What Do I Do If I Believe I Have Depression, Anxiety, OCD, etc? Vol. 593, August 18, 2022

Do you try to diagnose your medical conditions where doctors are licensed to do this and still get it wrong because of all the overlapping symptoms in various illnesses?

I really don’t know why:

  1. Folks want to diagnose themselves with mental illness – something that has a great stigma around it which is why few people actually get the help they require – especially men!
  2. Why it is now seen as an asset to have these problems that cause so much distress for the people who have them.
  3. Why it is that people are always going on social media asking about these things instead of going to a licensed professional if they are so hell-bent on being given some diagnosis.

Back in the very late 1980s when I was first diagnosed with depression first since my symptoms showed up in that manner – and then got rediagnosed with manic depression (before the bipolar term was used) when the antidepressants I was placed on cycled me into hypomania – (below mania) there were many people who looked down on me. – infantilized me, never thought I could ever overcome these problems…and yet I did 14 years after diagnosis with NLP – (neuro-linguistic programming) off the meds with my psychiatrist’s help – she followed me for 10 months, and then I terminated no longer wanting to be a hypocrite because I was telling my clients they didn’t need the old conventional way of dealing with mental illness – take a drug, try really hard to do cognitive behavioral therapy – etc. Instead, let the area of the mind that houses those internal representations (the subconscious UNconscious mind) tell us what the cause of the problem is, and why you are still holding. onto it, and helping you get your compelling future so there is much more allure to healing as quickly as possible so you can live your best life.

Do Mental Health Professionals Care About their Patients? I have Seen Mine for 5 Years and She Can’t Help me with my Borderline Personality Disorder – Vol. 592, August 11, 2022

Unfortunately, there are many therapists out there who care yet haven’t the skills to do therapy because they have never taken care of their own issues. There is little supervision both as they go through their training and less on the job, so many haven’t a clue in how to do their job. Many are burned out with the needs of too many patients if they work in agencies, deal with insurance reimbursements if self-employed, and take managed care.

However, BPD is a special area of practice all its own and few therapists want to deal with those with it because of the behaviors associated with it. Those of you who are dealing with it or love someone who has it recognize the very quick mood swings, the inner rage, the manipulative behaviors, the splitting behaviors, etc that go along with the diagnosis. People who have it are very hard to treat because of the incapacity to implement the suggestions given.

So, it is indeed harder to find a therapist who understands that the best way to work with one with BPD is to have very clear boundaries and to let them know that they will never be abandoned as that is the biggest fear that anyone with BPD has as anyone who has it knows. The other thing that needs to be understood by the therapist is that though the person looks to be an adult the emotions are those of a person of a very young age because of the emotional damage that was done when they were a very young age which was why the personality disorder occurred in the first place – but that these folks can be very insightful and intelligent so to treat them with that in mind. It is never about treating them like a child, it is about being present and understanding their ability to see through a lot of crap that many never give them credit for being intelligent enough to understand – and yet they do.

Most of all to be able to allow these patients the ability to show their positive aspects and grow those through the therapeutic process to whatever degree they can as each one is going to have their own level of ability to do so.

I once had a BPD in my practice who had been thrown out of 3 conventional therapists’ practices because they would piss her off and she would find interesting ways to entertain herself by doing things like moving the magnets on the charts in one office that showed who was in the office and who was out of the office. She put smiley stickers in the headlights of another therapist’s car, and she hung just outside the windows of another for hours at a time. She did these behaviors on purpose to ‘get back at each of them for treating her poorly, not taking her seriously, reporting to her husband as if she were a child instead of the 52-year-old she was when she employed me with 3 healthy grown children (according to her husband). I let her know from the beginning that there were 2 rules of engagement 1) If she tried to manipulate me in any way, she would be held accountable for it and 2) She would NEVER be fired by me, she would make her own decision when she was ready to end her work with me. I can tell you years later that we only had a couple of minor situations during the 2 years we worked together and that it was a positive experience for both of us.

I didn’t know that this particular client was a BPD till a bit later in the work with her because she was never told she had it, but it was evident to me after a few weeks of working with her that this was what her issue was – though she came to me for alcoholism. I had her get her records from her first therapist who she saw for 5 years before being tossed out of her practice for her behaviors and the diagnosis was written in the files. Why a therapist would see a person for 5 years and never give that patient a diagnosis is beyond my understanding. However, neither of her two other therapists told her, her diagnosis either. I had to do it which was fine, but best to do it with the records from the licensed folks to back it up.

So, there you go – a real case history of one woman who was treated terribly by 3 different licensed mental health professionals or she would never have done the destructive behaviors she did and sadly none of them really understood why – not really.


This Is How I Got My Life IN Order & So Can You!

