Are You Listening to Your Heart & Soul?

listen photoAre You Listening to Your Heart & Soul? – Vol. 492, April 4, 2019 –

Over the past couple of months, I have been doing daily Facebook Lives where we have explored having better communications with ourselves and most importantly with the children in our lives. I started the daily Facebook Lives because of the horrific fact that the CDC reports suicide is the 3rd largest killer of our American children ages 10 to 24. This is a very sad commentary, to say the least. I figured if we could get adults to better communicate with themselves (meaning in their own minds) then we could get them to better communicate with the kids in their lives.

One of the more important issues that we learned was how important it is to feel into our decisions, instead of always using our intellect. Our intellect confuses us much of the time, as it is really our conscious mind, the part of the mind that reasons, rationalizes and judges., Yet, it is unable to allow us to really be in touch with what touches us on an emotional and spiritual level,. so said, Stuart Wilde, a metaphysician that died a few years ago.

If we want to have a fun and fulfilling life, we need to be much more in tune with our hearts and our souls. Yesterday, during the FB Live (March 30, 2019), we covered the 4th chakra – the heart – based on Caroline Myss’s work,. She is an intuitive healer and really explained why it is that the heart chakra is so important to our overall health. She made it clear that our heart chakra is all about our emotional power. She maintains that our emotional health will determine our overall health much more than our mental perceptions because as adults we are to have emotional stability. This is so we can act consciously and with compassion. However, many people hold onto emotional pain which makes them ill, usually disease of the heart and circularity system due to being unable to love one’s self and therefore unable to love others.

What we need to understand according to Ms. Myss is we need to stop asking why these things occurred in our past and instead do the necessary forgiveness work to let it all go. In this way, we can heal our hearts and gain our emotional strength back. In addition, love of oneself can allow one to find one’s path to the divine. It is by listening to what the divine is telling us that we can align ourselves with our soul’s purpose.

Stuart Wilde explained that we have to be very quiet and allow the messages to come in. That means taking quiet time, early in the morning before anyone is awake in your home. Go for a walk in nature and just notice how abundant nature is. Allow the new thoughts to come in that reflect what you truly desire for your own life. In this way, health and wellbeing will be yours.

Claim Your Excellent Life #269 – How Not To Be Lonely or Alone in The World

Human beings are social creatures and finding your tribe is very important for your emotional and physical health. Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck share her thoughts on the topic.
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I Keep Sabotaging My Happiness Because A Part of Me is Afraid to Accept Changes. How Do I Feel Happy?

smile photo

I Keep Sabotaging My Happiness Because A Part of Me is  Afraid to Accept Changes. How Do I Feel Happy? – Vol. 491, March 28, 2019

This was a question that was asked by a Quoran on Quora who I answered in this way:

The short answer is that you don’t even understand what happiness is, so therefore you can’t have it. Yes, I know that flies in the face of what everyone else says but it is true.

Happiness is a way of being, which comes from the inside out. One needn’t accept changes at all – that is not what creates happiness. Happiness comes from being in the moment and enjoying the day-to-day things that one is involved with. So, if you have friends that you enjoy being with, pets to cuddle with, sports that you play, Yoga or Pilates, or dance or bike riding, or swimming or….

You are going through the ‘motions’ because you have brainwashed yourself into believing that pretending to be happy one won’t have to deal with all those pains in the butt pestering you with your bad attitude.

But this is the thing, you can make a decision RIGHT NOW TO BE HAPPY AND CONTENTED with all the great stuff you have in your life. You are free to come and go as you wish most likely – you don’t live in N. Korea or Iran, do you – or worse the Congo – or Russia – do you?

