Jul 21 2022
Why Did My Doctor Tell Me Hurtful and Damaging Information? Vol. 589, July 21, 2022
Jul 14 2022
Are There Any Other Ways To Get Help Other Than Therapy? Vol. 588, July 14, 2022
This was a question asked by a person on Quora and this is how I answered it:
There are many forms of help out there that are NOT conventional mental health therapy – I do hypnotism and NLP finding the manner in which conventional therapy operates never ‘healing’ anyone – rather ‘managing symptoms.’
There are somatic (through the physical touch) therapies.
There are spiritual teachings that have helped many.
You need to research the various methods and the people who do them, so that you can find someone who matches your philosophies of healing and interview them before making an appointment.
If the first doesn’t work you try them out till you find someone who meshes with your philosophies of healing and your personality.
Thanks for the question.
Jul 07 2022
A Special Post For A Truly Special Person – for her Birthday! Vol. 587, July 7, 2022
Many years ago, I was sitting in a Mexican Restaurant close to where the National Guild Of Hypnotists convention was taking place with a client of mine. My cell phone rang with a woman on the other end of the phone who told me how she had been to see a psychiatric social worker for the very first time. Within 5 minutes of answering the question “Have you ever been suicidal?” Donna answered, ‘Yes.’ Note, that the question was not asking if she CURRENTLY was suicidal, just whether she had ever been suicidal.
With that answer, Donna found herself being taken by the police from the psychiatric social worker’s office to a hospital to have her mental status checked. She was there from 3:30 or so in the afternoon till 1 AM because they kept bringing in more psychiatrists to evaluate her because the reality was that she didn’t belong there in the first place. She was feeling depressed and was falling backward and reaching out for help and this is what she had to deal with.
She was released in time to get to her home for a quick shower before needing to leave for her job which was to begin at 6 AM but she liked to be there by 5 AM (maybe earlier, I can’t really recall because we are going back over a decade now.) Suffice it to say it was a horrific experience that led her to find an alternative way to help her with her problems.
Today is Donna’s birthday, and I have to say that she is one of the top 3 clients who taught me so much about how to best help my clients heal. In her case, it wasn’t just the mental health world that screwed her over in this way. Several years later integrative doctors at the Marino Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts gave her a fasting test for sugars with some grain that she was allergic to – SOMETHING SHE TOLD THE INTAKE DOCTOR as I was there with her during this whole procedure. It was a damn good thing I went with her for the test because her sugar blood levels went dangerously low making driving herself home very dangerous for her and anyone on the road with her.
She has 3 testimonials on this website demonstrating the efficacy of this work!
She has also been a very strong believer in the work that I do, helping me do research over the years, and writing many blog posts for me while I was taking a medical leave back in 2009, featuring her great depth of chemistry, this being her profession along with her self-deprecating sense of humor creating truly great posts for the website.
When I think back on all the times we spent together many times dismayed by the lack of knowledge and sometimes the callous behavior that ER staff had, her own GP back in the day before Donna fired her for good reason, and the educational and research pursuits we did together for so many years, I have to tell you that it was through the work that I did with Donna, that I learned how the body and mind are inextricably linked. As such, there is not a medical or mental health professional who can truly do a great job for their patients without understanding this connection…not ONE! This is why those with chronic conditions have such a difficult time getting the help necessary to put this problem behind them – the reductionist manner in which medical and mental health professionals are trained.
It has taken Donna a few decades to get to the true cause of some of her issues with the help of a very special doctor who I had her check out many years ago. A doctor who helped an ex-boyfriend of mine from High School get rid of the heavy metals that poisoned his body for decades as well.
So, if you ever receive help from a medical or mental health practitioner who believes they know more about your situation than you do, and yet, they are unable to help you – do as Donna did and find someone who can help you get to the ‘root cause’ of the problem be it physiological as was the case with Donna, though her symptoms looked to be emotional, or emotionally based as many of my clients with many physical symptoms such as migraine headaches, stomach pains, along with many chronic health issues have had.
