What Makes A Good Mental Health Provider? Vol. 668, March 28, 2024

I have been working in the world of mental health since 1993 and I can tell you that the most important aspect of being a counselor is to be able to get out of your own head and into the thinking of your client/patient. You see, the worst thing that a counselor can do is to believe that they have the answers without listening to what the client is saying, what the client is NOT saying, and between the lines of what the client is saying – because these are all different levels of communication.

Second, to never believe that you as the counselor could ever really understand how your patient is feeling or what they are thinking – it is impossible – it is the counselor’s job to respect what their client is saying and to go from there.

It is very important to treat your client with respect. They are at least 50% of the equation in healing and to believe that they haven’t a clue what they need is dehumanizing and disrespectful. That isn’t to say that they have all their answers otherwise they would not be seeing a counselor. It is to say that they can have insights and in fact, those with the insights into what will help them the most are the clients that get the best results. So, all the licenses and certifications in the world don’t mean crap if one isn’t willing to be ‘present’ with the client – it is indeed what they are paying you to do – with an open mind and pure heart.

Sadly, I have seen way too many people in the world of mental health believe that they have the answers for their patients and instead, they end up projecting their own unhealed crap onto them. I have also had hypnosis clients come in with mental health pros telling them that they were abused as younger people though they don’t remember it, only to come in to see me and find out that nothing at all happened. So leading people into negative states based on a hunch is a very terrible thing to do to a patient. If the patient doesn’t bring it up, there is no need to put this crap in their head.

Lastly, one needs to be able to hear heartbreaking stories without being emotionally terrorized (tripped up) by hearing these stories. It is about having appropriate boundaries. It is fine to empathize with the client, it is not okay to get really upset because of what they told you or worse take sides against the people they are speaking negatively about until you meet that person yourself and find out what the dynamic is. One of my clients went to see a mental health professional and brought her husband with her because she was having a tough time and realized it had to do with her – nothing to do with him, and the mental health pro sat there telling him what a horrible husband he was for whatever…My client was mortified and came to see me to clear that horror out of her mind.

It is most important to have done your best to clear yourself of your negative emotions and limiting beliefs so that you can be strong enough to not be triggered by your clients’ stories and give them horrifically bad input on how to deal with the situation – I am speaking of people who have been abused, divorced especially if it was a difficult divorce, someone who had an abortion and never healed emotionally from it, etc.

Patience is also necessary because some clients will indeed push you and others won’t be able to articulate their issues well. So patience is necessary throughout the process.

Those are just a few aspects of the work, that go above and beyond the theories, one learns in class.

Thanks again for the question, because many people believe that they would like to get into this work, and it is very humbling work if one remembers why it is that one has gotten into it in the first place – to help the clients heal.

Do Therapists or Hypnostists Feel That They Have Said Something Wrong – Vol. 667 – March 21, 2024

I can’t speak for anyone but myself as both a person who sought therapy in the past and someone who has been a provider of mental health services both conventionally and later through hypnotism and NLP.

I can assure you that there are many therapists out there who say things that are untrue and demeaning to their patients believing that their fancy licensures protect them from being wrong. I had a psychiatrist tell me ages ago that I was being fantastical in my thinking because I wanted to pursue a Ph.D. in psychology based on my diagnosis as a manic depressive at the time – this was back in 1989 or so, so many, many years ago. The same psychiatrist wanted to use me to be part of her research study on Seasonal Affective Disorder, but her boss and my case manager took me swiftly off that project, Seasonal Affective Disorder having nothing to do with my diagnosis. I found that out a few weeks later from my case manager, and therapist at the time (a wonderful woman with great boundaries and skill at what she was doing on all levels). So, she is an example of a wonderful therapist both individually and in group therapy. I had another psychiatrist who just wouldn’t listen to the fact that I was overmedicated after 6 months of telling her that I was unable to do the simplest of things. I had my then-husband come into a meeting with both of us to tell her what I told her to tell him to get the medications reduced. That worked, but it was sad that she wouldn’t listen to me. If she observed my energy at all, it would have been obvious.

