When to Leave Your Mental Health Professional

psychiatry photoWhen to Leave Your Mental Health Professional, Vol. #480, Dec. 13, 2018

I was reading my Quora feed this afternoon, a forum where people from all over the world ask and answer questions when I came across a question regarding if therapists fire patients. Now, to be honest there are times when a therapist needs to terminate their services with some of the patients. Situations that warrant it are: when the client is not ready to do the work, not answering questions and wasting their time and money, when the therapists has hit a place with the patient where no more growth is occurring, or if the therapist does not have the knowledge or skills to work with a particular issue the patient has. 

However, the more important part of the string of answers came from a patient who had a therapist who disagreed with what was going on with her. The therapist thought the woman had what used to be known as multiple personality disorder and wanted her patient to celebrate all the different personalities. The patient had a difference of opinion not believing that she had this disorder and wanted to be treated as a whole unified person. So, with that difference of opinion, the patient stopped working with that particular therapist. 

Now, from my perspective, there are many reasons why a patient would want to stop working with a particular therapist while understanding there are myriads of schools of thought and theory that a therapist apply to their clinical work. So, if a particular therapist’s style doesn’t work with you, by all means, search for somebody that you feel comfortable sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings because that is the only way any therapist can truly help you. 

That being said, I have had many clients come to me because the therapist that they were seeing was always telling them what they (the patient) felt or thought. I don’t care who you are, it is not your right to tell people what they are feeling or thinking. It is up to you to ask if what you think may be going on is indeed going on inside that other person’s head. And if they trust you, you may get a real answer to that question. 

There are going to be times during the therapy that are not going to feel comfortable, and I tell my clients before they even become clients that this is part of the work we are going to be doing together. They need to know that they are going to be working through interactions with me that they find hard or impossible with the people in their lives, which is going to teach them how to better interact with these people, holding their own emotional boundaries, while not overrunning other peoples’ boundaries. I also let them know that being human, there may be times when I may put my foot in my mouth, and to just let me know so that we can work it out, because the people in the world that they are going to be interacting with, will also put their foot in their mouths, and may bring upset to the client. My main message is for my clients to know that no one in the world is perfect, including themselves and to allow themselves and those in their world to be what I call “imperfectly perfect.” 

There are also times when my clients are doing things or saying things that cause great difficulties for themselves, putting themselves in a double bind situation, and it is my job to point that out to them and help them to make better choices for themselves. 

There may be times when I have to be very assertive with my clients because they are not listening, to those with whom they are having difficulties. No one can learn to grow and learn how to be with others, if they do not learn how to listen and learn how to give suggestions instead of directives, give options to consider and create compromises if necessary. 

Sometimes my clients have been so beaten down by the people in their world, that they need to find their own voice, in fact, that is true for the majority of my clients, which means that they will be holding me responsible for those things I tell them to be responsible for. When that happens it is a bittersweet moment, for I am being told that I did something that hurt my client, which is not the intention, so I have to own up to it – and wonderful, because, alas they found their own voice. 

In my own case, I have a very assertive style, where my clients are going to be held accountable for those things that come up during the session that need to be dealt with. They are accountable for the homework that is given between sessions and to show up on time. That is usually very easy to do since I do my work over the internet these days. 

So, there are two sides to the story as always, and it is for the patient to figure out who is the best person for them to learn from and heal with to regain control of their life. That is the whole purpose of doing therapy – creating the life one wants to live, without all the negative issues of the past (or present) getting in the way. 

Lastly, if you choose to terminate with your therapist, do them a favor and tell them why you made that decision. Hopefully, they will listen to you and make the changes necessary for their future patients

257: 6 Ways to Bring Joy into Your Life.

Here are 6 ways to bring more joy into your life from Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck.

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6 Ways to Create More Joy In Your Life

Joy photo6 Ways to Create More Joy in Your Life, Vol. 479, December 6, 2018

  1. Get in touch with what is meaningful to you. If you have a passion or purpose in life, focus on it every day. If you have people in your life that are ‘taking you out of your own life,’ it is time to set some boundaries and learn to say the word ‘no’ to allow you to do those things that matter to you.
  1. Hang out with people that are fun and interesting. People that share your interests and passions in life. Too often people spend their time with people who drain their energy being too needy, or with people that abuse or ignore them. These people are of no use to use and even a drag to you, so let them go. 

3. Engage in activities that increase your dopamine, your pleasure hormone:

   A) Get in the sunlight to get your vitamin D3

   B) Increase your activity level to keep your body strong and flexible – find things you enjoy

    C) Yoga

    D) Meditation or self-hypnosis

    E) Pleasurable music

    F) Eat a healthy diet including omega 3s, lean proteins, and plenty of colorful veggies and fruits

   G)  Drink plenty of clean, clear water

    4. Find time to play, be it group athletics or independently done activities. Grown-ups forget that life is to be enjoyed and don’t spend nearly enough time playing. 

