231: Teaching Your Child Responsibility Through Your Own Words & Actions

Actions speak far louder than words ever will and in the long run that’s what our children pay attention to. Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discuss the subject in this podcast.

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Do You Lie & Not Even Realize It?

Do You Lie & Not Even Realize It? – Vo. 451, May 3, 2018 

Human beings are very interesting. They are very interesting because many find ways to rationalize and reason their way out of being truthful in the way they behave. I had a friend who would purchase things at a place like K-Mart, break them while he tried to put them together and then return them for a refund. His children asked me why he did this behavior sometimes. I didn’t have a good explanation, just that it wasn’t a behavior that I would be demonstrating with them myself. 

How many of you work at large corporations, or maybe even family-owned businesses where you steal pens, paper, or if in a restaurant, help yourself to more food then you ought to be?

How many of you, have found yourselves in situations where you told what is known here in the United States as a “white lie?” A white lie is an untruth told to help the person you are lying to, save face – not wanting to embarrass or hurt them, so slightly altering the facts in your telling of the story. 

How many of you lie to yourselves about the amount and type of food you eat, how much you work out a week, doing kind acts for others, how much time you waste in front of the television or computer, instead of interacting with your partners or children?

We all lie at times, reasoning and rationalizing why it is okay to tell such lies. Granted some lies can be much more destructive than others. However, that is not the point. The point is this: Where is your integrity when you lie, even to yourself? Telling yourself a lie, may allow you to do something that perhaps you ought not to be doing? 

You see, integrity is one area of our lives that once lost, may never, ever be regained. Integrity has to do with being your word, acting in a manner that is respectful to yourself first, and to others secondly.

Integrity is taking care of your responsibilities without the need to blame or coerce anyone into doing something that is not in their best interest. Unfortunately, looking at the advice of the doctors my friend has been seeing for his arthritis, even given his congestive heart failure, a hip replacement, and shoulder surgery were recommended – by two different doctors. Given that his medication is the only thing that is keeping him anything near healthy, and the fact that he is on two blood thinners to prevent stroke, suffered serious heart arrhythmias while in the hospital during the end of September and beginning of October – these probably were not the best of recommendations. I am not a doctor, however, I do know that if someone has his history, doing major hip surgery, is not a particularly innocuous surgery, as it is a serious surgery for even a healthy person. 

If you have children or grandchildren, your integrity matters, if you hope to have them learn how to have integrity of their own. When we lie about those things that we feel we can get away with, we are teaching the children in our world that it is okay to lie and cheat others.

 Are these the values you would like your children to learn from your actions? I certainly hope not. And yet, in my hypnosis practice, I observe the lack of integrity in many parents as they lie to their kids right in front of me, as one mother told her own daughter, age 10, who saw with own eyes, her mother smoking in her car. When her child held her accountable, she flatly lied to her, saying that she never smoked. This parent was told by me, that she was doing a great job teaching her child how to distrust her forever. That a 180-degree change in her attitude toward her behavior needed to occur, to perhaps bring trust back to her relationship with her daughter. Because, if one lies about something such as this, what else are they lying about? That is the question any child may ask, especially a precocious one such as her daughter. 

Do you tell your teen not to drink and drive, even as you are bringing your kids to a bar (even if it is in a high-end yacht club), to watch you drink, then wonder if you are able to drive them back home? My friend met up with some of his work friends at a Chinese restaurant near them for drinks. For whatever reason, he brought his underage kids with him. The kids were told that they couldn’t sit at the bar, as it was illegal. They had to sit at some tables in the restaurant.

His son was 16 at the time, and able to drive, luckily, because my friend got so drunk during that night out, he had to drive his dad and younger sister home.  

A little later in the year, during the summer, my friend was very upset to find all sorts of empty bottles of vodka throughout the woods surrounding his backyard. My observation to my friend was simply. “Why would you believe that your kids and their friends wouldn’t drink in your house while you are at your second job if you are bringing your kids to the bar to watch you get drunk enough for your son to have to drive you home?” He didn’t have an answer.

Get very clear on the fact that your kids will emulate your actions while caring very little about your conflicting words regarding your expectations of their behavior. They soak up all the activities that you do, the behavior you demonstrate and give very little merit to the conflicting expectations of you have of them. 

Demonstrate that behavior that you want your kids and their friends to have, and you will have gone much further than allowing for that better, safer behavior. The only exception to this rule is for kids who have parents who have scared them while young, driving all over the street in their drunken state. I have seen kids in this situation do the exact opposite of their parents wanting nothing at all to do with mind-altering substances, even if they are legal at a certain age. I feel bad for these kids with such irresponsible behavior and terrorizing their kids acting in this illegal and unsafe matter.

