How To Become the Best You, You Can Become, According to the Rebbe

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How To Become the Best You, You Can Become, According to the Rebbe – Vol. 417, June 8, 2017

I was raised in the reform synagogue, Bat Mitzvaed and Confirmed. I have to say that my Bat Mitzva was the original experience that let me know that I loved being in front of an audience. I didn’t care that I didn’t do a perfect job up there. I did love that I was the center of attention and all the people that I cared about from my childhood were present. The grand party for over 200 people after the service, was also a ton of fun. However, after I left my family, I never really found a synagogue that I felt comfortable at, so I stopped going to temple.

About six months after I arrived in California, I met a woman at a “Live Your Legend” networking event in Los Angeles. She invited me to a fund raiser at her synagogue where they were going to have the teen choir that her daughter took part in, as well as the synagogue’s band, The Moody Jews, perform. Well, I have to say that I was hooked from then on. It didn’t hurt that the synagogue was about a three minute ride from the apartment that I was living in at the time.

Now, understand that I have never been a particularly religious person, but I have loved the music, the Hebrew and the connection to my childhood when the family would go to temple on Friday nights – not every Friday night, but a couple a month or so. There were even times when I asked my parents to take me, because I liked the feelings that I got there. I never really understood why till I studied hypnosis, learning that the ancient languages naturally put people into a trance state. How cool is that, being a “trance junkie” myself. Of course, it was great seeing our friends over there and the people that my parents were friendly with, who visited our house often,visiting, mainly my mother. There was one couple in particular who were more like grand parents then my own, just very down to earth and loving people.

The main messages that I received from the sermons given at my synagogues was to be the best person you can be by helping your fellow people. Take a stand for social justice as we know what it is like to be damned by others through the ages. And, to love and care for your family always. These are the values that we are taught and values that I hold dear as the 55 year old woman that I am today.

So, I was watching a Youtube video earlier today by Rabbi Manis Friedman where he was speaking about how to be a great person. He asked three very important questions that I believe we should all ask ourselves. This after explaining that the only reason to exist is to make a difference in the world. I agree with his idea that without a life of purpose we are nearly exiting, we aren’t living. So, here are his three questions for you to ponder. If you don’t have a life of purpose, these questions could very well help you to figure this out for yourself.

1. What could I be?
2. What do I want to be?
3. What am I?

I know for myself, that without a larger vision for my own life, many of the challenges that I have undergone throughout my own life could have been my undoing. It was because of my purpose, my calling to be a hypnotist, that I never looked back once. Instead, it was my purpose, my calling that kept me going, even during the most difficult of times. And, as a result of making it through the tough times, well, honestly, it has all become grist to help my clients to come through their tough times as well. Because we are all human, our experiences do overlap in some ways and that is very helpful to realize in my line of work.

So, do yourself a favor and answer these questions for yourself. Think big. Think outside the proverbial box. See what you come up with, because we have one life that I know of for sure, and having a well lived life, is the best gift you can give to yourself, and the people around you, isn’t it?

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Suzanne Kellner-Zinck founded Dawning Visions Hypnosis in 2002, She has become an innovator in the use of hypnotism and neuro-linguistic programming in the areas of obsessive compulsive disorders such as: eating disorders, sexual addiction and substance abuse as well as working with those with anxiety and mood disorders. Her clients have come to work with her from across the United States and as far away as Africa to help them to finally be freed from these emotional issues that once ruled their lives. Today she is in the process of bringing her work to many more in the form of ebooks and other downloadable formats. She is a member of American Holistic Medical Association and the American College for Advancement in Medicine. Prior to founding Dawning Visions Hypnosis, Kellner-Zinck worked within vendor programs for the mentally ill working to help them to live up to their fullest potential. Many of her previous clients were able to move out on their own and find fulfilling work. Kellner-Zinck is a Certified Trainer of Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic programing through Tad James Company, Inc. and a Master Hypnotist and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming through Advanced Neuro Dynamics. She holds a bachelor’s degree in education and political studies from Curry College. Dawning Visions Hypnosis is teaching people that they can indeed leave their unwanted behaviors behind as they move forward to living fulfilling and joy filled lives.