Tag: Placebo

The Dangers of Over Prescribing Placebos and Narcotics – Vol. 98. April 2011

The twin dangers of prescribing placebo drugs and over prescribing pain medication is leading to a 500% increase in admissions to substance abuse programs and 400% increase in accidental deaths. This article explores both the larger ramifications of our medical community’s unbelievably destructive protocol in the effort of shaving off some necessary office visit time, and a better way to get the help you or someone that you may love may need.

PTSD for soldiers:How to cure depression naturally without turning to the drugs being promoted as cures for PTSD – Vol. 114, August 18, 2011

It seems that the United States government is the largest drug pusher that there is looking for the easiest way to take care of emotional issues by pushing drugs instead of dealing with the cause of the problem. In the MSNBC report of August 2, 2011, it was reported that a 6 month, randomized control …

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Healing starts in your mind

It is interesting to note that 70% of the time placebo effect was effective in treating Herpes, stomach ulcers and angina pectoris while reducing cancerous tumors and regenerating the immune system. In fact placebo effect accounts for everything that we do not know about the healing of shamans, hypnotists and other healers. This is based on how the brain’s neuron influence behavior.

The One Action you Must Do Now to avoid Psychosomatic Illness

A Doctor treating psychosomatic illness

What creates true health and wellbeing? Is it seeing your doctor every year? Eating healthy food? Exercising every day? Yes, taking these things into consideration is very important. There is something that is more important than all of these according to the research that Brene Brown Ph.D. and Lissa Rankin, M.D. have done on this …

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