Are You Consciously Unconscious
Are you living the life that you thought you wanted to find out that it is not fulfilling you? Perhaps if you got in touch with what you really wanted you could be a bit happier.
Are you living the life that you thought you wanted to find out that it is not fulfilling you? Perhaps if you got in touch with what you really wanted you could be a bit happier.
This book speaks to all those who both are experiencing the eating disorders of anorexia and bulimia and any practitioner who would like to know of an alternative method of…
Suzanne discusses the advantages of using hypnosis techniques such as Time Line Therapy and NLP instead of medications.
Katie Kindlan wrote on the December 6, 2011 ABC News Blog of the “picture perfect” computer generated models that the huge clothing retailer H&M is using on their website to…
John Gray Interview Part 2 of Claim Your Excellent Life Podcast - Manic Depression Explained in A New Fashion -Vol. 230, Dec. 19, 2013 During John Gray’s interview he educates…
What’s The Deal with the Rock and Roll Club 27 - Vol. 226, November 21, 2013 I read about the Club 27 in the USA Today of November 13, 2013, written by…
Over the past few years I have worked with several young women who found themselves in a precarious situation beginning with the innocent notion that they would just feel a…