Before I started working with Suzanne I was bingeing porn almost daily and have unsafe sex with strangers on a consistent basis. Although logically I understood how harmful my behavior was, I couldn’t seem to stop. I was currently in therapy, which helped me understand more of what was driving my behavior and gave me the vocabulary to describe my feelings but I never felt like the root of my problem was being healed. And my behavior was only continuing. After reading many self help books on sex addiction I kept learning more about my problems but was never able to fix them. When I felt like I had tried everything else I considered hypnosis. Suzanne was very non judgmental of my behaviors which some may consider shameful. As a queer person I was concerned that she wouldn’t be accepting like other mental health professionals I’ve worked with in the past. For her it was clear that she really believed she could help me and is very passionate about helping people overcome their problems. Hypnosis was not the quick fix I was looking for. I was surprised at how much emotional energy it took during our sessions. It dug up things that I had never talked about in therapy. But it made me feel much stronger than I thought I could be for facing these negative experiences from my past. Suzanne made me realize how easy it could be to deal with my issues rather than running from them like I have been my whole life. She simplified my problems so they seemed manageable and gave me homework so I could use her advice in actionable ways. It was very easy to follow her simple instructions on how to deal with stressful situations, overwhelming feelings and depression and anxiety. Her teachings on self hypnosis I have carried with me and have found invaluable for when I am feeling down about myself or when life is feeling like too much for me to handle. Besides cutting out unsafe people and environments from my life there have been changes in my behavior that I wouldn’t have expected. Overall my life feels manageable for the first time. I trust myself to be able to take care of the stressful situations in my life and I’ve learned how to not make them feel very stressful at all. I feel a lot more positivity about myself and I feel like I have learned how to respect myself from her sessions. I walked away from our sessions with good habits that made me feel good about myself. After working with her for 6 months I feel like I have done the work of 6 years of therapy. There are of course still struggles in my life but for the first time I feel like I have the tools to deal with them.

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