had gained entry to an English-based international university far from her home previously.

Last week we were messaging on WhatsApp when she informed me that she was leaving for Washington D.C. in two weeks to do a fellowship at the American Red Cross.

One of her dreams was to visit the US even though I did my best to inform her of the destructive politics and degrading of the cities over the time I had no longer lived there. She was determined to see what the US had to offer and she found a way to get there and find out for herself.

The main lesson here is that one needs to have clear goals and never allow them to be dismissed just because reaching them is a hard thing to make happen. This is even if the goal is a bit ambiguous because one never knows what opportunities will show up to bring one where one wanted to go in the first place.

I am very proud of this young woman who will never allow anything to deter her from reaching her goals. Where she will go after her 18 months in the US is anyone’s guess, but she is building her resume to build her career and that is admirable.

Addictions: How To Overcome Your Addictions – Vol. 650, November 2, 2023

You know there are many types of addiction out there. The Kabbalists speak to those addictions of things such as: always thinking you are right, believing that others owe you, believing that you are more important than you are, etc.

What I have found in my hypnosis practice, understanding that it is our mind that creates our illusion of what we feel reality is – that is most important in letting go of any addiction.

One needs to know that there is a cause for the addiction – some sensitizing event that caused enough pain (emotionally usually, however with the increase in opiate overdoses, one has to include physical pain as well). There is a purpose to holding on to the addiction, like not having to deal with negative emotions, negative self-talk, etc. And, then one needs to make up one’s mind that the addiction is not really helping them, but slowly killing them. So, one needs a ‘compelling future’ that is more important to them on a visceral strongly felt level, than holding on to the secondary gains of having the addiction (not feeling those feelings or not having those negative thoughts) to let the addiction go. One’s mind is the most powerful tool one has, and it is very sad that kids are not taught how to employ it for their health, well-being, and sense of purpose which brings fulfillment and contentment in life.

How Do I Stop Being Cynical With Everything That Is Happening in This World? Vol 649 – Oct. 26, 2023

Many years ago I studied Kabbalah and one of their best teachings (though there were many) was to allow yourself to live your own life as the chaos happens around you, as it need not affect you if you don’t allow it in.

This is the way you achieve that goal from my perspective anyway – and trust me as a hypnotist, I care very much about what I allow into my subconscious/unconscious mind for that is the part of the mind that ‘runs’ us, the conscious mind only believes it does, but if it did we wouldn’t be doing those things we no longer want to be doing and would be doing those things we can’t seem to get ourselves to do.

Practical Suggestions:

Take some time every morning before you get up and start your day to focus on what you want to achieve during that day. For example, I am in the process of rebuilding my business to leverage it by creating both live and online courses – trust me there is a ton to learn and a ton to do. On top of that I have a few papers to write for the Master’s program I am currently in so I need to focus on that as well. So, the suggestion here is to focus on what you are creating for your life instead of the chaos around you.

Take some time to meditate or do self-hypnosis so that you can have a clear and stable emotional space from which to work.

Get some physical activity every day because our bodies were never met to stay in a seated position for hours a day. Your ligaments need to be lubricated and your lymph system needs movement to get the toxins out of your body.

Drink plenty of fresh clean water without anything added to hydrate you and that will keep you from overeating as well as keep your mood up because dehydration brings on depressed feelings.

Eat healthy one-item foods that you put together for your meals like your grandma did in the old country. Stay away from the prepackaged crap and fast foods that are made of anything but nutritious ingredients. They are made of crap and will rot your gut out while leaving your body malnourished – never good for the development of neurotransmitters we require to keep our minds functioning the way they were meant to.

Get enough sleep every night so you awaken full of energy.

Make sure the environments in which you work and live are healthy and positive. If not, change them for your own well-being.

And, mostly keep your mind focused on those things that you are grateful for and those things that you are working on bringing into your own life that you care very deeply about and feel a sense of meaning in.

If you take these suggestions, the chaos of the world won’t touch you – so long as you turn off your television, stay away from negative social media, and instead nourish your mind and soul with information that helps you to create your future the way you want it. The rest is just a bunch of sensationalized b.s. that serves nobody.

Thank you very much for this question for all those who will be reading it in addition to yourself. Sanity starts with our being focused on what matters to ourselves – not falling for that which is forced on us as truth while there is very little to prove that to be true when you actually understand the numbers and the way that various viruses or negative news affect us. I can tell you that the conventional news was made to create anxiety so stop believing it and move on with your own lives.

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