This article demonstrates two examples of how two woman were derailed from their definite purposes and how they got back on track.
Tag: unconscious mind
Apr 07 2014
Doing Something New – Vol. 99 April 21, 2011
Dawning Visions is growing. In this newsletter it is explained that the newsletter is going from a monthly to a weekly publication cycle with lots of new exciting endeavors including products and services offered.
Dawning Visions is partnering with Doug Turet of Access Consciousness in offering an introductory one day training on May 28th in Haverhill, MA.
Mar 31 2014
Think First Before You Swallow That SSRI Antidepressant Pill – Vol. 136, Jan. 26, 2012
This past couple of weeks has given me an illuminating insight into some of the notions that Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. speaks to in his book The Biology of Belief when he says, “we are made in the image of God and we need to put Spirit back into the equation when we want to improve …
Mar 20 2014
Are You Consciously Unconscious
Are you living the life that you thought you wanted to find out that it is not fulfilling you? Perhaps if you got in touch with what you really wanted you could be a bit happier.
Feb 27 2014
How Does The Unconscious Mind Get Our Needs Met?
How Does The Unconscious Mind Get Our Needs Met? – Vol. 240, Feb. 27, 2014 There are many ways that our unconscious mind helps us to get our needs met. These are not necessarily items that we understand as “needs”, yet they still function as such. Let me give you a few examples of what I …
Oct 24 2013
So Your Thought Your Migraine Was Due to What?
So Your Thought Your Migraine Was Due to What? – Vol. 222, October 24, 2013 I would find it amusing if people weren’t hurting so bad, to hear the medical professionals blame migraines, back issues and many other soft tissue problems on physiological issues, medicating the symptoms, never handling the real issue. How can I say …