How Always Want To Be The Best At Everything and Hate My self When I am Not. How Do I Get Over This? Vol. 576, Dec. 31, 2020

If you are a person who has this issue, here is a great New Year’s Present that you can give yourself, by reading the answer that I gave to the person who asked this question on Quora. 

Coming from a person who had to overcome some major learning disabilities and had zero coordination, my sisters were better at almost everything than I was. But, this was the thing, I didn’t care. Really, I didn’t. I learned how to do things for the fun of learning. If I won a game, it was most amazing as it was hard-won. However, I played to enjoy the experience, not make it a competitive endeavor with my sense of self on the line. There is absolutely no reason to do that so far as I can tell.

I have always been a hard worker (well except 8th grade when I sort of gave up for a while because the effort didn’t change the grades), till I had a great tutor in high school who taught me how to learn and how to write papers. Then learning became fun again. I am now 59 years old and working on completing my second Master’s degree and doing it abroad on top of it all – so that is amazing in itself.

My younger sister always has to ‘win’ and I never felt that pressure. So long as I gave it a good effort, that was all that mattered. I can tell you this: It takes a ton of pressure off to just put in one’s best effort.

Perfection doesn’t exist in this world – at least where humans are concerned. So, be okay with being imperfectly perfect as you go through this journey we call life. Because in the end, being the best doesn’t matter, however doing your best is what brings a sense of fulfillment and that does indeed matter – quite a lot.

Thanks for your A2A, for all those who needed to read this message.


Why Doesn’t My Counselor Feel It Is Safe to Connect With My Inner Child Yet? Vol. 571 – November, 26, 2020

I can’t tell you why your therapist feels it’s not safe to connect with your inner child. From my perspective having done work Through Hypnosis and NLP outside the conventional world of therapy, the only way my clients have cleared much of the pain held inside was to heal their inner child. Of course I do it while the client is in an altered state so when they come out of their hypnotic trance they feel lighter and brighter.

To tell you the truth, and this is only my opinion, many therapists work more on the conservative level based on fear of opening up a bunch of emotions in their patients they would rather not contend with – because they aren’t sure they can handle it – otherwise they would do the job in front of them.

Now, do understand that even though I am an unconventional healer having taken that route- I also am willing to do whatever needs to be done to help my clients heal and never once in 19 years of practice has inner child work done anything but help the healing process and that includes folks with horrific traumas in their past!


Claim Your Excellent Life #321 – Your Inner Child & Why it Matters

Our emotional health and maturity can be strongly affected by what happened in our childhood. Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discuss the inner child and how it affects our behavior.
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Can Therapy Just Not Work For Some People? Vol. 570, November 19, 2020

This was asked by a person on Quora who had asked this question because she had tried three different therapists. Here is how I answered her: 

I appreciate your honest question about a very common issue in the world of therapy. Do understand that I am answering this from the point of view of a hypnostist/NLP practitioner who learned many years ago that many things that look like emotional issues are physiological and vise versa. So, my short answer to you is to get some testing done to see if you are metabolizing the nutrients that you require to form the dopamine, serotonin, gaba, etc that your brain needs to be emotionally stable and mental clear – because without that ability, one will never feel good about life – it’s physiology – not psychology.

I found this out working with a client of mine who was told by some ignorant therapist she had many years before she met me, that she would have to take antidepressants for the rest of her life. This news really bummed her out. Well, it was a long journey, but what we found after she saw my compounding pharmacist who sent her to an integrative doc, was that she had leaky gut and heavy metal toxicity (due to her job).

If you are in mid-life your hormones may be unbalanced and the same is true if you are overly stressed as many are these days. So, this is another thing to get checked out – cortisol levels – all of these are done through saliva to be done correctly, not blood as the conventional docs tend to do.

So, please do not pay attention to people who are assuming that you are not doing your part in the therapy, because it may very well be that it has nothing to do with mental-emotional anything and everything to do with metabolism and hormones.

If you do have emotional issues that you feel are causing the issues, find yourself a person who can help you with the unconscious content that may be in your way – that would be a person trained in that specialization, a hypnotist with NLP training.

You can find out much more about those modalities at: Home

However, I would suggest that you rule out physiological issues before you do anything else. Once that is done, then you can figure out what to do next.

Thanks again for this question – because people need to open up their minds to the fact that the body-mind connection is very real and needs to be treated as such.

Claim Your Excellent Life #320 – What Do People Mean By ‘Loving One’s Self?’

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discusses how important it is to truly love yourself.
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How Can I Stop Over Thinking My Past? Vol. 569, November 12, 2020

This was a question that was asked by a person on Quora that I do believe many people have difficulties with. Here is my answer: 

I have to say that when one is finding that one can’t let go of the trauma they have experienced and finds it difficult to stop thinking about it, I would have to say that is a normal response to dealing with life’s traumas.

I don’t know about the folks who already answered this question, but I can tell you that I have worked with probably close to 1,000 clients over the past 19 years of practicing hypnosis the great majority who have had traumatic events in their past., some of them horrific. These same folks did make some poor decisions and therefore had to pay whatever price was included be it feeling guilty or actually having to do jail time in a few cases.

My suggestion is that if you are really still being bothered by your past, it is best to employ a professional to help you to let it go. I would suggest a hypnotist with NLP training because they have the techniques to allow you to quickly let go of the past. There is no reason to have to fight this for the rest of your life, however, it is your choice to continue as you are.

I know for myself, many years before getting involved in working the world of mental health, I needed to ask for help to heal some of my earlier life issues. Later I had one of my NLP trainers help me let go of another issue, as life can bring up difficulties that need to be attended to – and it was because of that willingness to invest in that treatment that I was able to let it all go – my past is just a bunch of occurrences, no emotional charge on the events at all – I can now focus my time and emotional energy on those things that bring great joy and fulfillment to my life, including helping my clients put their past in their past where it belongs, while living in their present, creating their futures the way they want it – because, there is no need to hang onto the past, none at all!

You can get more information about hypnotism and NLP to see if it is something that you may be interested in trying out here – just some basic information for you to check out: What does being hypnotized feel like?

Claim Your Excellent Life #319 – What it Takes To Heal Fibromyalgia

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discusses Fibromyalgia.
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