I met Suzanne through a reference with whom I had seen a dramatic life turnaround with her help. My experience with hypnosis had been watching people on stage at a show and did not really believe that sitting in a chair with someone talking to you could make any real difference. Fortunately, seeing is believing and I was willing to give it a try after seeing positive results in someone I knew personally. The irony is that I was initially not sure what I wanted to be hypnotized for. Suzanne was able to delve into my current life situation and determine what it was that I needed most at that particular time. I had recently become unemployed and was looking for another executive position with a small technology firm, something I have done over and over again in my career but disliked each time.
Finding a new job can be a daunting process, especially when you are trying to prove to a founder that you could be the difference in their small company. There is always doubt about your capabilities and ability to perform even with a past success record. This self-doubt is always there to some degree and there is a natural resistance to recount your successes and what is best about you when you are starting over. Questions of “will I be able to master this new technology….how long will it take for me to prove my value to this company….will I be compensated appropriately starting all over again” all are lingering in your mind as you talk to different start-up entrepreneurs. What Suzanne does well is buried these questions and replace them with the opposite suggestions which would be “I have done this 5 times successfully so far, why would this technology be any harder to learn than the last 5….. the time it takes to prove myself is not relevant, the fact that I do bring value to any company that I work with is important…..compensation begins with how much you can assure your new company that you will be successful and I know I will be successful.”
The amazing part of hypnosis is, that if done correctly, you don’t even realize it and I did not know these suggestions had been anchored in my mind when I left Suzanne after our sessions. Instead, I chalked up the time to a pleasant experience and an enjoyable conversation but did not feel any different than when I initially came through the door. It was only after a year that I could look back and ask my self “how did I end up with two VP positions to choose from within the first month after our sessions” and realized it was because I had lost fear and doubt and was running on a new confidence engine that had been tuned up by Suzanne. I would recommend hypnosis for anyone looking for at new employment because the difference in an interview between someone who “knows” they can bring value and someone who “questions” their value is an impression that can make or break your opportunity.

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