Where Does True Healing Begin? Maybe with You

 Healing powerWhere Does True Healing Begin? Maybe with You – Vol. 284, November 6, 2014

I was listening to a few Ted talks by three educators this morning. The first was a third generation elementary school teacher with forty years of experience. Her message was that it was up to the teachers to teach with compassion and care. Their job was not to ”like” all of their students, rather to allow each student to feel liked and appreciated anyway.

The second teacher was a teacher of high school math who made it quite clear that the text books make it easy for any student to get answers correct without ever having to use the reason of the principles of math, so useful in every day life. He reconstructs every lesson he teaches to make sure his students actually learn able to apply these important concepts to their every day lives.

The third was a high school teacher of chemistry who spoke of the way in which curiosity is killed in our classrooms every day. He brought it back to his four year old daughter whose favorite question, like every four year old is “Why/”.

We live in a world where the cynical, sensationalized, and subverted rule. We live in a world where technology has taken the humanity out of the artistry of educating, supervising and health care. We then wonder why it is that so many of us feel empty, lost, and frustrated in life, and that is only if we are lucky. Because there are many who feel hurt, angry and depressed to the point of destruction of others and the self.

I have shared many of these negative feelings through out my life wondering why it is that those who harm and steal from others are the ones who are making more money than those who are doing life saving work. I wonder why it is that people feel that they have to be something that they are not in order to “succeed” in life. And I wonder why it is that when life doesn’t work so well, that help is not accepted, even when it is glaringly obvious as a once beautiful home is now falling apart with trash strewn all about inside and out. Or, the feeling inside of being oppressed by alcoholic hangovers, constant urges for drugs, alcohol, sex or a gambling fix are ignored. How about a body that is crumbling under the constant assault on it due to the emotional stressors of every day life coupled with the abuse of it feeding it franco foods, leading to aches, pains, thoughts of anger or feelings of loss?

I was blessed to be raised by a self-made man. A man who was raised by his widowed mother who had to care not only for him, but his two older sisters. He had a dream in his heart to be a dentist from the age of five in 1928. He pursued that dream making it his reality even when called to the army against his wishes and against his personal plan at the age of 18. The most important thing I learned from my father was that one has to be true to themselves. One has to understand that one’s life is of one’s own creation for better or for worse. If you like the life that you created for yourself, congratulations. However, if you have some problems with the life you have, well, it I up to you to get real with yourself and ask the important questions such as:

Why is it that I am feeling these negative feelings that I am feeling?

Am I happy with my relationship with myself?

Am I happy with my day-to-day existence?

Am I happy with the way that I am treating my body?

What is it that isn’t working for me in how I am living my life?

Am I happy with my work?

Am I happy with where I am living?

Am I happy with all my relationships in m life?

Am I happy with how I am in the world?

Am I happy with the way that I treat the people in my life?

Am I happy with the opportunities that I have and am I taking advantage of them?

I learned from observing my father as he did his dentistry the pure joy of doing something he loved doing each day. He loved the combination of art and science in making a beautiful smile and healthy mouth for his patients. He loved the interactions that he had with his patients telling them stories, giving them brain teasers to get their minds off of the procedure he was doing. He loved the fact that he had total control over the hours and days that he worked. And, most of all he loved the fact that his work made his patients lives happier and healthier. This was proven by the hundreds of patients who came by the house upon his death in 1985 and the long caravan of cars that went to his grave for the final blessings over his body.

I learned from this man, that one needn’t feel stuck by the circumstances of one’s life. That one can dream of what one desires and with daily work toward that goal, even with interruptions out of one’s control, life can be lived on one’s own terms, only if one is willing to make the sacrifices along the way to make that dream a reality. My father didn’t have to cheat his patients in any way to make a living that more than provided for his wife and five daughters. He always over delivered and charged fair rates – and was beloved by his patients and his community for that honesty.

If there is something that isn’t working in your life, you owe it to yourself first and then to those who are in your life to ask these hard questions. To look inside yourself to figure out what it is that you truly want for your own life. And, then go and pursue it with an open heart to what truly matters to you from the inside out.

I never felt compelled to stay in a job where I was disrespected, felt the need to do things that I felt were a disservice to those I was serving, or be expected to be anyone other than who I was at my very center. I left the corporate world early on realizing that I was not willing to be a pawn used for some larger entities’ bidding without any humanity involved at all. I left placements in mental health due to the cruelty I witnessed and was to perform on those that were placed in our programs for their own safety, yet safety of the emotional being was far from what these programs were providing. I had to find another way to help my clients to heal. I can tell you that it is from their successes that I know that anyone can create any life they so desire. It is up to you to be real with yourself, allowing yourself to have a life that works for your health, happiness and fulfillment. No one can do it for you, but many can help you to fulfill it if you would only be real and then ask for the help you require to make the stand that is your life.

Learnings From My Journey: Suzannisms For the Mind and Soul

Learnings From My Journey: Suzannisms for the Mind and Soul is a book of essays based on the wisdom gained through those who have touched me through my own journey in life. Purchase an inspiring copy today from the Dawning Visions Hypnosis Store.

Learnings From My Journey: Suzannisms For the Mind and Soul


Suzanne Kellner-Zinck founded Dawning Visions Hypnosis in 2002, She has become an innovator in the use of hypnotism and neuro-linguistic programming in the areas of obsessive compulsive disorders such as: eating disorders, sexual addiction and substance abuse as well as working with those with anxiety and mood disorders.

Her clients have come to work with her from across the United States and as far away as Africa to help them to finally be freed from these emotional issues that once ruled their lives. Today she is in the process of bringing her work to many more in the form of ebooks and other downloadable formats.

She is a member of American Holistic Medical Association and the American College for Advancement in Medicine.

Prior to founding Dawning Visions Hypnosis, Kellner-Zinck worked within vendor programs for the mentally ill working to help them to live up to their fullest potential. Many of her previous clients were able to move out on their own and find fulfilling work.

Kellner-Zinck is a Certified Trainer of Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic programing through Tad James Company, Inc. and a Master Hypnotist and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming through Advanced Neuro Dynamics. She holds a bachelor’s degree in education and political studies from Curry College.

Dawning Visions Hypnosis is teaching people that they can indeed leave their unwanted behaviors behind as they move forward to living fulfilling and joy filled lives.

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