Where Does the Feeling of Not Fitting In Come From? Vol. 568, November 5, 2020

This was a question that a Quoran asked on Quora which I felt was something that too many people feel these days based on hanging around many younger people these days. Here is my answer: 

Thanks for the question.

This feeling can come from many places however, I do believe that many people who have original ideas are not interested in following instructions of others, and are very creative in how they experience the world have feelings of ‘not fitting in.’

I know for myself, though I am a very sociable person, that I was not of the personality of one that would be ever happy working for other people. It isn’t that I didn’t find a few jobs that were helpful in my professional growth along the way. It is more that I find many more ways to help someone than the conventional system allows. There are all sorts of out of date ideas as to why an adult is told that they are unable to leave a testimonial for a conventionally trained and licensed mental health professional. However, if one wants referrals for a restaurant, wouldn’t it be much more important to know that the person that you are employing to help you with your thinking processes be they mental or emotional has the ability to help you with your problem?

Drugs: Many of these are handed out like candy, and yet they have many side-effects and need to be much more thoughtfully prescribed.

So, I don’t fit in with my own folks – I don’t even call myself a hypnotherapist, which I could in many of the states in the US. So, once again I go against the norm.

Get in touch with who you are and why you desire the things that you desire in this world. Trust that you can be the person you are and get on fine in this life. Because the thought leaders of any field have always been those who took great chances to create those things that they envisioned, many people thinking they had lost their minds, only to come out on top. Think of Ted Turner who had the nerve to invent a 4th Channel of 24-hour news going against the much more recognized and known other 3 channels at the time in the US ABC, CBS, and NBC. And yet, look at what he created! These days given the fact that news is not news, but a bunch of editorials, CNN is not a place that I go for news – but in its day…Ted did quite well for himself.

Living into your own values and beliefs – living life on your own terms is the greatest gift you can give yourself. There is no need to feel ‘outside’ because my guess is that there are many folks who are rather sick of being stuck in the boredom of the average adult’s life.

Claim Your Excellent Life # 318 Outwitting The Devil in Your Mind

Sometimes, we can be our own worst enemy. Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discusses that little voice that we all have in the back of our heads and how to handle it.
Click the above link if you have found value in this podcast and wish to support it.

Claim Your Excellent Life #317 – Calories Versus Hormones- How the Body Regulates Weight

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discusses weight regulation, calories and hormones
Click the above link if you have found value in this podcast and wish to support it.

What Have You Been Through Just to be Able to Follow Your Dream or Passion?

What Have You Been Through Just to be Able to Follow Your Dream or Passion? – Vol 567, Sept. 25, 2020

This question came from a Quoran (a forum where people ask questions and others answer them from all over the world). It was one of the more important questions being asked because it gets to the heart of what it takes to have a happy and contented life. Here is how I answered it:

Thanks for the question, because it really is a form of reality checking!

It took me a very long time to figure out my ‘right work’ – like 23 years to be exact. It took many trials and failures to figure it all out. Many of my friends thought my ex was the best for putting up with me and my lack of willingness to continue doing work I hated or was bored by. These are the same people who are still miserable in their own lives, never really capable of taking the time to figure out what was important enough to them to make a real career out of.

When the money was coming in very well, my ex decided I didn’t need him anymore – so he left. That was very difficult and is still difficult because running a business takes money on top of what one needs to live on. However, I have had many people who truly believe in what I do, having serviced many of them – well all of them. And, because of that, somehow I have been able to continue. However, it has not been easy at all, but it has been so fulfilling and worthwhile, watching people come out of their darkness, into their light to light up the world with their own talents and love.

I never fit into the business world, never was willing to wear a ‘mask’ as is required or to work ridiculous hours for tiny wages, much to be taxed before you can even receive the money. I did do eldercare work for very little money to learn how to work in health care, and later I did Certified Nursing Work, but it didn’t work out -probably because it wasn’t anything that I wanted to do anymore. I love hypnotism and the true transformations that my clients create with our work together – it is truly magical. And, to be able to understand how the mind truly works and help my clients to learn how to better use theirs is an honor and a privilege for sure.

