The Dangers of Over Prescribing Placebos and Narcotics – Vol. 98. April 2011

The twin dangers of prescribing placebo drugs and over prescribing pain medication is leading to a 500% increase in admissions to substance abuse programs and 400% increase in accidental deaths. This article explores both the larger ramifications of our medical community's unbelievably destructive protocol in the effort of shaving off some necessary office visit time, and a better way to get the help you or someone that you may love may need.

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Abuse of Anxiety Drug Increases Fatalities: Use Your Mind Instead – Vol. 120, September 29, 2011

According to an article in the New York Times, September 14, 2011, Xanax (generic name alprazolam), an anti-anxiety drug was the eighth most prescribed drug in the nation last year,…

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