
Some of my favorite successes in ten years of hypnotherapy practice.

Laura K. – Boston MA

Donna N.

Kurt E.

Richard M.

Lois G.

Carolyn S.

Jean C.

Laurie G.

Lisa E.

Mary Ann McNulty

Michael – Winthrop, MA

Alexandra Doucette

B.M. – Lowell, MA

Richard P.

V.G. – Arlington, MA

Sandra Bright

Wyn – Natick, MA

David Krentzman

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If you have found this website helpful and informative and either you or someone you care about has an issue that might need clearing. Then Suzanne would like to invite you to experience a 1/2 hour free no obligation consultation via phone or Skype. Suzanne has successfully helped people all over the world, why not give her the chance to help you. Get the facts about your personal situation from a caring professional source and change your life for the better today!

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Anorexic stopped faking recovery and found true inner peace from her eating disorders and body dysmorphia.

Before I met Suzanne, I was living with a feeling of profound contradiction. On the outside, I tried to show myself and the world that I was basically “recovered” from eight years of various eating disorders, body dysmorphia, anxiety, and anorexia. Long and extremely expensive sessions of therapy, as well as my own improvisations, had …

Anxiety and negative emotions relieved after only thirty minutes of hypnosis

I was feeling anxiously reacting to negative emotions though physical symptoms. After 30 minutes of relaxation hypnosis I felt better, lighter, relieved. T. Phillips – California Sign Up Now for your Free 1/2 Hour Consultation If you have found this website helpful and informative and either you or someone you care about has an issue …

Businessman experiences increased success after hypnosis

When I began with Suzanne, I was your typical skeptic because I am a very practical person. I’m a don’t tell me show me type of person. Because of my own brother’s personal testimony of his success with Suzanne with respect to stopping smoking after 30 years, I just put my trust in her hands. …

Businesswoman clears depression and anxiety which stops her binge eating

Wow! My first session with Suzanne accomplished more for resolving deep emotional issues than I had done in six years of therapy. After one afternoon with Suzanne, my depression is POOF — gone! My resentment about chores and work is POOF — gone! All cravings for comfort food and comfort activities (addictive computer game playing, …

Executive uses hypnosis to make major career development decisions

I first met Suzanne a little over a year ago.  At that time I was struggling with career decisions and having difficulty coming to grips with what I really wanted to make my life’s work.  We all have certain blocks and self-imposed limitations.  Suzanne helped me to calm my mind so that I could more …

Fellow hypnotist achieves a breakthrough and experiences emotional freedom

As Suzanne worked with me on a breakthrough and Time Line Therapy (R) while we were at the American Board of Hypnotherapy Conference in Newport Beach, California, I felt what I had always wanted to feel, that a practitioner knew and understood my history and cared deeply that I recover from it. Having worked with …

Fellow hypnotist needs help to release anger

Suzanne, Your one pre-requisite to sharing your knowledge is that we must clear our crap. In my case it was anger. Because of your intervention, my life has come together in so many positive ways. I now work in a profession that I love and get to be of service. I’m also able to work …

Former binge eater still free of eating issues two years after a clinical hypnotic intervention

Prior to working with Suzanne I found myself binging at night, half-asleep, and unable to control my behavior. In fact, I felt that way about most of my life- as if there was apart of me that wanted to be healthy and happy, and another part that as continuously sabotaging my efforts. I had many …

Healthy habits acquired through hypnosis

I came to Suzanne several weeks ago to help me get back in the mindset of working on music and taking care of my body. Three hours later I was signing up for a gym membership, and have been practicing guitar everyday. I highly recommend Suzanne for people who want a medication-free way of changing …

Hypnosis reduces anxiety and control issues in only a few sessions

Suzanne has done a few sessions of hypnosis/guided imagery with me. In both cases anxiety and bodily discomfort have been substantially lessened. She has a soothing program tailored to each individual’s needs which she prepares prior to the session. In my case, as I have a form of multiple dystrophy and severe weakness, she worked …

Hypnosis successfully used to treat anxiety and nail biting as well as promote healthy weight loss

I was looking for a hypnotherapist to help me with losing weight and nail biting.  A friend recommended Suzanne, and I called her for an initial consultation. After speaking with Suzanne over the phone, I realized that she might also be able to help me with my generalized anxiety disorder as well.  I had been diagnosed a …