You will find that many people who follow their dreams overcome much and for those who stick it out, success does occur. That word ‘success’ is a complex one for everyone has their own idea of what it means. For me, it means living life on my own terms, doing what I love with those I truly admire (and these folks come in every race, class, and legal status) because I see something in them besides the socialized standards – maybe because many fall out of the socialized standards that I am attracted to work with them. And, my work has taken me around the world to do amazing things with amazing people, which many never have the opportunity to realize.

There are positives and negatives in life, and we all have to make those decisions for ourselves as to what is worth the time and effort. Because, in the end, all we have is time, and even that is something we have no idea how much we will have. I have lost several friends at a very early age and had three very different incidents where I could have been very dead. So, life is indeed precious, and living one’s dreams and aspirations are what makes it worthwhile as far as I am concerned.

What do You Want People to Know?

What do You Want People to Know? Vol. 566 – Sept. 17, 2020

A person on Quora asked me this question. Quora is a forum where people from around the world ask and answer questions. This particular question was so ambiguous, but once I started writing it became obvious what I wanted the people in the world to know. This is how I answered the question:

Thanks for the A2A. I want people to know that they have it inside their own minds to heal any emotional issues that are still lurking there. For the great majority of diagnoses given by a psychiatrist, most of them have to do with unconscious events that have been implanted in their subconscious minds from the perspective of the child that was hurt at the time. This brings on all sorts of interesting thoughts and behaviors that can cause great distress later on, and we don’t even know that the event in the past was the reason for the emotional issues we are experiencing. You don’t need a drug to deal with it, because they are not needed in 95% of cases. What you need is the belief that you can find your own answers in your own mind to fix the emotional problems. Of course, helping our clients get to the unconscious material is what hypnotists and Neuro-linguistic practitioners specialize in doing.  Few conventional mental health professionals really understand hypnosis and do not understand how to use it. One weekend course does not make a proficient practitioner. More often than not, it creates more issues because this person has not studied the art and science of how to work in the unconscious mind. So, they try to use a bit of hypnosis with their patients and the patient doesn’t ‘feel’ hypnotized and the clinician has absolutely no idea how to explain what hypnosis is and how it works. Worse the practitioner has little understanding of how to use the state of mind that hypnosis places one in to get to the root cause of the patient’s problem. I say this because many of my clients have gone this exact root and then decided to employ an actual hypnotist to help them find the underlying issues and release them.

If there weren’t any emotional triggers to cause the problem, then it is a metabolic issue such as leaky gut that requires a professional who can get you the correct tests to find out what nutrients you need more of and which foods may be causing the leaky gut. The best professionals to employ for this are integrative and functional doctors and chiropractors who specialize in this area of practice.

If you are suffering from fibromyalgia, both of these issues need to be dealt with because there is most definitely a lack of nutrition occurring along with childhood developmental trauma. The persistent childhood trauma has placed the patient with fibromyalgia in a constant state of ‘fright or fright’ stressing the body, stressing the muscles, and impacting the pain receptors in the nerves and the brain’s interpretation of the pain. Those with fibromyalgia have a very low pain threshold because of these changes. It’s best you find a specialist who can help you heal all of the symptoms in one place.

How Has Social Distancing Impacted Life?

How Has Social Distancing Impacted Life? – Vol. 565, Sept. 10, 2020

A Quoran asked me to speak about social distancing and if it has been a positive thing in my life. Here is the way that I answered that question:

Thanks for the A2A. Social distancing has proven to be one of the largest reasons for people to feel alone and depressed increasing the number of suicides.

I have a roommate so we talk from time-to-time. Monday our classes begin again and I am forever grateful for the one professor to get the ok from the powers that be to do his course in person one time a week for the exercises that we are going to be learning and doing together in his class. We are a very tight-knit group here at the University of Haifa, International School’s Peace & Conflict Management program and we want to be with one another learning from one another as much as our professors would prefer to do their jobs in the classroom as they always have.

People are social beings like the ants and bees, so not being able to be close to those we love and want to spend time with is an emotional disaster pure and simple.

