Healing starts in your mind

It is interesting to note that 70% of the time placebo effect was effective in treating Herpes, stomach ulcers and angina pectoris while reducing cancerous tumors and regenerating the immune system. In fact placebo effect accounts for everything that we do not know about the healing of shamans, hypnotists and other healers. This is based on how the brain's neuron influence behavior.

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Are You Truly Depressed? Maybe it is Something Else Entirely – Vol. 88 May, 2010

Depression is a symptom and our body's way of telling us something is wrong. There are many physiological, medication and nutritional reasons why one may feel depressed. This article explains these different considerations which have nothing to do with the use of anti-depressants.

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Whose life are you living?

Do you feel overwhelmed in life by all the responsibilities that you have? Are you doing some sort of addictive behavior because it allows you to stop feeling that anxious feeling in the pit of your stomach. The power of your unconscious mind can do amazing things when it is allowed to work for you instead of creating the unconscious thoughts and behaviors that make you feel that you are no longer in control.

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