Sometimes people feel very lonely and they do not understand why. From my observation, many people are too concerned about what others think about them instead of just being true to who they are realizing that we only have so much time for so many people in our lives anyway.
Yes, there are many people who may not ‘get us’ and may not like us for some reason or another and it is none of our business why to tell you the truth.
I am a rare breed in that I never cared what others thought of me – never really went along with the masses from the time I was young, through high school and college, I just did me.
I flunked out of the corporate world before I was old enough to care about it never willing to wear some superficial mask to fit into the ‘culture’ a concept I never knew existed till many years later.
I have always found that being authentically myself, and speaking my truth with a bit of compassion (admittedly learned later in life) has gotten me many friends that I could always rely on because they could rely on me to be there when they most needed me. I would sometimes offer help when I knew someone was having difficulty because they weren’t quite themselves and that was usually very appreciated.
We live in a time where people feel so alienated from one another given the simplistic and degrading manner of those who hold power these days doing their best to split us apart.
The question that we need to ask ourselves is: What can we do to make this world a bit better for our having been here? This need not be a life’s mission, it just needs to be an attitude of care and concern for those with whom we interact. To be a real friend to those you claim to be your friends.
When we live in this way we make real friends no matter where we live. I can tell you that this has been my experience in all the countries where I have spent a decent amount of time over the last many years.
Because when we stop judging ourselves and pretending to be something we are not and be true our ourselves, we attract just the right people into our lives making life much easier regardless of the chaos around us.