Claim Your Excellent Life #296 – How to NOT be Suseptible to Hypnosis

There are many people in the world who will proudly proclaim that they can’t be hypnotized while they are purchasing the latest gizmo or sugar-laden food. The marketers who convinced them to do are all laughing at their greatest trick. Convincing people it was all their own idea. Join Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck as she reveals the wizard behind the curtain.
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Why Do I Suddenly Want to be Alone?

lonely photoWhy Do I Suddenly Want to be Alone? Vol. 532, January 16, 2020

Generally speaking, when one wants to be alone it is because they are feeling depressed. Feeling depressed means a lack of energy to do much of anything – it is ALL TOO HARD TO DO! It means no longer being interested in the things that used to ‘rock you’ and it means that you may be sleeping much more than you normally would. For some, it means eating more, and for others eating less.

If this feeling continues for more then a couple of weeks, do get yourself someone to talk to, to bring yourself out of your malaise. The best people for this are friends that know how to crack you up no matter how down you may feel. Getting out into nature certainly helps, especially if you are able to get out and get some activity in while out there. When I would get into these funks, my ex would take me hiking. I still have no idea how I did that with him given the fact that I had zero energy, but it was the best medicine there was because the increased activity is known to be better than antidepressants at releasing dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters that allow one to feel happy and rewarded.

A funny movie or comedy show (from the ’50s through early ’80s when they knew how to make a person laugh without all the idiotic and angry sarcasm of the crap made today. Netflicks and Youtube have tons of them to keep you occupied.

And, eating healthy diets including fish, because it has omega 3s which are also better than antidepressants to get you feeling much better.

Sometimes, feeling down is an indicator that you aren’t eating healthfully enough, like getting enough protein to make the amino acids necessary to make the neurotransmitters necessary for our mood to be in its natural state of contentment. And, sometimes if we have leaky gut and don’t know it, the portions aren’t being absorbed to make the amino acids necessary to make the neurotransmitters.

I am sure the people in your life are missing you if you are isolating, and maybe even worrying about you. Let them know that you are alive and could use some ‘happy time.’ With them.

If none of these things are able to get you out of your funk, it is time to get some professional help. I have a ton of blog posts and general information about depression on this website to help you out. Use it, because that is why it is there!

Claim Your Excellent Life #295 – Relating To Our Own Sufferering- Acceptance Instead of Denial & Self Pity

Sometimes being in our own heads isn’t a pleasant place to be. Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discusses how to handle our own self inflicted mental suffering.
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Why Do I Pretend to Be Someone Else?

imposter photo

Photo by Graham C99

Why Do I Pretend to Be Someone Else? – Vol 531, January 9, 2020

The reason that most people would want to pretend to be someone else is that it is too painful to be who they are – traumatic experiences of the past, creating feelings of unworthiness of love, respect, etc. Many times these feelings of being unworthy came from either an abusive or neglectful parent or a partner that emotionally abused a person.

Most actors and performers are not at all, in reality, the people that they seem to be in their roles. It is their way of escaping being uncomfortable in their own skin while gaining adoration from a bunch of strangers who do not even know them for the real people that they are.

Some of my suggestions for anyone who feels that they are pretending to be someone who they are not, is to get in touch with all the great qualities that you have and then ‘own’ them. If you are in an environment where you are being mistreated in some fashion, you need to extricate yourself from it so that you can be who you are without some abusive individual dragging you down. Then work on building your self-love, self-esteem, and self-respect by never allowing someone to overrun your boundaries and certainly never allow them to hurt you again.

Photo by Graham C99

Claim Your Excellent Life #294 – Should I Allow My 6 & & Year Old Children to Decide Their Own Beliefs?

When young children starting asserting a view of the world based on their limited information, how should a parent guide them without suppressing their individual expression? Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck takes on this question.
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How Can I Fill The Void In My Heart?

hole in the heart photoHow Can I Fill The Void In My Heart? – Vol. 530, January 2, 2020

This was another great question that was asked by a Quoran, on Quora and this is how I answered it:

Voids in the heart are due to a lack of loving yourself and then being arable to accept the love of others based on my 35 years in mental health.

So, get yourself in front of a mirror and find those things that you appreciate about your appearance.

Then get into a comfy chair or lie in bed and get relaxed and go deep inside yourself to find those wonderful attributes that you have as a person-friendly, caring, smart, resourceful, etc.

Find like-minded people interested in those things you truly enjoy doing.

So many people have been told they aren’t good enough as they are, or more likely coded some angry remark made by an overworked stressed-out parent to mean they weren’t good enough when the comment wasn’t even about them really. They were too young to understand this thing called “projection.”

So, go do these things and if it is still hard for you, check out the many weblogs and podcasts on this website to see what else may be done to help you better understand what you can do to help yourself.

How to Overcome a Loved One’s Suicide

A few months ago I was interviewed on Paula Kalik’s Video Show. I had asked her what she would like me to cover in the world of hypnosis and she said that she had lost a couple of family members due to suicide fairly recently.

During that interview we learned many different ways that people can become depressed – some of them may be new to you. Later on, I did a hypnosis session with her and for anyone else who was online during her show to help them to release the ‘survivor’s guilt’ or any other feelings of loss from the suicide of their loved one. Paula was kind enough to give me the time to do a really thorough job for her and her audience so it came in around 1.5 hours I do believe or maybe closer to 2 hours. I can promise you that if you have lost someone to suicide in particular, you will be able to have true healing as a result of going through the hypnosis induction that I brought Paula and her listeners through.

This being a New Year, we want to be able to let go of that which does not serve us and do the healing that we can to start the New Year off strong and in line with who we are what we were put here on planet earth to do. Healing is a very large part of allowing ourselves to be our best selves. So here is the link to the program – just be in a relaxed place where you can do the hypnosis safely – that means at home in your bed, on a couch or in a recliner (definitely not a car, unless you are parked in a safe place):


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