Tag: NLP

Vol. 91, August, 2010 – Where Passion Creates Life

Work is an important part of our lives, however, sometimes we forget that there are other things in life that make life much more fulfilling than just the work that we do, no matter how meaningful that work may be. In this newsletter, Donna N. explains how it was that one passion in her life lead to another deeper passion that allows her to more fully live her life without the need of any chemical interference, prescribed or abused.

Is The Pharmacological Business is Running Your Life?

Suzanne discusses the advantages of using hypnosis techniques such as Time Line Therapy and NLP instead of medications.


Though change can sometimes be difficult, it is when we get out of those situations that we are able to see the negativity that surrounded us. Empowerment can come once we make the necessary changes.

Medicating, Supplementing, or Out Right Killing of Our Youth? – Vol. 104, May 30, 2011

Why is it that our FDA and other governmental agencies are allowing substances that are detrimental into our food sources and prescribing medications that have “death” as a possible result of taking? Donna N. expresses her own frustrations as she goes through a day in her life noting how our so-called technology is creating more problems than it is helping. There is a method to help yourself without any bad side effects, only good ones. Read to find out.

John Gray Interview Part 4 of Claim Your Excellent Life Podcast

John Gray Interview Part 4 of Claim Your Excellent Life Podcast -Vol. 232, Jan. 2, 2014 In Part 4 of John’s interview he covered much material on how the brain loses function when we introduce drugs, sugars and malnourishing food into our bodies because it creates free radicals. The free radicals cause our brains to …

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The Fine Art of Simplifying Life, Sounds Easy, But It Isn’t

The people with whom you surround yourself have a huge impact on how your life is lives. Have you ever considered if the friends you have are really people that you enjoy being around and are good to you? What would happen if you cleared the people that bring negative emotions into your life out of it?

Ditch Negativity: Get Aligned with Spirit – Vol. 127, Nov. 24

These past few weeks have been rather challenging for me. Though in the past I realized how to get above most of this stuff, I too am a human and sometimes fall into a zone of disbelief when my world seems to be falling apart from underneath me. The operative word here is “seems” as …

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