Your Personal Invitation to The Exclusive Kellner-Zinck Addictions Clearing Technique for licensed Health Care Professional

An Invitation to Apply for the Band New Exclusive Kellner-Zinck Addictions Clearing Technique Training ,Specially Designed for Licensed Health Care Professionals



Healers of our world, are you ready to take a Quantum Leap?


How This Exclusive  Training Came to Be

Back in 2007, after I completed my trainer’s training in hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming, I had a dream of transforming the way in which addictions were being treated. At that time I had helped many of my clients to totally clear their substance abuse problems, sex addiction, anorexia and bulimia. It has taken a very long time to learn everything that I needed to be able to offer you this invitation to apply for this spectacular training. It is truly the culmination of 44 years of my life’s work, including getting my own house in order. I say this because it was drummed into my by my trainers that until one has taken care of one’s own mind, one ought not feel they have the right to enter the mind of another. This is because even the best of intentions can and do create negative experiences for their patients when appropriate healing of the healer go unhealed. Boundaries get run over and tempers get high, patients lose trust in the very people they need to help them to heal. I made up my mind after working in the field of psychology/psychiatry back in the early 1990’s that I would do everything in my power to help the healers heal so they could in turn help those who come to them for healing heal. The last thing I would ever wish to do is to teach anyone these mind altering techniques who hasn’t first cleared themselves of any and all negatively affecting thoughts and behaviors. So that is the first business to be conducted in this small group of 24 trainees.


Helpful Knowledge For Healing Your Patients Not Taught in Med School 


I also realized that most people who go into the healing arts are never taught the basics of the mental and emotional developmental cycle of life. This is very sad because when working with addicts and those with eating disorders, the difference between a successful intervention and treatment and one that fails in understanding these basic theories for which to frame your healing work inside.


Most importantly for any true healing to occur one needs to understand that one cannot separate the human organism into physical, emotional, mental and spiritual pieces. We are all created with all these components designed to work symbiotically inside us as a perfect healing mechanism. Along the same idea, understanding that addictions are in fact a disease of the neurotransmitter dopamine which when the tolerance level is reach ed the sought after dopamine pleasure release no longer works, leaving the addict feeling “normal” as in no longer thinking self-derogatory thoughts, even if the normal emotions are dampened. This according to the brain scans that Dr. Norah Volkow has done over her tenure at the National Institute of Health, Drug Addictions. Dr. Volkow discovered that ALL addictions respond the same way be it a substance abuse issue, or a behavioral issue such as: sex, gambling or shopping for example.


Treat Those You Heal in The Same Fashion You Would Like To Be Treated


I am creating a movement to educate the licensed medical professionals to treat the addicts that entrust their care to them, to treat these addicts with the same respect and care you would want to be treated with should you have a similar problem. By the way 20% of all emergency room staff have a substance abuse problem and upto 15% of the licensed health care providers suffer with some sort of substance abuse problem, so it would be best to keep the judgment out of treatment for this reason alone.


Why We Need To Change The Healing Paradigm For Addictions


In the years that followed the loss of, productivity in the work world, families being split apart and lives lost to addictions of all sorts has risen to the point of an epidemic. It is quite clear that when only 5% of all eating disordered and substance addicted patients heal – the same number as if no one had gone into treatment in the first place, that we need to change the way we treat these populations.


It was with all this knowledge and practical experience that I have finally been able to create this exclusive training for only 24 lucky licensed health care providers to both take care of themselves first and then be able to truly help their patients heal their addictions, mood disorders, anxiety and general lack of success in life.


The Presuppositions of True Healing Professionals


In order to be considered for this training you will need to agree to the following Presuppositions of  Prime Directives Toward True Healing. They consist of:


1)  All individuals have value regardless of their past actions or omissions, and as such are entitled to be treated without judgment by any health care professional who agrees to work with them.


2)  All human beings have an express purpose for which they are on this planet. It is through recognizing this magnificence inside each patient, that the health care provider is committed to bringing health, wellbeing, fulfillment and happiness to their patients.


3)  Because all human beings are able to heal using their own inner wisdom, the use of pharmaceutical medications is left for the eradication of viruses, bacteria and in very limited use of non-addictive pain medications such as right after a surgery for a very limited time, clot busting medicine and inoculations for disabling and deadly disease.


4)  Realizing that all beings of the earth are capable of functioning perfectly with the appropriate nutrition gained by the food and water of the earth, use of supplements are kept to no more than 3 or 4 in the case of a malnourished patient.


5)  At no time will the health care professional force drugs or other life draining products onto their patients.


6)  If the health care professional feels that the issues the patient has is outside of their  scope of care, it is the duty of the practitioner to refer the patient out to a colleague whom shares the same values and beliefs regarding the delivery of health care.


7)  At no time is a medical professional to force an outcome on a patient. Better to release the patient from your care and/or refer to another holistic practitioner for appropriate treatment.


What You Will Learn In This Training


This intensive training is going to cover everything that you as the medical professional needs to know to succeed in helping your patients to heal while affording you the sort of income to lead the lifestyle you bargained for when you entered the healing arts as a profession. This is what is included:


1)  A three week intensive training broken down as follows:

1st week we will clear you of any and all your emotional blocks, negative emotions, limiting beliefs while helping you to create the compelling future as you have always envisioned it,


2nd Week you will learn all you need to know about working with addicts along with the various differences between those that I specialize in healing: Alcoholism, drug addiction, sex addiction, anorexia and bulimia. The information is based on my over a decade of clinical experience helping my clients to let go of any thoughts or behaviors that one would expect of an addict.


Included you will also learn basic psychological theory of growth and development as well as basic educational theory of mental development through the life cycle better informing you of how best to meet your patient where they are at both mentally and emotionally, so you can help them to achieve the outcome they have come to you to experience.