Your kids are your responsibility. Do the best you can by them, for that is all we can do. This is the deal you made when you brought them into this world.

Photo by Mysticgrit

230: Be Respectful and & Responsible for Your self.

No person is an island. This is especially important when it comes to respecting others and the importance of their time. Learn Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zincks thoughts on the concepts of respects and responsibility.

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Are You Doing Your “Purpose” In Life?

purpose photoAre You Doing Your “Purpose in LIfe?”, Vol. 450, April 26, 2018

Over the past couple of months, I have been answering many questions on Quora, a forum where people can ask questions and other people answer them – from all over the world. One of the questions that have come up a lot recently is about how one can become “happy” in life. Another has to do with, whether the questioner should do what they are being expected to do professionally by their parents, or what they are naturally drawn to even if it will be less lucrative.

My own philosophy is based on the fact that I was raised by a man who knew by the age of 5 that he wanted to be a dentist. He didn’t come from a well-to-do family. Quite the opposite. His dad died when he was 12 years old. And, frankly, he father was a tailor and didn’t make much money to support his 3 kids and wife. Even with being drafted into the army during WWII, right after high school, he made it his business to get a college education. He attended City College of NY which was free to him as a resident of Brooklyn, NY. He commuted for an hour and a half each way to get to school every day. He noted this in a loving letter he wrote me, in response to a letter I wrote him inside of the first three weeks of my college education. A college education that he paid for, against his better judgment, given my difficulty getting through high school. I did indeed do very well in college, but that is an aside. My point is that my dad went onto dental school at Tufts University, with his two older sisters helping him to pay what was tuition of $900 in the early 50’s – a fortune for a student without any real means.

It was during my time working in his dental office, something he had to talk me into doing. I had a job I really enjoyed at the animal hospital that my parents used for our pets. He was going to double my pay. Interestingly enough, that didn’t matter to me, because I was fearful of working with a man who was excellent at pretty much anything he put his mind to, when I had so many challenges being learning disabled, uncoordinated, etc.

However, I learned so many important things working by my dad’s side. Things, that I could never know would be of any real importance during my teens and early twenties, as I didn’t know then that I would have a hypnosis practice. That didn’t happen till I was 40 years old and my dad having died 17 years before.

What did I learn? I learned that one needs to have a career, or better yet a “calling” to focus one’s means of making a living. For those of us who have little use for “red tape” and angry or pushy bosses, to create a living working for ourselves. Given that the vast majority of kids that went to my school had parents who had “jobs” working in corporate America, I realized later how lucky I was to have a father who was self-employed, able to make his own work hours and thus his own ‘play” hours. And, trust me the man did enjoy his playtime. During the winter he had three different games of tennis at three different tennis clubs, he played racket ball and square danced with my mother. During the summer it was tennis and walking the golf course, till the country club he belonged to made a rule that all golfers had to rent golf carts. That didn’t work for him since he wanted/needed the exercise he could get walking the course after spending the day in his small dental office. He also loved going to the movies and going out to eat. He wasn’t one to take long extended vacations given all the paperwork he would come back to – filling out insurance forms and reading x-rays. He loved the one-on-one interaction with all his patients doing all the cleanings himself.

What was especially cool was knowing that he had several patients that moved a few hours away, and still kept seeing my dad every six months for the dental care. Why? Because, he was a lot of fun, telling jokes and keeping his patient’s minds off the work that was being done, though he certainly explained, with diagrams what was being done before they had the work done.

Ethics is one of the things that I bring with me from him to my own practice. Never, do more than needs to be done, yet, take the necessary time to get the job done correctly.

I remember one evening toward the end of the workday when I glanced at the clock. I was handing him instruments to cement a crown, I do believe. It was then that he told me, “Suzy, no one does a great job while watching the clock.” That has stayed with me since I was 16 or 17 years old. I really don’t pay attention to the clock very much while I am working with my clients, because one really doesn’t know what will come up during the work, and the client needs to be in a better place by the end of the appointment then when they came in – at least as often as I can make that happen, that is my goal! Because, my clients don’t pay by the session, they pay by the program, time is not important. The appropriate conditions for as quick and easy a healing as possible is what matters.