Hypnotic career development used to attract two job offers for Vice President within a month

I met Suzanne through a reference with whom I had seen a dramatic life turnaround with her help. My experience with hypnosis had been watching people on stage at a show and did not really believe that sitting in a chair with someone talking to you could make any real difference. Fortunately, seeing is believing …

Hypnotist client clears depression, anger and anxiety in only a few sessions

I came to Suzanne as my last resort. For years I had tried to find the source of the uneasiness and anxiety that had plagued me for most of my life. I felt as though I had no purpose in life and just woke up each day and went through the motions putting one foot …

Man beats food cravings and loses weight with hypnosis

“With hypnosis I find it so easy to walk right by Dunkin’ Donuts and I have no inclination to eat the ice cream I use to crave. With my regular exercising I have lost 10 pounds in a month.” Richard P., Bradford, MA Sign Up Now for your Free 1/2 Hour Consultation If you have …

Man overcomes depression and suicidal tendencies via hypnotic intervention

Suzanne dissolved old patterns of behavior that limited me in my daily life. Depression once a source of power in my life has been pretty much obliterated. I’m feeling lighter, more at ease and positive. I look forward to embracing the next new day with joy and enthusiasm. Near suicide, I was brought back from …

Pack a day smoker for 30 years quits smoking using hypnosis

I recently received a successful follow-up note from a client who has smoked more than a pack a day for thirty years. Here is what Diana had to say after working through the “stop smoking” program: I just wanted to say THANK YOU… It’s been four weeks and I have NOT smoked and I’m like …

Recovered formerly depressed drug addict still drug free and happy a year after hypnotic intervention

It’s been over a year! It is hard for me to believe, but it has been over one year since I have taken any anti-depressant medications. The same anti-depressant medications that I was led to believe I could not function without.  And that is where the belief part comes into play.  Just as it is …

Relasped depressed drug addict fires latest therapist and clears her addiction through hypnosis

It was about one year ago that I met Suzanne.  I had just fired my last therapist in a series of at least 12 over a thirty year period. The very last therapist I saw suggested I see a psychiatric nurse for possibly a new med, one that I maybe hadn’t tried yet. You see …

Suicidal alcoholic suffering from panic attacks finds relief using hypnosis

Sometimes in our lives, no matter how good things are or how good we are, we are challenged, challenged sometime by things we would never had expected to happen to us. I have been challenged by alcoholism. However, things really did not begin this way. Actually I was seeking help for panic and anxiety attacks. …

Teenager overcomes bipolar disorder, suicidal tendencies, attention deficit disorder, PTSD and others using hypnosis

Our son Antonio has lived in a residential program for 6 years. All treatments and therapies were never enough to allow him to even visit his siblings in the last 18 months. Antonio could not function as a “typical” child because of emotional disabilities. He has had many diagnoses from his psychiatrist and psychologists. Attention …

Woman finds relief from eating disorder via hypnosis after long journey through therapists and doctors

Life is hard for all of us. So to find the right tools to get through it in one piece and find happiness along the way is a challenge. Before I ever used hypnosis with Suzanne I had seen doctors, therapists, the best of friends, incredible mentors and [read] books, books, books all of which …

Woman overcomes chronic pain, PTSD and weight issues after hypnotic intervention

After 6 years of chronic pain, 50 lbs of weight gain and PTSD, HYPNOTIC INTERVENTION helped one woman change her life.   Hypnotherapy helped L.E., who initially sought relief from constant, disabling pain, but went on to resolve other long-standing, important life issues. This is her story:   Prior to meeting Suzanne Kellner-Zinck, I was …

Woman practices effective pain management and clears emotional distress using hypnosis

Suzanne helped me get through one of the most difficult experiences of my life. I had endometriosis, a condition which can cause extreme abdominal pain in women. My symptoms came to a peak one day in September 2004; the pain was so bad, I could hardly walk. I could not sit, stand or curl up …

Young ice hockey player clears grief and is now “In The Zone”

Before I came to Suzanne, my confidence in myself was dwindling. I’ve played ice hockey for the past ten years, and all my experience in playing was worthless because I didn’t know how to believe in my abilities. Sports are 90% mental and 10% physical, and unfortunately I didn’t have the mental part down. Suzanne …

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