During this week, three of my successful clients (each with a different form of

addictions will be coming in to speak directly to you about their experiences before, during and after the work to help you to better understand why it is imperative that you understand how to do this particular type of intervention for true healing to occur in these patients.


You will also hear from a neuro-science researcher in the field of chronic pain disorder who is also psychiatrist in practice explain her findings based on her MRI – NIH funded research since 1999.


3rd Week you will learn all the neuro-linguistic and hypnotic techniques necessary and how to use them in your practices. You will also learn some energetic healing  techniques based on the chakras combined with the technique from Huna (ancient Hawaiian Spirituality) known as Ho’opono pono – which will help those patients of yours to forgive those they require to move on with their lives. On top of that you will learn how to do inner child work with the use of hypnotic technique. These techniques that would take you months to achieve in conscious therapy take minutes to achieve with the borrowing of your patients’ unconscious and super conscious minds – the part of their mind that actually runs them which is why it is so effective to know how to work in that part of the patients mind. You will also learn how to clear chronic, acute and somatized pain.


2)  You will be given a manual, 2 text books, 4 books and 2 reports that I have written all covering the specific subject matter you will be studying, including one book that easily teaches anyone boundaries in a story telling manner, with the use of metaphor  which the unconscious mind loves! You will also be able to access any MP3 recordings for your own clearings that are in the Dawning Visions Store, free of charge.


3)  You will be given access to an exclusive membership site where all the videos from your training will be posted for your review along with downloadable MP3s of the training and transcripts of the training you can access from the start of your training for as long as you desire to access them. They will stay right there and be added to as I conduct more trainings.


4)  You will be expected to take part in 4 VIP weekends over the course of the year which will take place in different parts of the U.S. Where you will share what you have learned with each other. I will be also be teaching you more advanced techniques during these fun and intriguing VIP weekends.

 Extra Bonuses


5)  Most importantly for your ongoing integration of the tools and techniques learned, you will have access to me to mentor you, able to ask any questions that may come up as you are seeing your patients for a whole year after you take your training.


6)  You will learn how to grow your medical practice to bring high end patients that are both willing and able to pay for your world class care.


7)  Upon successful completion of your training you will be certified to become a licensed Practitioner of the Exclusive Kellner-Zinck Addictions Clearing Technique for Licensed Health Professionals.


8)  Also upon completion of your training you will have the prerequisites required for the Kellner-Zinck Practice Management Training to further help you to increase the productivity of your office staff to further increase your income.



I created this program by taking the best of what was offered to me by my trainers and then adding the items that my own mentees have found most helpful over the years in their integration of these tools and techniques into a truly workable skill set.


Your Return on Your Investment 



You will find that before the year is even over, you have been able to successfully treat patients that you were told by your medical school professors were only to be “managed”, never healed. However, it is up to the client to clear themselves of their issues, whatever they may be, no matter how complex they may be, by listening to and following your guidance, especially since all their answers coming directly from their very own unconscious and super conscious minds, where it necessarily has to come from, for any treatment to be truly successful.


Only 24 Seats Available


You will also have the choice of working as a concierge medical practitioner if you are own or are able to own your own practice – charging much higher rates to your high end patients without necessarily worrying so much about the insurance coverage that you patients may have, or the pushing of drugs and or supplements onto them to keep your recurring income coming in, because you will be well compensated for doing world class work!


Understand that the training is considered a semi-private training with only 24 placements to be filled. This is so that I can give all my trainees the amount of attention that will be required to guarantee success upon the completion of this intensive one year training. It is my mission, my movement, to empower the licensed health care providers of the world to give truly loving, caring and effective care to their patients, no longer over relying on overused prescriptions to be abused, supplements that are overly used or unnecessary surgeries. Understand that many surgeries are unsuccessful because the inflammation of the spine, muscles and ligaments are due to emotional stressors of held on anger and anxiety as John E. Sarno, M.D. pointed out in his book The Divided Mind: THe Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders. Because the body held these unexpressed emotions in the muscles and ligaments, he called the disorder tension myositis syndrome, (TMS). He has found that when the patient reframes the aches and pains based on this condition, the patient is able to be healed with the use of the patients minds.


Because of the intensity and personal nature of this training, the training is going to be limited to just 24 trainees. Each prospective trainee will need to fill out an application for the training. If the application fits my criteria for participating in the training, then you will be interviewed by me either over Skype or the phone, before being accepted into this exclusive training. I am looking for trainees who are: licensed to practice who are committed to the health and wellbeing of their patients, who are interested in holistic healing using the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of their patients to gain the best results for healing. Further, I am looking to train health professionals who are in this field to help their patients truly heal, with the income potential of learning these techniques secondary to the reason one would be involved in the healing arts.


My Criteria of This Exclusive Training 


Lastly, I am looking for licensed health care providers who are humble enough to realize that after being beaten down by a medical industrial complex that has stripped them of being able to truly be the health advisors they signed on to be, by taking the time and monetary resources to go to medical school, they realize the need to clear themselves of the anger, upset and limiting beliefs that would be carried under such duress, especially if you have been practicing for a number of years.


I look forward to hearing from anyone who is ready to take the next step, understanding to have a world class training like this will take a significant investment which will be returned to you in earned income of at least 10X within a years time, if and only if you integrate all of the teachings that you will be taught to better understand how to clear addictions, mood disorders, anxiety of and pain of all sorts including chronic, acute and somatazied, while attracting the self-pay individuals required to allow your practice to be  as financially rewarding as you always dreamed would be the case upon your decision to enter the healing arts.


***The dates and and venue for this training will be given to those who are accepted into the program.


You will be sent an application for the training when you hit the “Ready to Begin” button.

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