Tag: negativity

Trichotillomania: Do You Or One Of Your Kids Pull Out Hair?

Suzanne works with a child how habitually pulls at the hairs in his eyebrows. This action was caused buy what the child perceived as a traumatic act earlier in his life. Suzanne also discusses how this treatment may word differently for adults

Happiness is a Choice – Vol. 140, February 23, 2012

There is a mistaken belief that in concentrating our energies upon what is not working for us psychologically and medically we are able to provide health care. This is a mistaken belief for the absence of ill health is not health, it is merely a minimum baseline to be achieved. True health comes when their …

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Is The Pharmacological Business is Running Your Life?

Suzanne discusses the advantages of using hypnosis techniques such as Time Line Therapy and NLP instead of medications.


Though change can sometimes be difficult, it is when we get out of those situations that we are able to see the negativity that surrounded us. Empowerment can come once we make the necessary changes.

The Fine Art of Simplifying Life, Sounds Easy, But It Isn’t

The people with whom you surround yourself have a huge impact on how your life is lives. Have you ever considered if the friends you have are really people that you enjoy being around and are good to you? What would happen if you cleared the people that bring negative emotions into your life out of it?

Do You Feel Suffocated by Your Mother?

Invasive parental relationships can be traumatic and suffocating. Here, Suzanne discusses a few examples invasive relationships and urges readers not to let parents’ issues become their own

Dealing with Depression

Suzanne encourages all of her readers to seek qualified help regardless of situation they are in. That person could be a friend who can validate your feelings, or a trained professional who can help you reach the deeper meanings of your emotions and feelings.

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