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Lost Someone Close to You: Getting Past the Grieving

Grindelwald Church Cemetary (horiz.)Lost Someone Close to You: Getting Past the Grieving – Vol. 195, April 6, 2013

Back in 1985, my father passed away. For me it was a shock having moved a few hundred miles away from home upon my completion of college. I had no idea of the changes that were occurring in his personality, the effects of small ischemic strokes. It took me several years to really process his death, having gotten much closer to him only six years before his passing. However, what I didn’t know then, was that grieving can be done in a matter of minutes when done with the use of the unconscious mind with hypnotism.

Quite a few years ago I had a young high school student come in for a session. She was having a difficult time with her hockey coach losing her desire to play. As we did the work to clear this issue, her mother who was in the session with us, wrote a little note to me. She asked if I could help her daughter to deal with the loss of four of her close friends in the past three years.

Kids being in a hypnotic state without my having to do a thing are easy to work with. So I let her mom know that I would take care of these losses for her daughter during the session. With each friend, I brought her back to the last time she saw them, then on to when she got the news of their death. I had her go through a process of imagining herself at the wake if there was one, the funeral hearing the eulogy. She was then instructed to then hug her friend. Finally she was to see the friend on the other side. The result for her was a true healing. An extra bonus was knowing that her fellow hockey player was with her as she played. This process turned her whole attitude around in a matter of an hour. You can read her full account here.

I had another client, a gentleman in his 40’s, who came in to see me for a drinking problem. He had done over $3,000 worth of damage to his brand new truck. As part of the work we did a clearing of those in his life that had caused him some harm as well as those with whom he was appreciative. When we went to do what is known as the “death scene” with his father, he told me how angry he was at his father, how much he hated the man and was glad he was dead. However, something very interesting happened as we did this work. At the point where he needed to speak to his father he broke down in tears, realizing for the first time how much he missed his father and how much he loved him. Again the process took about a half hour in this case, certainly a lot less time than the years it would normally take to bring some sort of resolution to the loss.

Grieving is a necessary process that needs to be respected for the healing that it allows. However, you can if you so choose, release the feelings of loss quite easily. By creating positive feelings, by learning of all that was gained by having that person in your life even if there were many destructive attributes. I have yet to have a client be unable to come up with less than three positive attributes of any person that was an integral part of his/her life. The end result is one of healing with the ability to move on no longer bogged down with the upsetting emotions one contends with while grieving.


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Learnings From My Journey: Suzannisms For the Mind and Soul

Learnings From My Journey: Suzannisms for the Mind and Soul is a book of essays based on the wisdom gained through those who have touched me through my own journey in life. Purchase an inspiring copy today from the Dawning Visions Hypnosis Store.

Learnings From My Journey: Suzannisms For the Mind and Soul


Suzanne Kellner-Zinck founded Dawning Visions Hypnosis in 2002, She has become an innovator in the use of hypnotism and neuro-linguistic programming in the areas of obsessive compulsive disorders such as: eating disorders, sexual addiction and substance abuse as well as working with those with anxiety and mood disorders. Her clients have come to work with her from across the United States and as far away as Africa to help them to finally be freed from these emotional issues that once ruled their lives. Today she is in the process of bringing her work to many more in the form of ebooks and other downloadable formats. She is a member of American Holistic Medical Association and the American College for Advancement in Medicine. Prior to founding Dawning Visions Hypnosis, Kellner-Zinck worked within vendor programs for the mentally ill working to help them to live up to their fullest potential. Many of her previous clients were able to move out on their own and find fulfilling work. Kellner-Zinck is a Certified Trainer of Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic programing through Tad James Company, Inc. and a Master Hypnotist and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming through Advanced Neuro Dynamics. She holds a bachelor’s degree in education and political studies from Curry College. Dawning Visions Hypnosis is teaching people that they can indeed leave their unwanted behaviors behind as they move forward to living fulfilling and joy filled lives.