I had a great psychiatrist for 13 years or so till I let go of the bipolar with the use of NLP – that was back in 2004 – again many years ago now. She was fantastic had great boundaries and wanted me to become a psychiatrist – so things can go both ways. So to suggest that they are all made of the same stuff is unfair and misguided. There are great ones, good ones, and ones that ought never to have entered the field as is true with any profession out there.

Psych pros who came to my practice: I had two psych nurses with mood dysregulation (both of them needed hormones being in menopause, so they got referred to a pharmacist who compounded their bioidentical hormones for them to take care of that issue after having appropriate saliva tests done. I also had a social worker who came to see me for weight loss who had a serious health issue where she was unable to exercise, and she did amazingly well with our work together. All of them were reasonable and easy to work with, really wanting help.

The learning here is that though there are some therapists out there who do cross boundaries, say really harsh things with an attitude, there are others who are truly capable and still others who are willing to seek out care for themselves realizing that they too need to have some issues healed.

Thinking back on the one psychiatrist who was rather rude to me at the time, she was doing her practical hours toward her licensure and may have just been a bit young and immature at the time regardless of her rather classy manner of dressing.

For me on the practitioner side of things, I always let my prospective clients know that there may be times when I put my foot in my mouth being a human being. I also let them know that there may be times when they may be angry with me and that is fine because it is part of the work to work through it with me, giving them the skills and insights to better work through similar issues with those people who are in their lives. I can honestly tell you that my prospective clients are grateful for the ‘heads-up’ before hiring me because it allows them to understand a part of my philosophy of healing, so they can make an informed decision.


How Does Self-Hypnosis Work -Vol. 666 – March 14, 2024

As a practicing hypnotist for the past 22 years, I believe I am qualified to answer this question.

As one of my first teachers of hypnotism explained, ‘Hypnosis is nothing but meditation with a purpose.” Her name is Julie Griffin – give credit where it is due, right?

The state of hypnosis is a very relaxed state, where your attention is highly focused on what you are doing as this is how the hypnotic state works – given that you are the ‘suggester’ in this situation.

So, you are only telling yourself those things, those ‘suggestions’ which are mere ‘affirmations’ given in the hypnotic state that you would like to achieve. Why ignorant people feel that one can harm oneself by doing this is beyond my understanding. It is no more dangerous than telling yourself anything really – most people are telling their minds crap about how horrible a person they are for doing whatever, or not doing whatever, most of it in their UNconscious mind anyway, so few people even realize they are doing it. People are more damaged listening to the negative and untrue garbage on the ‘news’ channels that are merely giving you editorials as the news organizations no longer have reporters on location (unless it is very local) to get the ‘facts’ that make real news, news. They are merely giving their politically slanted opinions = editorials.

So, you put yourself into a relaxed state, and then you tell yourself those things that you would like to accomplish with deep feeling as if it is happening now, and see yourself doing that thing, and play it over a few times in your imagination, and whammo! You have achieved what is known as ‘auto-hypnosis’ otherwise known as self-hypnosis, which people have been doing for centuries.

Thanks for the question for those who want to learn about hypnotism from an actual professionally trained and practicing hypnotist instead of people who think they know what they are speaking about but don’t because they do not use it in their own practices. because they weren’t trained and haven’t practiced it enough to have any idea what one can do with this most magical of states in the world of healing and achieving pretty much anything a human being would like to accomplish in life.

How to Best Stop Insomnia – Vol 665, March 7, 2024

It is always better to rule out any physiological reason for sleep issues before going to psych. So, a sleep study is an excellent 1st step.

That being said, many years ago, I had a client come to see me who was an anesthesiologist. This was his 3rd medical specialty. He had all the sleep studies done and they all came back normal.

As a hypnotist, I regressed him back in time and we found out that the reason he hadn’t slept well in over 30 years was that his body did not feel safe falling asleep with all the interruptions to his sleep during his 3 residencies over the years. I was able to help him clear all that out and future pacedhim for great sleep going forward. So, you see, even an anesthesiologist can have insomnia.