On the other end of things are those who are confined to a small space that one calls home, without the ability to distance one from another in the way people need to be happy for everyone who needs their own space at times as well.

In short, I don’t believe it is a good idea on any level and is based on bogus science – over many years people have gotten all sorts of viruses and bacterial infections. For bacterial infections, antibiotics take care of them and for viruses, building up one’s immune system which means being exposed is what helps people to deal with it. Those who are already aged and have many physical health issues that are compromising their immune system need to be more careful, but the rest of us are being restrained in an inappropriate and damaging manner.  Wearing masks is a terrible thing to be forced to do, as we can’t see the natural smiles of those we see in our environments. Smiles are known to raise a person’s mood, so this is quite damaging on the emotional level. Here’s a helpful article with the actual science to back up what I am saying:

Masks: Have You Been Captured by This Psyop? – Kelly Brogan MD

Please read the blog before you decide to be angry and hostile – education from the medical professionals is much more helpful than those from the media!

How Can I Let Go Of What My Psychriatrist Has Said? What is the The Psychiatrist’s Problem?

How Can I Let Go Of What My Psychiatrist Has Said? What is The Psychiatrist’s Problem? – Vol. 564, Sept. 3, 2020

This was a question that someone on Quora asked me. Quora is a forum where people from all over the world can ask and answer questions. This is how I answered the question:

In order to have a healthy view of one’s self, one needs to be healed of the trauma and realize that one is not the ‘label’ they were given or worse, they have given themselves. It is all too often on Quora that I receive questions regarding inappropriately labeling someone or themselves with a medical diagnosis which they haven’t the licensure to do. So, the first step is to stop using all these labels.

Second, understand why it is that a person is asking about the psychiatrist’s problem when they have gone through 10 years of school including a separate residency in mental health so they understand the conventional manner in which to diagnose and treat their patients.

Third, if you don’t like the way in which a certain psychiatrist or other mental health professional is performing, you are the one employing them, so it is very much in your control to fire them and find someone who is more attuned to those things that you find are important in such a relationship.

Lastly, if you are against the ways in which conventional mental health professionals have been trained either regarding the theory they use, or the medications they hand out as if they were candy, know that there are many other types of professionals out there who can help you.

I would suggest that if you have an issue that seems like it is based in emotional issues, yet you don’t have any losses or issues in your life due to poor judgment, then perhaps you ought to see a functional doctor or chiropractor who can help you find out if you have leaky gut. Because the neurotransmitters that help one feel balanced emotionally as well as have clarity of thought are formed from the amino acids from the proteins we eat. Also, if you have anxiety, see if you have enough folate and other B vitamins because that can be the root cause. B12 deficiency can cause depression and a lot of aches and pains. So, start with your nutrition and then go from there. If you are currently eating a lot of prepared, prepackaged, or crap food stop eating it. This is especially true if you live in the US where high fructose corn syrup, GMOs are in the vegetable oils and produce, and lots of fillers and chemicals are in the food which your body has no idea with what to do could be causing your problems – either emotional or physical.

There is a reason that antidepressants and antianxiety meds only work in 30% of cases and this is it – you don’t have a problem with having a deficit of chemically made medications that help with uptake of neurotransmitters – you actually may have a problem with not being able to make the neurotransmitters the way your body was intended to.

If you have issues with making bad and perhaps destructive decisions, or have suffered a loss of some sort, there are people such as myself who work holistically. In my case, hypnotism is used to help people to stay on track with the required lifestyle changes a whole lot easier. Letting go of negative emotions and limiting beliefs is also far quicker and safer done with a hypnotist/NLP practitioner who has experience in how best to do that. Testimonials by happy clients telling their actual stories would be one way to vet that. Something that could never be cleared by a conventionally trained mental health professional can be done in a matter of hours or days by a clinical hypnotist who understands how to get to the ‘root cause’ of the problem and that never needs a diagnosis (label) The emotional charge needs to taken off the event that ‘caused’ the problem along with the ‘purpose’ for holding onto the problem which believe it or not lives in one’s subconscious or as the late great Milton Ericson would say in the UNconscious mind.

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