You can eat whatever you desire – probably have plenty of money to go to the grocery store to purchase some healthy one item foods – not the shit in packages – but fruits and veggies from the produce department that comes packaged as it would in nature – meat, poultry and fish from those departments ….you get the idea. Grab some dark chocolate made from Cocoa – not the crap milk chocolate which is all sugar – the real stuff and one little piece will be enough to get your happy hormones rushing – get some physical activity in – same thing. – hug a pet or a kid close to you or if you have a partner – even better – oxytocin and dopomine and serotonin all rush through your system – instant pleasure.

So, what was your excuse….oh that’s right you don’t have one….

Come join my Free FB lives on my personal page 2 PM every day and additionally at 9 AM Sat and Sun – becauesa that’s where I whip the crap thinking out of those who venture to join me and today I had quite the crowd – we worked on getting rid of vague symptoms the doc has no idea in how to help heal. Tomorrow – the subject is- you got it right Happiness – Through LOVE – what love really is, not the contorted bullshit that most people believe because they can’t get outside their sorry selfish selves — yep, this is the real deal – we talk reality here not wishy washy do no good crap – FB page Suzanne Kellner-Zinck. If you miss it the videos are all up there from the last 2 weeks and a half – covering all sorts of stuff. Have a go – it’s all free for the watching – if you still feel you need some extra help.


Claim Your Excellent Life #268- How to Create Real Friendships That Matter

Real friends are real gems, however, all too often we allow toxic people into our lives who are more like frenemies. Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck gives some specific guidelines for choosing real friends.
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How Does One Successfully Balance Philosophy That Divorces Happiness From Material Gain?

happiness photoHow Does One Successfully Balance Philosophy That Divorces Happiness From Material Gain? – Vol. 490, March 21, 2019

Material gain has zero to do with happiness. Happiness is a state of mind one chooses to have focusing on the things that one can be grateful for in one’s life. The poorest of the poor are happier than your average overly self-involved American who has everything they need and for many anything they want.

The drive to overcome one’s circumstances is done by finding something that you actually care about, adding value to and get your ass out there and share it with the world. That’s right….and when you give enough of your knowledge and expertise away, money and great things come your way. Just understand that whatever you give away you will have 10 times the amount given back to you so long as you do it with a clear heart and expect zero back in return – just do it and you will feel much better for helping someone else who could use your knowledge, then sitting there making excuses why you can’t have what you truly desire in this life.

Claim Your Excellent Life – 267 – Get Real & Stop Pretending You Have It All Together

Having a perfect fake smile on the outside when you are really miserable can literally kill you. Learn how to be more authentic with Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck.
Click the above link if you have found value in this podcast and wish to support it.

Why Does Depression Affect Decision Making?

Depression and decision photoWhy Does Depression Affect Decision Making? – Val. 489,  March 14, 2019

Depression is more a symptom that the body is out of whack. As such the whole system is depressed, meaning the nerves in the brain aren’t relating to one another as they ought to, so the ability to think is affected. It’s a drag for sure.

I have written many articles on here regarding getting your hormonal levels checked out and which ones, and other things physiological before dealing with the emotional end of things, because many depressed people are NOT emotionally depressed at all, rather hormone imbalances, malnutrition even if you eat what you feel is a healthy diet. Leaky gut or celiac disease or even medication side-effects can cause what looks like depression.

Every day I do a Facebook Live for FREE at 3 PM Eastern, as I am on a mission this year to save 100 kids from killing themselves, this being the 3rd largest killer of our kids here in the USA, ages 1- to 24 years old. I am speaking to the adults about getting their own emotional houses in order to be much better communicators, doing hypnotism and NLP right there on the FB LIVES at:

Suzanne Kellner-Zinck

We have covered much material since I began doing these FB Lives about 2 months ago. We are now learning how to “Reclaim Our Inner Wisdom” based on the great metaphysician, Stuart Wilde’s teaching. He was a man who many other metaphysicians learned from being one of the most talented at creating what he so desired in the material world, using spirituality to get there. So, come on board and join the fun. I have many hypnotists joining me on there, some have even trained me in years past. And, now I am training them – very cool indeed.

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