Why is it me who always contacts people who are friends in my mind, while they rarely try to keep in touch with me? Do they think I am not their friend or I do not deserve that? Vol. 619 – March 9, 2023

In some cases, there are people who aren’t really your friends, and in some cases, they do indeed like and appreciate you a lot, yet are leading very busy lives.…

Continue ReadingWhy is it me who always contacts people who are friends in my mind, while they rarely try to keep in touch with me? Do they think I am not their friend or I do not deserve that? Vol. 619 – March 9, 2023

What is the Psychological Effect When One Ignores a Young Child’s Feelings? Vol. 618 – March 2, 2023

Based on the issues that my clients bring with them into my practice, ignoring a young child’s feelings in some cases stops their ability to normally attach to others. They…

Continue ReadingWhat is the Psychological Effect When One Ignores a Young Child’s Feelings? Vol. 618 – March 2, 2023