For Mental Health Professionals Who Truly Want to Help Their Patients Heal (not just manage symptoms)

Over the past 20 years, I have innovated in helping my clients to let go of mental health issues that the conventional world of psych states are only able to be ‘managed.’ I would love to train those of you who are interested in learning how to help your patient truly heal and move on with their lives leaving their symptoms in the past where they belong.

I have been able to help anorexics (so long as they are at a healthy height to weight ratio) let go of all their self-harming compulsive thoughts that lead to their self-harming behaviors. I have done the same for bulimics usually in 6 to 7 months’ time.

I have helped sex addicts let go of all their sexual addictions and teach them how to fall back in love with themselves and then teach them how to engage with partners in a loving and respectful manner several of them going back to having healthy sexual relations with their wives and the single men moving onto being in happy marriages.

I have helped many to overcome major depressive symptoms that the conventional mental health people never did finding the root cause of the problem, many times it being physiological in nature.

And, the easiest of all – to help the clients get rid of is anxiety. One just needs to have the correct techniques to enter the clients’ subconscious mind and reframe these fears into understanding that they need not be a part of the client’s present and future.

I offer either a 1 Day 7-hour VIP program if you have a specialized client case load where you only need a day of one-on-one training with 6 months of mentorship to learn how to apply these techniques in real time with your patients $2,500


2 Day 14-hour VIP program if you want to learn how to use these tools and techniques with a variety of mental health issues with 6 months of mentorship to get real-time guidance on how to correctly apply these techniques. $5,000

Both VIP programs are done online through video calls on days that are convenient to you.

You will learn how to practice hypnotism, neuro-linguistic programming, and Time Line Therapy ® along with letting go of your own issues to integrate these learnings into yourself as was done during all the training I did to learn how to do this imporant life-transforming work. When you let go of issues that no one has been able to do in the course of learning how to do these techniques you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt how well these modalities work and wonder why you never integrated them into your practice till now.

I can tell you that your patients can indeed be healed for good if that is what you want to help them do, quickly and effectively once you truly understand not just how to put a patient into a trance, but more importantly what to do with the patient once in the trance state because that is where all the transformation happens.

If you are interested in witnessing magical transformations in front of your own eyes we will set up a video call where I can answer all your questions by emailing me at: suzanne@dawningvisions.com and write in the subject line so I don’t miss it “***Interested in setting up a video call regarding your VIP programs.

Do You Have A Friend or Family Member Who Has Been Struggling with Depression, Anxiety, Eating Disorders, or Sex Addiction?

As many of you know, I help individuals who have tried everything to let go of anxiety, major depression, eating disorders (anorexia so long as the client is at a healthy weight for their height – we work on the emotional issues, bulimics, and sex addictions, let go of these problems without toxic medications, or endless therapy sessions all done online scheduled at times that are convenient to them.
Do you know anyone (friends, family, or co-workers) for whom these could be of interest or helpful?
I am looking for 3 new clients I can help this month..if you know anyone, tag them in the comments, DM me, and I will pay you $250 and give them $250 off their program.
All in service to those who have a very challenging time getting relief and on with their lives.
Your folks will appreciate the referral for sure if they have been working at overcoming these problems and at still stuck without any options – well, now you have an option if you would take the time to tell them about it.
Have your friend or family member email me at: suzanne@dawningvisions.com  In the SUBJECT LINE WRITE ***I am interested in your services for (name of problem).  
In the body of the email have them write a bit about what they have been going through, for how long, and what they have tried for treatment including hypnotism and NLP. This will help save time on our call to see if this would be a great way for them to finally get relief by letting go of their problem. 
Many thanks,


The Amazing History OF Hypnotism & How to Find The Best Hypnotist to Help You Heal -Vol. 591, August 4, 2022


People Are Very Interesting….Vol. 590, July 28, 2022

People are very interesting…well some people are very interesting in that they will never give up the stories they have running through their heads of how terrible their lives were. Or, how they did the stupidest things continuing to beat themselves up even when these things occurred decades ago.
The question that one needs to ask is WHY? Why hold onto these negative stories when we can create a new happier more fulfilling story for ourselves each day?
It seems that human beings just love to hang onto the negative in life because there is something to be gained in doing that.
I want you to ask yourself what stories from the past you are holding onto.
Then ask yourself what you get out of holding onto these stories, because you do get something from holding on to them or you wouldn’t be holding on to them all these years later – even after many of the main players have died going to the other world.
Then ask yourself what your life could be like if you just dropped all the stories of the past wrongs done to you and by you.
Maybe at this point, you can find yourself in a happier and healthier place.
If you are unable to do that message me, and we will see if some professional help could help you to get out of your old stories and help you to create some new ones that better serve your happiness and wellbeing – because of the stress of holding onto all these old stories is aging you…in case you didn’t know it… as well as making you a less likable person – because healthy people are not interested in endlessly hearing your sob stories from the past – they have moved on…usually a very long time ago – like decades ago…
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