Do You Feel Suffocated by Your Mother?
Invasive parental relationships can be traumatic and suffocating. Here, Suzanne discusses a few examples invasive relationships and urges readers not to let parents' issues become their own
Invasive parental relationships can be traumatic and suffocating. Here, Suzanne discusses a few examples invasive relationships and urges readers not to let parents' issues become their own
Suzanne discusses the unconscious roots of claustphobic behaivior and suggests hypnosis as a way to overcome those feelings of fear.
Suzanne encourages all of her readers to seek qualified help regardless of situation they are in. That person could be a friend who can validate your feelings, or a trained professional who can help you reach the deeper meanings of your emotions and feelings.
Stuck in a funk. Learn how hypnosis and NLP are different from the traditional talk therapy out there.
Suzanne use personal history techniques to help a client understand the reasons for his nicotine addiction.
What does it take to live gracefully into your 90's? Apparently a well rounded life is what allows a fulfilling and happy life.
A client's past family history, causes him to grind his teeth while sleeping, which in turn costs the man thousands of dollars in dental bill over the years. Suzanne uses hypnosis to change his feelings toward his family, thus relieving his body of the stress causing the habitual teeth-grinding.