We need to get to the root cause of the problem to take care of it which is going to be different for everybody. I do not see how CBT could help a person with chronic insomnia, it is not a method to end it – not at all.

What Makes Anorexia & Bulimia So Hard To Treat? Vol. 664, Feb. 29, 2024

Over the past 22+ years that I have been in practice, I have found those with anorexia and bulimia who committed to ending their eating disorder were able to do so. However, this is not something that most of those who are allopathically trained would believe is even possible. This is because these folks have learned that these illnesses are only able to be managed at best.

Well, I can honestly tell you that this is misguided information because I have several past clients who have been able to end their eating disorders and move on in life. However, it was not an easy process in the sense that they needed to revisit the underlying traumas that had them develop the eating disorders in the first place. The good news was that by using hypnotism and neuro-linguistic programming they were able to do this release work in a hypnotic state, an altered state allowing them to make connections that would be impossible to make while working through the information in the conscious mind.

The issues that make working with these patients more difficult than many others is the fact that many have come to loathe themselves. My anorexic and bulimic clients use the word ‘loathe’ to describe how they feel about themselves. When one loathes one’s self it is very difficult to care enough about the self to do the healing work and make the changes in habits that need to be made. This is why we need to teach them how to fall back in love with themself so they will want to take care of their body which is the temple in which they reside. Once that is accomplished it is just a matter of going through the healing protocol including four sessions of hypnosis for addiction release and then working on creating a compelling future. Because when one has a compelling future that is more alluring than being ill, almost anyone can do whatever it takes to heal. My clients have proven that these steps work and have worked to keep them free of their anorexia and bulimia for two decades now.

I sincerely hope that learning that one can indeed overcome these illnesses when the healing protocol is based on healing instead of pathology, is inspirational enough to help those who suffer from these issues get the help they need so they too can move on with their lives without having their eating disorder control practically everything they think and do any longer.

A person on Quora asked me what the common experiences that people have while they are in the state of hypnosis are. This is how I answered that question:

Having been hypnotized myriads of times both in the clinical setting and on the stage of a few stage hypnotists I can tell you the following:

1. There are symptoms that allow one to know that one is hypnotized. A clinical hypnotist will tell you what those are so that you know that you have been hypnotized. Some of these symptoms are swallowing a lot more than usual, pulse and heart rate slowing down, circular breathing from the diaphragm, eyes will flutter, the hypnotist will be looking for the lines in your lips to be less deep, a slight color change in your face to a bit redder. (Some hypnotists will give their clients convincers like sticking their feet to the floor unable to move them to prove to the client they were indeed hypnotized).

2. The client may feel like they are heavy or lighter, sometimes one feels tingles in their fingers and/or toes, and time feels much quicker than it actually is.

3. It is much easier to gain access to the subconscious material that needs to be found and worked with while one is in the hypnotic state which is why it is used.

4. The work goes a lot quicker than conventional talk therapy because we are working. in the subconscious mind where the transformations need to happen.

5. In stage shows one realizes that the suggestion may not be real, however, the volunteer acts as if that suggestion is real. i.e. A suggestion given that a man is pregnant and giving birth – the man knows that he isn’t pregnant, but will act out the suggestion as if he is a good hypnotic subject.

6. Stage hypnotists have to be very good at discerning the volunteers who are actually hypnotized and those that may be pretending which they can tell by giving suggestions and seeing how the volunteer responds along with the above-given symptoms of hypnosis.

7. Mostly, when one is in treatment with a hypnotist who knows how to use the tools and techniques well, one can go to those hard places in one’s memory and transform it quickly to let go of that which no longer works and create thinking that does work better for the client.

I have been practicing hypnotism for the past 20 years and my clients have reported that this was the one way they found to clear out their issues when everything else they tried failed. It is important to find a hypnotist who has proven that they can help people with the issues that they have so that you receive the results that you are employing them to help you receive. Because the reality of the situation is that no one can heal another – all we as practitioners can do is facilitate another’s healing to the point that they allow us to. This means that we have to know everything that is bothering our clients so we can help free them of the issues.

