Tag: matter

FEAR – 92% Of Your Fears Are Outside Your Reality

Fear - Graffiti

Vol.162, August 21, 2012 Fear is something that most mortals feel from time to time. It is even more common for those who watch or read the news with all the doom and gloom that is conveyed there on a daily basis. Unfortunately our American government is also great at creating anxious fearful feelings. As …

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Leigh Steinberg Learns the Hard Life Lessons of Alcoholism on His Career and Finances – Vol. 139, February 16, 2012

How is it that a man who has represented so many sports legends finds himself having to have filed for Chapter 7, personal bankruptcy? It is as is so often the case that the impulsive behaviors that manifest one with alcoholism are to be the cause for much of this man’s sad situation in life. …

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The Slippery Slope of Bulimia Nervosa – Vol. 125, Nov. 3, 2011

Over the past few years I have worked with several young women who found themselves in a precarious situation beginning with the innocent notion that they would just feel a bit better about themselves if they would just lose a few extra pounds. Instead what happened was that they got more and more engaged in …

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The Importance of Telling People that they Matter

Why is it that telling someone they matter is such a difficult act? In a Scientific American article it was noted that chronic loneliness changes the gene activity which can predispose people to all sorts of illnesses.

Is Quitting Smoking Weed ((Marijuana) the Same As Quitting Smoking Tobacco (Cigarettes, etc.)?

Vol. 181, December 29, 2012 Smokers truly believe that they are “addicted” to nicotine. However, the truth of the matter is that they are more involved in a habit of “trigger-response” with triggers leading to the use of cigarettes. The trigger can be anything from drinking alcohol to being bored to the people with whom …

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Journaling: A Great Way To Clear Your Mind, Lengthen Your Life and Bring in Miracles – Vol. 167, Sept. 22, 2012

There was a study in 1996 that was done with patients with asthma and rheumatoid arthritis who after writing about the most stressful event of their lives, experienced a decrease in symptoms. In my practice I work with many clients who have had emotional issues come up that have blocked them from feeling happy, content, …

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The One Action you Must Do Now to avoid Psychosomatic Illness

A Doctor treating psychosomatic illness

What creates true health and wellbeing? Is it seeing your doctor every year? Eating healthy food? Exercising every day? Yes, taking these things into consideration is very important. There is something that is more important than all of these according to the research that Brene Brown Ph.D. and Lissa Rankin, M.D. have done on this …

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