Living gracefully into your 90’s
What does it take to live gracefully into your 90's? Apparently a well rounded life is what allows a fulfilling and happy life.
What does it take to live gracefully into your 90's? Apparently a well rounded life is what allows a fulfilling and happy life.
Hypnosis can easily help a person over come test anxiety. Here is the story of how one of my clients did just that.
There are many ways that one can make change in life. NLP and hypnosis are methods that work with the unconscious mind to clear many mental health issues including drug addiction and alcohol abuse.
A client's past family history, causes him to grind his teeth while sleeping, which in turn costs the man thousands of dollars in dental bill over the years. Suzanne uses hypnosis to change his feelings toward his family, thus relieving his body of the stress causing the habitual teeth-grinding.
Feeling the stress of the world throughout your body? Suzanne suggest a few ways to reduce stress in your life, including the use of self-hypnosis.
Hypnotic techniques aren't limited to tackling adult issues. Children of all ages can benefit in many ways from hypnosis.