For healthcare to work, the provider needs to actually care about their patients’ outcomes, while allowing for the ability of their patient to fully heal. Without those conditions the patient is left to do all the hard work on their own, usually fighting the conventional reductionist outdated training of their practitioner. This is a fact now as we are learning that many of the tests that are done regularly either don’t prove a thing or actually can cause damage. The CDC, the WHO, the US government along with many Western countries’ governments have learned through the judge forcing the FDA to release the filings that Pfizer gave them for the emergency use of their injection that is truly damaging especially to the young with blood clots forming, neurological problems, and even thousands of deaths as the result of pushing these toxic chemicals into the bodies of consumers who never had “informed consent.” This is because the facts could not be known with the 4 months of pseudo-trials they did for a product that normally takes more than 10 years to go through testing. These are the facts for anyone who is willing to find the facts as they are all over YouTube and the internet by those doctors and nurses who actually cared enough to risk their professions to tell us the truth!
I thank Donna for teaching me about the mind-body connection, as well as the need for some of my clients to be brought into the higher consciousness – superconscious as well. Because, for Donna, this was the best way for her to be able to get the positive learnings necessary to heal. This is something I do with all my clients because the work goes faster and we get the best information to help them help themselves.
I left the United States in October of 2019 to attend a Master’s program in Peace & Conflict Management where I learned all about the non-nation states of the US and other international organizations that falsely believe they have the right to take the rights away from the rest of us. However, when your government officials have a large amount of stock in the companies making these deadly injections, that will always trump what is best for the citizens. They do it by hypnotizing you by telling you lies while pretending that they are ‘facts’ while telling you that the real facts are ‘misinformation.’
But, this is the reality. We have known how viruses act and mutate for over a hundred years. We also have known about natural immunity being the best immunity there is which is why there were chicken pox parties to get kids infected and over it to make them immune. We also know that the best way to keep our immune systems healthy is through being exposed to natural toxins in our environments. We know that healthy nutrient-rich food, and happy contented lives, will all keep us healthy, and yet, the environments that most people in the West live in are doing the exact opposite. This is why I chose to leave the US and am currently living in Mexico where the President is clear that each person has the right to decide their own medical treatments – something that was once enforced in the US with the HIPPA laws.
So, I want to publically thank Donna for teaching me about the mind-body connection as well as helping with writing all those great blog posts and helping me learn so many things about how the body-mind-spirit are connected to form our health or our illness. Seriously, for so many who came after the work, I did with Donna, it was learning through her case history that gave me the knowledge necessary to help you. Because our clients and patients are indeed our best teachers if we allow them to be so.
Jun 29 2022
Why do people feel unlovable? Why do people end up in unhealthy relationships? Vol. 586, June 29, 2022
Jun 25 2022
I have been dismayed at the changes in how professionals use their groups here on Linkedin. Sadly, it has evolved into an advertising platform more than what it was in 2002 when I began interacting on the platform when ‘best practices’ were being learned from others. I have been dismayed with this change given the many really excellent professionals in the larger mental health groups who truly did their best to answer questions from their colleagues who needed more help in helping their more challenging patients.
Of course, there were a few who would overrun our boundaries telling us that what we were saying was breaking some rule of professional conduct.
I will tell you right here right now – the people who are brave enough to ask for help, and those who are willing to spend their own time helping others need not hear from those of you who don’t get it. That behavior will get you removed on the first incidence! I am not paranoid some patients will see the content as this is a group for LICENCED MEDICAL & MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS and even if it were not, to believe we can control our world in this day of AI is ridiculous. GET OVER IT!
This group was created so we could help one another help our patients/clients through the combined expertise of everyone in this group.
I will be posting a lot of content to do with the mind-body-spirit connection as I came into the world of hypnotism, neuro-linguistic programming, and Time Line Therapy (R) (created by Tad James which is different than Time Line taught at the National Guild of Hypnotists) after being dismayed with the treatment that I and many of my mental health clients received during our courses of treatment in the conventional world of medical/mental health care back in the early 1990s entering the world of the hypnotic arts myself in 2002.
It is my hope that this group will help those of you who came to the world of licensed healthcare to truly help your patients and clients to heal to do exactly that without ever having to defend your right to learn whatever proven techniques will help you to do just that!