So, if you are a person who is frustrated with not knowing the correct avenue for making a living, listen to your own heart… your own soul…because if you don’t, you will become one of the “robots” out there with an “empty smile” pretending life is great, except that you are doing work that you most likely don’t care about, and perhaps even working in a company that doesn’t share your values. I can tell you after working with many clients with this exact same situation, that this is no way to live. One spends way too much time at their workplace to be in an environment that doesn’t serve one.

Get real with yourself. Do the work necessary to figure out what you truly care about and the type of work environment that you want to create for yourself, and in so doing, you may just find that you have no need to retire, because you so enjoy what you do. You may choose to work fewer hours, but for those who found their true “calling,” retirement isn’t even an option.
There is much too much fun and interest in their chosen profession to ever think of retiring. I certainly know that is true for me!

229: How To Choose A Great Career For Yourself!

We spend at least a third of our lives working, which makes our working life too important to be left to chance. Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck passes on advice on finding the career that works for you.

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Do You Really Care About the Kids in Your Life?

kids photoDo You Really Care About Your Kids in Your Life? Vol. 449, April 19, 2018

This has been a most frustrating month, in regard to a young 12-year-old boy who has been labeled with a couple of personality disorders. Given the work that I have been doing over many years, I have no use for these labels. I will tell you why. Because, after working with several kids, teens and college-aged, it seems that the psychiatric community would rather label and medicate these kids than deal with the “cause” of their problem and the “purpose” for the behavior (and attitude) that lead to the diagnosis.

I am forever grateful for the excellent training that I received in NLP, which taught me this basic idea. No matter the issue, the illness, the behavior, the person is not any of that. They are a person with a heart and a soul. Second, the person has developed these issues because of a situation that was unbearable to them. It was created by their subconscious mind (otherwise known as the amygdala of the brain), to help the kid cope with the environment in which they found themselves. When it comes to diagnoses such as oppositional or deviant personality disorder, the main issue is that the client, the kid, is very angry with something that occurred and had no way to get out of the situation on their own. The behavior and attitude was the way their subconscious dealt with receiving attention to get the underlying issue “seen.”

Please understand that kids are people too, with feelings which need to be respected. Kids have a need and a reason to be “heard” by you, the adult in their lives. You as the adult who brought the kid into this world needs to be the “adult’ and find out what is truly going on with your kid. The earlier you get to the bottom of the problem, the easier it is going to be to resolve it.

Three weeks ago I met with this 12-year-old boy along with his grandparents and his mother. Unfortunately, there was a death in the family causing our next appointment to be rescheduled. It seems impossible to get a hard date in which to continue the work that was begun. In the mind of a 12-year-old, three weeks is FOREVER. For we adults, who pay bills monthly, time goes by so much faster. I don’t know when I will be seeing this boy again – though I truly hope it is soon. Because it is obvious that he is very angry about some things that are going on in his life. The techniques used to release the anger, take very little time to do. However, it is rather impossible to move forward if I can’t get in front of him to do the session.

So, think about your kid (or the kids that you are close to if you don’t have any of your own.) Be present, listening to what they are saying, what they are NOT saying and “between the lines” of what they are saying, to get a true idea of where they are at emotionally.

Because I can also tell you that many of our kids are very distressed these days. There is too much information they have access to, that they are not emotionally mature enough to understand.

Kids today have many pressures on them to perform at such high levels to get into name brand universities that their parents would like them to attend, if they are heading off to college. Kids today aren’t allowed to be kids anymore.

Worse, unlike when I was a kid in the 60’s and 70’s kids are not allowed to be free to explore their worlds, learning how to be independent, OR their parents want to be “friends” with them, which is NOT parenting. Parents are to give age based boundaries to allow the kids to be safe, yet learn how to be in this world on their own.

I know that one of the best things that I was given, is my Godson. He went through his own challenges as he grew up, and yet, between his beloved Grammy and myself, we gave him the unconditional love and acceptance he needed to move past his challenges. He is now 29 years old and we are going to start a company for him, based on my expertise in the hypnotic arts, and his knowledge of finance and investing. His father, who just recently passed away, would I believe be very happy with this outcome.

Kids are people, kids have their needs that need to be addressed in as positive and loving a manner as possible, yet with appropriate boundaries. They need appropriate role models to demonstrate how to live well.

And, most of all, they need quality time doing those things that they find fun and interesting. Creating memories that last a lifetime is a fun thing to do. Get on it, and be there for the kids that are in your life!

228: It’s Time To Be Real With Yourself!

Are you truly happy or are you hiding some secret misery behind a plastic smile? Listen to this episode and get real with yourself.

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