What Are Some Common Experiences People Have While In a Hypnotic Trance? Vol 663, February 22, 2024

A person on Quora asked me what the common experiences that people have while they are in the state of hypnosis are. This is how I answered that question:

Having been hypnotized myriads of times both in the clinical setting and on the stage of a few stage hypnotists I can tell you the following:

1. Some symptoms allow one to know that one is hypnotized. A clinical hypnotist will tell you what those are so that you know that you have been hypnotized. Some of these symptoms are swallowing a lot more than usual, pulse and heart rate slowing down, circular breathing from the diaphragm, eyes fluttering, the hypnotist will be looking for the lines in your lips to be less deep, a slight color change in your face to a bit redder. (Some hypnotists will give their clients convincers like sticking their feet to the floor unable to move them to prove to the client they were indeed hypnotized).

2. The client may feel like they are heavy or lighter, sometimes one feels tingles in their fingers and/or toes, and time feels much quicker than it actually is.

3. It is much easier to gain access to the subconscious material that needs to be found and worked with while one is in the hypnotic state which is why it is used.

4. The work goes a lot quicker than conventional talk therapy because we are working. in the subconscious mind where the transformations need to happen.

5. In stage shows one realizes that the suggestion may not be real, however, the volunteer acts as if that suggestion is real. i.e. A suggestion given that a man is pregnant and giving birth – the man knows that he isn’t pregnant, but will act out the suggestion as if he is a good hypnotic subject.

6. Stage hypnotists have to be very good at discerning the volunteers who are actually hypnotized and those who may be pretending which they can tell by giving suggestions and seeing how the volunteer responds along with the above-given symptoms of hypnosis.

7. Mostly, when one is in treatment with a hypnotist who knows how to use the tools and techniques well, one can go to those hard places in one’s memory and transform it quickly to let go of that which no longer works and create thinking that does work better for the client.

I have been practicing hypnotism for the past 20 years and my clients have reported that this was the one way they found to clear out their issues when everything else they tried failed. It is important to find a hypnotist who has proven that they can help people with the issues that they have so that you receive the results that you are employing them to help you receive. Because the reality of the situation is that no one can heal another – all we as practitioners can do is facilitate another’s healing to the point that they allow us to. This means that we have to know everything that is bothering our clients so we can help free them of the issues.

How Hypnosis Helps with Immunity & Lowering Stress, Vol. 662 – February 15, 2024

“Research into the physiological influence of hypnosis has experienced a renaissance with the advent of psychoneuroimmunology. Reduction in cancer-related pain, immune regulation, and lowered stress are all benefits attributed to hypnotic interventions.”

I have been a practicing hypnotist for the past 20 years able to help those patients that the allopathically trained practitioners could not. Many of the clients that I have helped over the years have suffered horrendous traumas, though that is not true of all of them. Some just needed one to find the cause of the problem and help them heal it like the very young 61-year-old anesthesiologist who had insomnia. He had all the usual sleep tests and nothing was found physiologically to be problematic. Yet, he had not gotten a really good night of sleep in over 30 years. It turned out in his case that he had been interrupted from his sleep so many times during the 3 residencies he had completed that his body did not feel safe going to sleep.

Or the 42-year-old woman who had excruciating pain in her stomach in which there was no physiological cause based on the report from her doctor and no obvious emotional issue based on the input from her psychologist at one of the best hospitals in the US. In her case, the issue went back to being traumatized starting from when she was 4 years old through her teen years by her father who found many ways to antagonize her emotionally and physically. It was only when we helped her to heal these individual traumas from her past that she was able to finally let go of the stabbing pains in her stomach.

You see, our subconscious mind holds so many events in our minds and we cannot reach many of them on the conscious level which is how medical care is given. So, how is a patient to heal? The answer is that in most cases they never do take medications many of which are of negligible help if the truth be known because though the symptoms may be lessened, the underlying problem remains.

Here is the URL for the article in which I took the quote at the beginning of this post for your education:


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