It has just been reported that sexual abuse lingers for decades. I would say that anyone who has been a victim of it female or male would have been able to tell you this from the beginning of time. This article addresses the true cost in terms of health and socioeconomic terms
Tag: work
Oct 06 2014
How Committed Are You To Feeling Better? – Vol. 109, July 14, 2011
Are you willing to get rid of all the excuses as to why it is that you are unable to follow your health care practitioner’s advise for what it takes to feel better? Donna N. tells of what it took for her to succeed at her treatment.
Sep 08 2014
Mental Disorders: The Sad Truth About Eating Disorder Treatment – Vol. 153, June 15
There is this idea in the majority of the eating disorder treatment centers that they have a better idea of how to heal eating disordered people than the eating disordered themselves. In many of these places it is thought that the main issue to be resolved is the ending of the compulsive behaviors that make …
Jun 16 2014
How to Help Someone with Depression: Show You Care – Vol. 146, April 27, 2012
We all need to know that we matter to our friends and family and yet I find it interesting that most people haven’t a clue in how to go about doing that. Maybe the real problem is that they haven’t an idea in how important it is to let others know that they do in …
Apr 24 2014
Transformation of Self Through Work
Transformation of Self Through Work – Vol. 254, April 24, 2014 For many people work represents boredom, hatred, ill will. This is a sad truth for over 75% of Americans who can’t stand their jobs. Many entered their jobs because someone close to them told them that the way to make money was to study …