    5. Spend time in contemplation. If you have a spiritual practice, do it every day. Few things are more helpful than our spiritual practices to allow us to know that there is more then what we can see in the material world.

6. Do something nice for someone, because that always makes the giver feel wonderful. It doesn’t need to be anything big, just a little assistance or a nice gesture is enough. 

Life is short enough, and as such, we need to make the time to do those things that bring joy to our lives. My father used to tell me that “Life is to be enjoyed.” I can tell you that he loved his dental profession, his tennis matches, his golf games, his racketball games and square dancing with my mother. He also enjoyed going out to eat and going to the movie theater. 

I believe he taught me what makes a great life and I invite you to do the same. Though I can also tell you that he loved his sweets – ice cream, chocolate candy and all kinds of cakes. Even dentists can have sweet tooth’s you know. So, enjoy each day and fill it up with meaningful activities including those that will keep you healthy and full of wellbeing.

How Do You Keep Yourself Motivated in Life?

motivation photoHow Do You Keep Yourself Motivated in Life? – Vol. 478, Nov. 29, 2018 

This was a question that I received on Quora, a forum where people ask questions and other people answer them. I loved this question because motivation is something that is important for so many aspects of life. So how do you stay motivated in life?

The only way to stay motivated in life is to do those things that you are interested in doing and enjoy. Motivation is an inside job, meaning that no one else can motivate you. Figure out what you want to do with your life’s energy and start working on it, a bit every day. You will be amazed at how easy motivation comes when you operate from this perspective.

Doing the things one “should” or “could” do would not be motivational. It has to be something that you care about and want to learn about and do.

I can tell you that any time I am given an interesting case to work in hypnotism, I get excited. I get truly motivated to look up everything on the subject of the issue the client has, to learn the background information to be of a true help to them. I get excited to work with how to do the work, and in some cases, it takes a consultation with someone else who knows more about the situation then I. That’s okay because I have mentored many people in my areas of expertise to help them do the best they can for their clients. 

But, you need to figure out what “drives” you and do those things. “Drivers” are those things that you feel compelled to do – and we are speaking of constructive positive things here, explicitly. So long as you do that, you will always be motivated, making life so much more fun and interesting

256: How To Motivate Yourself Through Life

Finding what motivates you in life is a central principle in happiness. Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discusses how to discover your motivation.

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How to Get Over Feeling You Have Yet to Achieve Enough

race photoHow to Get Over Feeling You Have Yet to Achieve Enough – Vol. 477, Nov. 22, 2018

I received this question on Quora, a forum where people ask and answer questions. There are so many young adults who feel that they haven’t achieved enough at their current age, usually 30 years old and younger. 

First, understand that there isn’t any “right” age to achieve things as we are all on our own journey. I am 57 years old and was so behind my peers after college graduation due to health issues. It was certainly frustrating, but now looking back, I have more than made up for it in terms of the magnificent relationships, amazing adventures all over the world, and having innovated in specific areas of my profession of hypnotism. These all occurred in my 40’s and later.

Currently, I am going for a masters degree in medical sociology, marrying my love of world cultures of all sorts with medical and psychiatric knowledge. 

So long as you dig deep inside yourself to live your values and beliefs, doing those things that matter to you, you are ahead of those who are living the average boring work-a-day life. Many marry too early, (I did, unfortunately) to have the marriage bring grief. Many have kids before they have a chance to explore the world, never able to do so with the expense and responsibility of raising kids.

There is never a rush to do anything in life. All there is, is time to explore your own interests, your own values and beliefs and create a life based on that, because the truth of the matter is that most people are miserable – doing jobs they don’t like and get little to no fulfillment from, and staying in marriage that perhaps aren’t healthy because the idea of being married, was more alluring then actually doing the real work involved in being present for another person and allowing them to be there for you in the same manner. It takes maturity to do this well. My advice: wait till you are 30 years old before getting married so that you know who you are and attract a person who is aligned with your values and beliefs while sharing some of your interests. If you don’t want kids, don’t have them, as you can’t give them back! They deserve your unconditional love, care, and interest each and every day! 

So, dig deep and allow yourself all the time you need to create something amazing for yourself. Realize that 80% of the things you try, won’t work out, and that is okay – it’s called research! As long as you keep your curiosity about the world, you can make it through and enjoy the days that make up your life, which is known as, ‘Creating your life the way you want it.’

255: Overcoming Frustration with Where You are At in Life

Life isn’t a race, it’s a journey. Here’s are Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck thoughts on how to enjoy the ride rather than compete with those around you.

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