Sexual Abuse Lingers for Decades: Is This Creating Issues in Your Life? – Vol. 110, July 21, 2011

It has just been reported that sexual abuse lingers for decades. I would say that anyone who has been a victim of it female or male would have been able to tell you this from the beginning of time. This article addresses the true cost in terms of health and socioeconomic terms

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Home Remedies for Heartburn and other ways to avoid your Prescription Pusher- Vol.156, July 6, 2012

Article Written by Donna M. Novi explores one of the most insidious issues of medical treatment today explored in “Wake Up Doctors” ad·dict [ áddikt ] somebody dependent on a drug: somebody who…

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Emotional Abuse Signs: What is Verbal Abuse and the Signs of an Abusive Relationship- Vol. 143, March 22, 2012

Being in practice for the past decade there are certain clients who come it to see me that are in toxic relationships that they feel are full of love and…

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