Our son Antonio has lived in a residential program for 6 years. All treatments and therapies were never enough to allow him to even visit his siblings in the last 18 months.
Antonio could not function as a “typical” child because of emotional disabilities. He has had many diagnoses from his psychiatrist and psychologists. Attention deficit disorder, reactive attachment disorder, oppositional defiance disorder, bipolar disorder, rage attacks and post traumatic stress disorder were the most prevalent of them.
On certain days our son could not lift a pencil to write his name without a struggle. Other days he was very active but plan full and vengeful of others that he felt judged him unjustly. Other days he was as typical as any other teenager can get.
In school he could not sit for more than 10-15 minutes. He would have to get up and leave the class until the next class began. If he attempted to stay he would melt down and put himself or others in danger.
When the next class began he would repeat the same steps and leave the class again.
Antonio could get homicidal/suicidal, sexually reactive, and abusive to females and was on one-on-one guidance for the last 3 years. Each time we tried to get him off of one on one he would sabotage himself because he feared and mistrusted himself.
At one point Antonio regressed back to infancy and lay in a fetal position in a popular Boston hospital hopeless for days. It took months of therapy to get him back to where he was. Antonio was headed back to this type of regression again when my husband and I finally found some hope. Suzanne Kellner-Zinck stepped into the picture. Antonio seemed to connect to her and understand that she had hope for him to have a future.According to him the only future he could see for himself, when she asked him, was death. Antonio pushed to complete this therapy, He had only 3 long sessions and we saw such a Great change.
First we noticed Antonio had stopped his nervous ticks that he had. The constant bouncing knees, rocking in his chair etc…, seemed to stop when he talked after each session. He was much calmer.
Also, he stayed in his classroom for whole periods, all day long, and participated 100% of the day. Time out at school came to a halt and almost completely disappeared in his residential program just days later.
He has now met with his siblings for several weekends and actually stayed home for the holidays for over 1 week traight. He now comes home and stays the whole weekend only to return to his residential program when he needs to attend school.
His one on one guidance quickly dropped down and he has been off of it for well over 1 month. He is about to gain permission to be on grounds alone.
Tony does struggle with teenage issues but they are so much more typical of his age and he is able to reach out to us and speak about them. We feel he is able to deal with these everyday issues so much easier as never before. He also talks to other non-family, non-residential program staff, with much more ease. He is actually socializing.
We now have New Found Hope to have our son home again as a family member.
He sees hope and a future he couldn’t see before his therapy with Suzanne. He is now able to see a high school diploma, driver’s license, a wife, and a family in the future. Wow!!!
We are so proud of him. We are so happy with Suzanne Kellner-Zinck.
The cost of everything…… Our son back and moving forward in his life….. PRICELESS!!!!
Thank you again Suzanne. You believed you could make a difference and you did it.
God Bless you and your work
B.M. Lowell, MA
Antonio’s progress continues to the present day, as evidenced by this update:
Antonio has come a long way since he was 17. At the time he had received the alternative therapy from Suzanne, he had just come out of two psychiatric hospitalizations in 5 weeks. He had been hospitalized several times that year and had been at least 4-5 times a years for the previous 4 years. He was acting out sexually inappropriately which is why we sought out Suzanne’s services 4 1/2 years ago.
From the time of his work with Suzanne he has never acted out sexually inappropriately again. His outbreaks were violent in nature to himself and others. He has not had an event like that since. I believe the PTSD had been the cause of what triggered these events and I believe the PTSD is no longer there.
He is still on meds but no longer anywhere near the regiment he was on and the only times he has been hospitalized since is because of medication issues.
Antonio lost many prime years of his childhood due to many factors. He never learned how to socialize properly or how to mature properly. Many of Antonio’s problems today are due to that fact. Though he is on disability – he cannot work any kind of job unless it has total structure and constant re-enforcement, he is living on his own, independently, with the help of a few services. I don’t think he could have ever done this without the treatment from Suzanne. His therapist, at the time, saw Tony as only moving deeper and deeper into psychiatric care.
His life might not be what some consider the best but he has far more opportunities than he would have had otherwise.
B.M. Lowell

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