Is Attitude the Most Important Differentiator? Vol. 594, August 25, 2022
This was a question that was asked by a person on Quora. Given all the events of the past couple of years, it is an important question to be asking…
This was a question that was asked by a person on Quora. Given all the events of the past couple of years, it is an important question to be asking…
This was a question from a person on Quora. It is a very important question because it raises the question of misdiagnosis and the ramifications of that on the patient.…
Do you try to diagnose your medical conditions where doctors are licensed to do this and still get it wrong because of all the overlapping symptoms in various illnesses? I…
Unfortunately, there are many therapists out there who care yet haven’t the skills to do therapy because they have never taken care of their own issues. There is little supervision…
Many years ago I was over-medicated with lithium for what was then known as manic depression, back in 1990- 2004. This was true even though I always had the necessary…
Over the past 20 years, I have innovated in helping my clients to let go of mental health issues that the conventional world of psych states are only able to…
As many of you know, I help individuals who have tried everything to let go of anxiety, major depression, eating disorders (anorexia so long as the client is at a…