You can read about my own 3 stories of healing using the hypnotic arts here:
I look forward to teaching you and learning from each of you as we continue our journeys in healthcare
Jun 22 2022
Why do parents distrust their kids? What happens when children are not given age-appropriate freedom and independence? Vol. 585, June 22, 2022
Jun 16 2022
Why is it that my therapist diagnosed me with bipolar for the last 15 years and now I am told that I have Borderline Personality Disorder? Vol. 584, June 16, 2022
This was a question that a person on Quora asked which goes to the whole issue of how one is diagnosed with a particular mental illness in the first place, and then how misdiagnoses are made. Here is how I answered this question:
There are some very clear differences between the two diagnoses so let’s take a gander and see what is really going on with you as mental health pros misdiagnose all the time.
Bipolar: One is going to have much longer periods between the moods they experience. A rapid cycle is considered 3 weeks – though many go months before going from one extreme to the other.
Borderline Personality Disorder: the moods are labile meaning that in a split second when triggered a person can go from happy to throwing things and cursing.
Both illnesses have a lot of anger involved – however, the BPD person will be enraged when they don’t get their way. It is a personality disorder which means the person though as intelligent as anyone is acting at the emotional age of a very young person – it is always about the ‘id’ wanting what it wants NOW and when it doesn’t get it, has a tantrum such as a 2-year-old would.
Both are master manipulators of themselves and others but go about it differently
Bipolar people will manipulate to get what they want usually by creating their fantastical ideas in business exaggerating what they can do and what they have to work with.
BPDs will manipulate to get the hole in their soul-filled usually through buying things they do not need, always asking for favors from others, and usually glomming on to one particular person more than anyone else – when that person does or says something that the BPD person finds hurtful, the BPD will drop them in a second and talk shit about them to the next person they glom onto. This is called ‘splitting’ between two people and is something that only BPDs do.
BPDs will self-harm – usually superficially while in a very depressed state.
Bipolars – 85% will self-medicate themselves with drugs – so while up they will take depressives, while down they will take amphetamines.
BPDs have a great fear of abandonment – they will do anything to stop others from abandoning even to the degree that they will abandon others before others have the chance to abandon them.
Bipolars do not have a fear of abandonment.
There are more differences between the 2 diagnoses, however, this gives you enough to better understand where you fall. DO NOTE THAT A PERSON CAN INDEED HAVE BOTH AT THE SAME TIME as we found out was true with my mother from the psychiatric staff at the nursing home where she lived the last 7 years of her life.
If you think you have BPD the best thing that you can do is to learn how to stop the impulses you have to be overly emotional, and instead use logic to make your decisions. It is also very helpful to just be more mindful of how you are coming across to others. It isn’t an easy thing to do at all, but it can be done if one wishes to stop pushing people away with what would be considered infantile behavior.
If you have Bipolar the best thing you can do is deal with feelings of unworthiness by figuring out what your best attributes are and owning them, dealing with your anger and your issues of sadness. I was diagnosed with bipolar 2 back in 1990 and was lucky enough to turn it around so that it is no longer a part of my life on any level back in 2004. Unfortunately, those with personality disorders are unable to truly overcome them, however, if you do those things that I suggested above and maybe get some Dialectical Behavior Training by a person who specializes in working with BPDs, you will be able to gain much control over the almost instantaneous shifts in mood and learn how to reduce the impulses to act out to get your way if you are indeed a BPD.
Thank you for asking this question because these 2 diagnoses are mixed up all the time as are those with schizophrenia and bipolar with psychotic features and many other types of diagnoses because the Diagnostic Statistical Manual has so many symptoms that overlap from one diagnosis to the next, especially in the 5th revision which basically notes that every normal human emotion receives its own diagnosis so the pharmaceutical companies can make even more money on their poison – NOTE: the only people that I believe ought to be placed on psychotropic medications are those who have psychotic features and at the most minimal dose to minimize their hallucinations. I have come to this conclusion after 30 years in the business both in conventional psychiatry and in complementary mental health in the form of hypnotism and neuro-linguistic programming (for 20 years now so plenty of time to have lots of case histories to prove the point that the mind is the best asset anyone has to make transformational change. However, I am unable to help those with psychotic features or those with personality disorders. Though I am able to help those with anxiety, major depression, bipolar, OCD, eating disorders, and sex addictions as I have been successfully doing this since 2002.