Life is hard for all of us. So to find the right tools to get through it in one piece and find happiness along the way is a challenge. Before I ever used hypnosis with Suzanne I had seen doctors, therapists, the best of friends, incredible mentors and [read] books, books, books all of which gave hints, small candies of hope to get over destructive eating, depression and a general refusal to be a self-loving adult – but none of their advice or treatment sunk as deeply or helped me as richly as hypnosis with Suzanne.
Her “break through” process was the most in-depth look into my history that I have ever experienced. It was greater than even I though I could accomplish. We worked for six weeks together; each visit she was engaged, energized, human, and almost shockingly accurate – in tune with every subtle movement in my recovery.
It was enlightening. I always left feeling blissful and fully listened to. I am definitely a believer in her technique because of my conviction in her. I am growing out of my self-destructiveness and growing into a unique, authentic, person who can accomplish the goals I set. I am deeply grateful and inspired. Do it! It will be the best thing you have EVER done for yourself and the people in your world.
Laurie G.

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If you have found this website helpful and informative and either you or someone you care about has an issue that might need clearing. Then Suzanne would like to invite you to experience a 1/2 hour free no obligation consultation via phone or Skype. Suzanne has successfully helped people all over the world, why not give her the chance to help you. Get the facts about your personal situation from a caring professional source and change your life for the better today!
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