Your Attitude Is EVERYTHING! – Vol. 499, May 23, 2019
Over these many years that I have been in the profession of health care, I have noticed a huge difference in the manner in which people live.
There are those who complain about everything, making those around them wrong for the most insignificant of details, unable to note the unhappiness that would allow that sort of attitude in the first place. Because you see, people who are happy and fulfilled never have to point out shortcomings in others. Instead, they will make it a habit to point out the great attributes of those with whom they choose to spend their time.
Unhappy people become ill, and then endlessly complain about being ill to anyone who will listen. Happy people may have physical or emotional challenges, yet, they never allow those issues to become their lives. No, these folks are too busy living their lives to spend any more time than necessary to deal with their issues, because, of course, one needs to deal with the issues to overcome them, instead of succumbing to them.
People who feel successful in life have a different definition of success than those who are always speaking about scarcity. Yes, they do enjoy their income, yet, their income producing activities come from those things that fulfill them, never those things that drain them.
People who are able to live happy and fulfilling lives are the sort of people that shine a bright light and share their magnetic energy bringing other like-minded people to them. They are full of life because of the many interesting things that they are involved with, always working to get their curiosity fulfilled with knowledge. There is no age limit in learning for these folks.
People who are happy and abundant are those who realize that the world is full of abundance in all things. They are moved to volunteer and mentor others bringing fulfillment to themselves in the process.
Your attitude in life will determine your health and your level of happiness. The ball is in your court to create the life of your own dreams by being the person that you would love to find in a really great friend.
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